Chicago doesn't make it out of the first round in the AFC last year and are likely a wild card team. Baltimore was one and done with McNair at home last year. The 2000 Ravens don't get out of the second round this year.
Wont have to start a thread. We wont have much choice after they wheel Kellen out on a stretcher after his head gets removed from his body with the Blitzes the Skins will be sending at him. Last I looked we will be starting the same offensive ( and I do mean OFFENSIVE!) line. He goes 12-26, 135 yards , 2int's , 0 Td's
I agree and that's all I'm saying. This team is not getting past anyone with just Clemens. They need a great defense and a much improved running game to have any chance of getting past those teams. If they had those two thing then Clemens would be fine. A great QB like Manning was able to overcome a lot of short comings Indy had for years but still couldn't get them to the SB until last year.
Without the QB on the roster teams trying to build a SB team are at a huge disadvantage. It effects every decission a team makes. When you have that guy in place the organization is moving forward when you don't your moving sideways at best and backwards most of the time. Clemens is the key to our team, our rebuild and our future, it's really that simple. I think the guy has huge skills and upside, if I'm wrong the Jets are going to have a tough time selling tickets in the new stadium let alone building a team that is going to seriously compete. One of the reasons so many organizations fail is they over rate the talent they have at QB because it's much easier to feel you don't need to develop someone new than trying to get one.
You're right and I hope you are also right about Clemens. For whatever reason I don't think Mangini agrees that Clemens is the future though. This could be a problem with Mangini or it could be a problem with Clemens. We are about to find out. There is just no other reason I can think of that he hasn't been playing already or that he was demoted from second to third string in the middle of the season last year or that Mangini named Pennington the starter before this year ever began.
Well, for what it is worth.... If you guys had a decent O-line and gave Chad some protection.... the guy would be on fire. He is wicked dangerous / accurate if given the time to step up, plant, and throw. I am of the opinion Chad's arm appears to be weak (illusion) because he is not able to plant his feet and use his legs in his throwing mechanics. Just my opinion.
Redskins play good man to man football, both thier safeties are ballhawks and they have 3 tough fast corners... This is going to be a test for Mr clemens... I hope he has a good good day, but I wont be too shocked if he has multi interceptions. Your wrong.. Just my opinion....
If you watched the Jets a lot you'd have qualified your statements above with: Against non-playoff teams and the odd Marty Schottenheimer-coached team...
No, No. I don't hate Clemens at all. Don't think I've spewed any. I'll have to go back and read. It has nothing to do with him.
I cant post link yet dammit... go here ill type it ht/tp:// Ignore -- delete the / of course in ht/tp: All NFL games are streamed there for SopCast
Dont worry the channels will update closer to gametime. Try this too if ya have problems..
It sucks that Coles is out today. Also, the Skins are coming back from a beating and probably looking to play very hard. I hope the Jets find their running game today. Clemens will need the help for the Jets to win this one from Thomas Jones....not to mention my fantasy team needs the help from Thomas Jones.
So, it's only 1 drive. But your boy Clemens seems like the real deal. He looked solid. I'm liking this guy. Congrats on a great pickup. He seems really in control of the offense, and alot more confident than Pennington.
Wow are you guys excited yet? Your team looks good-- and that Redskins D is pretty good (penalties notwithstanding) Clemens is going to be something