Although (like most people) I usually find Dan LeBetard's appearances on PTI to be painfully awful, he has been ahead of the curve on this one - he has been saying for months that this story is "overhyped but underreported." The media was thrilled to trot out yet another "...Gate" name (do people even remember any more what the origin was of that usage? I wonder), but there has been little interest in actually asking the questions about what really happened, and what might have been happening for years. I am far from a conspiracy theorist, but you do have to wonder about whether the desire to do so is there when the NFL puts hundreds of millions of dollars every year into the coffers of CBS, NBC, Fox, and ESPN.
I don't know, I've never known any. I'm not Richard (Tiffany, did you know that's his middle name?) Gere.
I think he started out as a fantastic commish.. I really liked how he took a stand against disruptive players like pac-man... but he gets a big F for how handled spygate
You must have missed it. Lately I have been busy with family matters, so I was out of work and not posting much. Good to know that you missed me, tho. :wink:
The tapes were destroyed in Shitboro and not in NY..... WTF. The NFL is about to lose all credibilty. Goodell also punished the chicken before all the evidence was in. This is not good for the NFL. However the NFL is the sacred cow in sports so I'm sure the media will brush this under the rug like Goodell tried to do.
I agree....ain't no stoppin' the NFL gravy train. I don't think anything significant comes out of this.
Thanks, Abyzmul. I always liked that show, so I'll take it as a compliment...after all, Erckel always got the better of his adversaries in the end.
I don't know what you all expect out of this. 1. The NFL told the Patriots they were breaking the rules. 2. The Patriots admitted it and cooperated with the league. 3. The NFL levied it's punishment, which is at the discretion of the commisioner, and the commisioner levied the maximum punishment under the NFL by-laws. 4. There were and are no laws broken here, so Congress can't do much of anything legally. 5. The NFL is ultimately a conglomerate of private owners, and can assign penalties as they see fit, since they own it, and this is a rules violation, not a legal violation, like steroid use. The government really has no jurisdiction here.
Then you have nothing to worry about then do you? You can go back to your Pats forums and pretend like this is no big deal. I for one feel cheated. Nothing you or anyone can say, and nothing Congress can do will ever reverse the fact that the integrity of the league has been compromised.
Nah, I like it here. I don't get what people here actually expect to come of this. I welcomed the investigation...they can investigate all they want, that's fine with me. People here are acting like they think something will come out of this....but nothing will, because this is just a sideshow in the war between Comcast and the NFL Network. Actually, I am hoping that Specter gets the NFL to bend and give in, since I am a Comcast customer myself, and have to pay for the NFL Network.
They NFL will cooperate becuase with out the exemption from Anti Trust, the NFL could no longer negiotate TV deals for the league and it would be up to each team to negiotate it's own deal. Not a very good thing for the league particularly when they are operating their own network and using anti competitive practices to limit viewership. If the NFL continues to be percieved as a rigged game like the WWF instead of a fair competition, it's hard to see them continuing to get this exemption. This would end every exclusive league tv deal and force each team to negiotate it's own deal. The public has awarded the NFL special treatment the NFL owes it to the public to put on a fair contest.
If they have been cheating since 2000, and Goodell thinks the punishment he gave them fits the crime I think Goodell needs to be fired. I thought the punishment was only for the Jets game....not years of cheating and WINNING SUPERBOWLS!.
Isn't it funny how all year whenever a spygate story came up ESPN would say how this is only going to anger the Patriots and the next opponent better watch out. See, the Pats were gonna take out their frustrations of being called cheaters on whomever the next victim was. It was working well too. Then it all came down to the final game and after a couple of spygate stories and questions at media day it was gonna be the Giants that were gonna feel the wrath. There was one problem, though. Pats didn't have the Giants defensive signals. LOL. So they lost. Like they wouldda in 02 versus the Rams....or 04 versus the Panthers....or 05 versus Philly. The one problem is that we (the Jets) hired a coach based on the fact that Belichick was a genius. Only he isn't..........and now we're stuck with the towel boy. He did do a hell of a job exposing NE as cheaters. It shows that Belichick, for all his supposed genius, was too stupid to understand that when Mangini said "Don't tape us", he meant it. But is it stupidity, or just the fact that Belichick always taped the other team? That's just the way he did business.....and you can bet that if it started in 00, and he got caught in 07, that he had it down to a science. Tape the signals, synch it with play and the audio, and by the third quarter you have everything you need. We don't even need to know what was on the tapes that the NFL destroyed. It would be nice to have them so Belichick can be thrown out of the league, but we as fans now know that the whole Pats dynasty was a sham........and it was the little old Jets that made it happen. So, finally...finally, we get a little slice of revenge for losing the border war. Parcells...Belichick...Mo Lewis...Brady...Super Bowls.....Mangini. We weren't gonna win anything in that time anyway. If the Pats didn't win, it was gonna be other teams besides the Jets hoisting the Lombardi. So we got em the only way we could. You shouldda listened and not been taping week 1 against the Jets, Belicheat! You were warned. You didn't listen...and you got exposed.