5 things the Jets need to do in the offseason

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Br4d, Dec 29, 2006.

  1. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    We are not even at the same level as the Buffalo Bills and the Detroit Lions on the lines.
  2. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    You’ve got my vote for retarded post of the year – I really don’t want to get into it with you because I can see it will go no where but here are a few high level things;

    1) This team has not progressed one ounce; it has in fact regressed so far that it’s almost unrecognizable.

    2) The difference in going 2 – 14 and 7 – 9 directly affects your ability to recruit both qualified players and coaches in the offseason.

    3) The idea that some fans are fans so they can complain is asinine; yeah…I’d be pissed if we were the patriots. The idea that a fan should shut up and take it is asinine; the fact is this team has not been CLOSE to competitive in decades. I do NOT consider going 10 – 6 and entering the playoffs five times with absolutely NO reasonable chance for a championship competing. Because you are one of the filler teams in the playoffs does not make a season successful.

    4) The difference between going 2 – 14 and 7 – 9 has a direct affect on who is going to drop and give ManRetard 20 when he asks and who is going to pull a Kendall and run their mouths off the team.

    5) The difference between going 2 – 14 and 7 – 9 has everything to do with who will buy into the system and philosophy and who won’t.

    6) The difference between going 2 – 14 and 7 – 9 when you have lead or tied or been close in 8 – 10 games after halftime only to lose speaks volumes for the incompetence of the coaching staff and their inability to make adjustments.

    7) The difference between going 2 – 14 and 7 – 9 in the second year of a no-name coach’s three year contract should speak for itself…can I say lame duck next year?

    Tell me Nostradamus – what exactly do you see us building besides a steaming pile of shit?
  3. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    When I went to Pittsburgh, and I told them that some Jets fans wanted Mangini fired, they laughed at me and thought that was ridiculous.

    To me, the difference is simple. We were a very average team last year who had an easy schedule and who won all the close games. This year, for many reasons, the team has lost all the close games but one, largely because our quarterback struggled late in games and our defense couldn't stop the run.

    I admit the offseason wasn't great. Revis and Harris both look very good, especially Harris, but you can't trade up twice like that and expect to generate any sort of depth. Hopefully they learn from their mistakes and we have a good offseason this year. I think it would be ridiculous to fire Mangini after this season unless the team just gives up in the last few games.
  4. glenfoley

    glenfoley New Member

    Nov 22, 2007
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    Fixing the Jets

    I have been reading this site for a while but here is my first post. As a bit of a disclaimer, I am a Boston guy and a Pats fan (season ticket holder since 1995). That being said, I am a big AFC East fan and have nothing against the Jets. I loved the rivalry when Parcells bolted and took Curtis Martin with him. Anyway, here is my sense of the Jets.

    The biggest thing any team needs when they are losing is an infusion of more talented players and, perhaps equally importantly, players with the right kind of attitude. I think Parcells and BB and most of the guys in that coaching tree have had this one down for a while - they bring in their guys and have great success in pulling guys off the scrap heap and getting better than average performance. For the Jets, this has to be their number one priority for the next few years. The Jets need to be grabbing O-Line and D-Line players from practice squads, cut down lists, and street free agents. If you can backfill some talent in at those positions, you can work on building more broadly through the draft. Along those lines, you guys could have used Pete Kendall this year. With a guy like Thomas Jones and a young QB, this team needs to run the ball to be successful on offense and it just hasnt been there this year. I cant speak on the ability of the GM and scouting staff, but the lack of quality young players from the last few years is a little alarming.

    I have seen some reports that the Jets are thinking on taking Howie Long's kid and converting him to a linebacker. I would be against this. It can be a process to switch a guy from D-Line to linebacker and there are many people who just cant do it. My sense would be following the Pats and looking for a nice D-Lineman in the draft. Forget skill players in the early rounds and focus on building the lines and grab a tight end. Big and tough would suit the Jets nicely.

    In regards to the coaching, I always thought it was a mistake for the Jets to hire Mangini when they did. I didnt look so good the first year, but feel a little bit of redemption this year in that regard. When he was the DC with the Pats, he really underwhelmed a lot of people. Actually, during that year he was disparaged by a few of the vets (Willie McGinest called him a kid and there were some nameless comments that he just focused on the dbacks and the Dline and linebackers worked with their coaches). Regardless, it was a bad year for the Pats D (lots of injuries too) and when they went on their late season run BB took over the defensive calls from Mangini. I have NEVER seen BB do more coaching of the D during games than that year. He also showed some anger on the sidelines on a number of occasions regarding positioning and play-calling before he took the playcalling away from Mangini. Now, Mangini might become an excellent headcoach but I never saw how anyone would know based on his performance in NE. My best sense is that he should be surrounded by some older, wiser, and quite experienced coordinators. This might be a bit hard now, but my sense is that the Jets should buck up and look to improve the OC and DC. If Mangini fails, you have a guy to replace him but I tend to think with some seasoning and the right people around him he will be successful. I do think you guys need a very good quarterback coach. Brian Daboll did a nice job in NE, but my sense is that you need someone quite skilled to worked with Clemens.

    So to sum up:

    1) some tweaking of the front office/talent eval staff
    2) focus on building from the O-Line and D-Line back. Short term do this through cheap FA, practice squad, journeymen, etc in the Parcells/BB mold.
    3) focus on getting tougher and being able to run the ball and stop the run.
    4) coaches focus on Parcells/BB way of doing things - more screens, draws, in the short term.
    5) upgrade coaches around Mangini - at best it makes him a better coach and improves results on field and at worst it gives you potential replacements
    6) get a new QB coach to work with Clemens.

    One last point, I saw someone mentioned lavish a five year extension on Cotchery. I dont see the need at this point - you can get a productive receiver pretty easily if need be. I think Parcells and BB have given you guys a good model to follow. Mangini comes from that coaching tree and it makes sense to follow the model while he is here. I know people there hate BB now, but man o man that coaching tree has consistently produced guys who preach tough d, running the ball, and consistently win. If you follow that model, it wouldnt surprise me to see the Jets win 8 or 9 next year and be right back in it the following year.

    I miss the days when people used to talk about the AFC East as the toughest division in football.
  5. glenfoley

    glenfoley New Member

    Nov 22, 2007
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    What makes you think the Jets are beginning to do things the right way? I agree with the previous poster that trading up is not the recipe for success for a team in the Jets position. You want lots of picks and if you dont like the guys there you either trade down or trade a pick this year for a better one next year.

    Outside of that, I think what you say makes sense. The way things have always worked - whether its war or football - is to ape the successful and copying the Pats, Steelers, and Colts right now would be the way to go.
  6. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    1) What's wrong with the front office/talent eval staff? In two drafts they got Brick, Mangold, Clemens, Smith&Smith, Washington, Revis and Harris. Very few teams have ever gotten then many quality players out of two drafts this quickly. Obviously it's still to early to judge the draft but they got plenty of quality players out of those two drafts.
    2) In two offseasons they drafted 3 offensive lineman and signed Anthony Clement, Adrian Clarke and they just brought in a Will Montgomery. They signed one defensive lineman in Coleman and brought in an undrafted lineman in Devito this past year who has finally seen playing time. It doesn't seem like there have been many D lineman in the draft that fit the 3-4 the last two years. Ngata is the one guy I would have liked for NT but they couldn't go into another season without a LT.
    3) I think they want to improve the toughness of the lines and improve the run play but they just aren't that good on the lines. Many people think they should have signed big ticket free agents but historically that doesn't work. The front seven has improved the last two weeks but they still need to add a dominating 2 gap NT and a dynamic OLB. This has to be the biggest need this offseason is to improve the lines.
    4) Very difficult to run screens or draws when your offensive line sucks.
    5) I don't know if he needs an upgrade in coaches so much as an upgrade on talent at the lines. It wouldn't matter if Parcells, Belichick and Weis were here if they had horrible lines.
    6) Why do they need a new qb coach?

    Belichick and Polian have shown that you build a team through the draft, cheap free agent signings and patience. It takes time but if it's done right you have a team that can compete year in and year out. Mangini was hired before he was ready to run a team and he's learning from mistakes which any first time coach has to do. The Jets players seem to respect him and play hard for him. I think if the Jets fan base and management has the patience to see the plan through eventually the Jets and Pats will be on the same level.
  7. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Now looks like you have the retard post of the year buddy
  8. ScotlandJet

    ScotlandJet New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    Sorry Brad, I've joined the Darkside. 5 things.
    1. Learn to drink more to numb the pain on Monday
    2. Learn to have Monday off so you don't have to see your buddies
    3. Lower your expectations, a top 6 pick is best we can hope for
    4. Lock up Mike Westoff for the rest of his natural life, pay him Billions so he can't be HC, if someone suddenly realises he is the answer so we can be a great team, pay a mob guy to off him. Jets fans have no right to Success.
    5. Woody, don't sell.
  9. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    The point is that we went 10-6 last year and the only thing it did was make everyones expectations completely off the charts compared with the talent of the team. We didn't get free agents who wanted to come here, players didn't sign for less money to be part of a "winner". It's a business, guys want to make money. Sure there are exceptions but not many. Once this season is over it's over. We get a better draft pick and a bunch of fans and media with lower expectations. The only thing I care about is that we continue to draft good players, sign some cheap free agents and build a team from within. I know everyone wants to bitch about the teams history but if you want to be good for a long time you have to be patient now. As I've said I would rather suck for a few years and build through the draft and then be good for 10 years.
  10. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    10-6 means nothing to this argument. Nobody would be bitching if the Jets were headed to a 6-10 type season because that was what the talent supported. We're bitching because the wheels have fallen off the clown cart and the Jets are on the verge of laughingstock status. In fact, they ARE laughingstocks at this point between spygate, gate D and 2-9.

