I was hearing rumors of this last night. He was very good with the Pats, but that much cash for him seems insane. I'm not familiar with the type the style Philly plays but hopefully for them it isn't heavy on press. The Pats play mostly cover 3 which is why most of the time their corners play off the line, which suited the small Samuel very well. He's one of the best guessers in terms of jumping routes in the NFL right now, but he's not Ty Law or Deion Sanders and he can't help a team if that team doesn't generate a decent passrush.
do you think this means the eagles will trade lito shepphard, i have been hearing rumors he wants to go and now they payed this guy a boatload of money, what will they do?
Its Official... A.Samuel is a Eagle Great pickup for Philly.... A.Samuel has the most INTS in the NFL over the past 2 seasons
Yeah, I hate to say it, but I like Asante Samuel. He's gonna look real good catching touchdown passes from Eli Manning.
This was expected. WFAN made this call this afternooon. Know what? This ain't no big deal. Talented guy, but those around him made him look much better than he is. We're spending the money in other areas right now... the right areas, in my opinion.
If we didn't have Revis in the fold I'd be pissed. Samuel's bloated contract will be better spent in an area of more need. Obviously you can never have too much talent on your team, it's just not where we need it the most. After tieing up Rhodes in the very near future that would be way too much money invested in the secondary.
It's unfortunate that we didn't sign him, but when any good player leavs the Pats it's good news to me :wink: