Belichick: Jets camera not approved December 15, 2007 NEW YORK (Ticker) - The verbal back-and-fourth between Bill Belichick and New York Jets coach Eric Mangini just won't end. In the latest chapter of this bitter rivalry, the New England Patriots' coach is disputing Mangini's claim that the Jets did nothing wrong when they used a second end zone camera while video taping January's playoff game in Foxboro. The Jets organization and Mangini indicated earlier this week that the camera and its operator were recording the game with the Patriots' permission. Not so according to Belichick. ( well he would say that woudn't he!) "I was never asked for permission nor was anyone in our video department asked for permission for a second end zone camera," Belichick said after his morning news conference Friday, according to a report on New York Newsday first reported the incident earlier this week, noting that the Jets employee video taping the game was told to stop and asked leave the area in the mezzanine of Gillette Stadium. "We asked for permission, it was granted, then that changed and we respect their decision," Mangini told the newspaper, calling the practice of using a second end zone camera "standard operating procedure." The Jets are not changing their stance, regardless of Belichick's comment. "We stand by our earlier comments that we received approval from the Patriots," Jets senior director of media relations Bruce Speight said Friday. "We will just have to agree to disagree." This probably wouldn't be such a big deal if not for recent history. In September, a Patriots employee was caught recording Jets defensive signals from the sideline during a game at Giants Stadium. That incident resulted in a $500,000 fine against Belichick, an additional $250,000 fine for the Patriots, and the loss of a first-round pick in April's draft The NFL has given no indication as to whether it will investigate this latest matter. In a game with no shortage of storylines, the unbeaten Patriots (13-0) host the Jets (3-10) on Sunday at Gillette Stadium. The Patriots are trying to become only the second team in league history to win their first 14 games. The 1972 Miami Dolphins, who went 17-0, are the only team to accomplish that feat. Additionally, weather is expected to be a factor with a wintry mix expected throughout the game.
this is where credibility plays a factor. if it's my word against a guy's word who was caught cheating, whose word will you believe?
You always go with the "Boston" answer.. What the reporter who asked Mangini the question should of followed up with "Who in the Pats Organization gave you permission?" .. Just my .02 cents..
Look we all know how the Pats won all those years. It was not with talent or great coaching or having one of the most clutch QBs of all time................ Nope they taped the other teams and knew what was coming. Live it, learn it, love it. :smile: I am sure Robert Kraft on down gave Mangini permission to film from the sidelines. How conveniently they forget. Shit, I bet Brady gave permission to Mangini so he can film him banging Bridget Moynahan and Gisele B?ndchen from the sidelines. Those are the real tapes the NFL should be investigating.............................. excuse me selling................... :smile:
I don't even know why/how the Jets cameras are a story. Go to any game, there are always additional team cameras in the mezzanine level at either endzone. This is one of the pivotal angles for the 'coaches' tape of the game. All Belichick saying he didn't give the Jets permission to have a camera there says, to me, is that he's unnecessarily paranoid.... That's pretty much the worst possible angle, except maybe directly behind the opposing team's sideline, they could have to try to record the opposing team's signals. It just comes off as immature to not allow a camera there. On the sidelines it makes perfect sense to be suspicious... Up in the mezzanine level at the endzones, it is really a non-factor. Depriving the other team of a certain angle for their coaches' tape really just seems immature to me.... That's just my opinion though.... There's no audio from there, there's not a decent view of the sideline from there, what the hell is the problem?
Puck.. this whole post is bordering becoming my sig.. You already made honorable mention with the last gem, but this one is HOF material.. :rofl2:
Hey.. I'm with ya.. I'm a little surprised BB even answered that question.. Tom Curran the person who conducted the interview used to be a beat writer for the Pats, and he was one of the few that were close to BB.. Maybe that's why he got an answer.. Lets just play ball..
Its just more of Belichick's B.S...when this came out the nfl said the jets dis nothing illegal...Belichick is just a whiny little bitch, he got fined by the NFl and the jets did not, so whos right the nfl or belichick
It's going to be the PAYBACK Bowl - and I have to think Bill is not going to let up. I am thinking that Bill goes for it on every 4th down, 5 wide all game, onside kicks, flea flickers, benches the punter... throws the whole enchililda at Mangini and gets the score so outrageous that Mangini (read: fat rat) is fired right after the game. No press conf... just an empty mic and then an announcement by the JETS organization saying "Mangini has been let go for total ineptitude and being a rat". Wouldn't that be sweeeeet payback.
Is anyone wondering why it took almost a year for this to be reported? I mean spygate was done that day but yet this took 11 months for it to come out.
Hey BB '07 I believe all the payback over this incident has happened, to the tune of 3/4 of a million dollars. All that is is going to happen on Sunday is either: a)the pats are embarrassed to lose to a jets team that stinks b)the Pats win against a jet team that stinks Oh, and do you think Bill goes on message boards on the internet and uses your name as his user name? If he did, wouldn't people think he's a loser?