    The concept that 10-6 last year is why we're unhappy with 2-9 is ludicrous. We'd be unhappy with 2-9 if we went 1-15 last year.
  11. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Trading aging malcontents for picks. The Abraham deal. The calibur of talent they have found through the draft.

    I'm not a fan of trading up, but its hard to agrue that both Revis and Harris will be very good. The previous draft they shuffled around and picked up extra picks in the process.

    I do not see one or two free agents changing this team around right away.

    Outside of an Alan Fanica, I do not want to dump big time cash at a guy would would still not fix the problems on the O-line.

    I would like to think that this year they stay in thier spot or move down in the draft for the most part. They have found talent early and have some potential from thier latter round picks. If they continue not to miss in round one and start finding gems in the later rounds it would be the ideal situation.
  12. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    I would not mind any of these types of moves. In fact I would very happy with them. The main thing is the O and D line. Take care of our blocking problems and the rest of the picture becomes much clearer.
  13. Mickey Shuler 82

    Mickey Shuler 82 New Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    The worst thing the Jets could do now -- the worst -- would be to start panicking.

    They made the inenvitable move away from Chad this year -- causing a setback that resulted from keeping him in place too long to finally prove his shortcomings, and and a setback that is resulting from Clemens being thrust into the fray. Jury is still out on Clemens, but the kid is tough, has a very good arm and has shown an ability to lead the team in crunch time. All of those are good signs.

    The OL needs two new guards. Moore is horrible, and the revolving door at LG isn't helping anyone. I think Brick will be OK -- maybe not #4 worthy, but certainly above average LT. I'd like to see a FA plugged into RT.

    Most importantly, they need a true 2-gap NT. I think they'll let Robertson go; if he stays he needs to move to an end position. Until they have this position solidified, the rest of the defense is compromised. Harris is excellent -- future Pro Bowler. I think Revis is playing about as well as you can expect a rookie at CB to play. He'll only get better. My advice: get rid of Barton, Coleman, Vilma next year. I like JV, but he's not making the plays a good linebacker would make in a different scheme.

    The Jets need a burner at WR -- Cotchery = Coles. They can now open up the playbook, but have no speed to take advantage of Clemens' arm.

    If I saw the team quitting, I'd have bigger problems with coaching. So far, it looks OK.
  14. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    1. fine...gotta clean once in a while
    2. That's exactly what we've been doing...time to get more aggressive building the line through draft/FA, cause these journeymen and feel-good-stories just aren't working (can wait till the 2nd, cause I want McFadden)
    3. See #2-McFadden (gonna try not to be annoying about him between now and the draft, but it's like the toy you wanted for Christmas when you were 5 years old)
    4. Sounds too much like Penny/Hackett-ball. Time to open it up O'brien-style (I can't believe I just said that)
    5. New D coordinator that can keep up with Mangini's D, not some recylced old fart from the last regime. keep schotty for another year (he WAS almost a head coach
    6. schotty-duh! (If Brees is any indication, I wanna keep this guy around)
  15. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    1. Size on D-line.

    The Pats, Chargers, and Cowboys biggest strength is the 900+ pound D-lines they own.

    Signing Tommy Kelly/Haynesworth/R. Starks would be nice. So would drafting someone like Dre Moore, Kentwan Balmer, Kendall Langford etc.

    2. Talent on the O-line.

    Stacy Andrews...Justin Smiley...Otah...Williams...Cherilius...

    3. A pass rusher.


    4. A big, young, talented WR.

    Jordy Nelson!!
  16. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    LMAO, i guess it's okay for you to hate on a previous Jets coach, but not okay when other fans dont like this Jets coach.

    Totally Addicted
    Join Date: Aug 2004

    I love this article. Herm is so full of sh$t. Says he is going to bring added discipline to the cheifs. It's just all a smoke screen, he's a con artist.

    Mangina is just as big of a con artist/smoke screener as edwards is. He's just as FOS as Edwards is, but he presents it differently.

    It's your perogative to swallow his line of crap if you want, but one day you might want to take off your mangina goggles and see he's done a lousy job this year.

    One year from now, either this team shows signs of turning it around for real, or he is going to be ridden out of town faster than you can say metro-North.
  17. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Don't forget the cheering for Chads injury.

    Truly embarrassing year to be a Jets fan...
  18. fake_crs

    fake_crs New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Wait Wait, wont drafting McFadden fix everything???!!!!?!!! Of course replacing Chad with Kellen has already done wonders for this team. Not sure where we can even fit anymore improvements now that kellen is the starting QB instead of Chad. But drafting Mcfadden, yeah that should do the trick and next year we will be champions!!!!

    /sarcasm off
  19. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Play Action sucks.

    QB's both stare down the primary targets without looking the safety off.

    Zero Pump Fakes.

    (i.e...we throw that out route that gets jumped so often, that the pump should be used to break the guy long on 3rd and 4, so that later in the game
    the CB is wary of jumping the route.)

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    You do realize we are rebuilding or did you miss that memo?

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