ummm ok.... and you are basing your opinion on... college film? or maybe his single start? you make no sense on this particular subject sir.
Yeah we did; however, we had a bad game. That is a long way from being a bad team. Only thing I am confident in is not throwing hard objects at the tv this week...I got nerf now.
I think Clemens will break 200 yards and have a couple of TDs and a couple of INTs. And hopefully that'll be enough for a win.
Believe me a lot of fans on this board make no sense! I can see a clamour for fans to drafta new QB come Monday. Lets see what the kid has guys b4 we start annointing him the new Joe. Jees
We need to see a good half dozen starts out of Clemens before we'll get an idea if he's the real deal or not. The first 3 starts really should weight very little into the evaluation. It's starts 4-6 that will give us a better idea.
I don't know. If he doesn't fix the offense tomorrow then its not about arm strength. Why start him anymore?
Because bad teams look at their options for the future instead of clinging to the things that worked in the past but no longer do.
you know, im a huge family guy fan....but putting peter in a green uniform is kind of.....i dont know. not good. peters a patsie fan....and he has balls for a chin....those are his 2 faults....and hes fat, so 3.
If the problem is Chad like so many here have been yelling all season. If the people here are correct that to run the ball you need to stretch the field with the pass( as opposed to every football expert I've ever heard who believes you establish the run to open up the passing game). If Kellen is equal to Chad and has the arm to zip it in there, the offense should purr like a kitten tomorrow. Ol Noodle Arm was the problem. Problem solved.
This either shows your complete lack of knowledge, proves your fanboyism of Chad, or proves you're a troll. And you don't strike me as terribly stupid.
this game is one of the few we have a shot at. Washington is coming off a beating. Clinton portis is a pussy. Campbell youth is going to cause him to be the only victim of our shhitt defense. He should be good and shellshocked after last game. Jets win an ugly game Clemens has one less turnover than campbell. Mangini sucks but I seriously think he pulls this one out amd gains a little momentum. Just enough to make sure our draft pick isn't all that special can it really happen any other way?
I'm confident I know as much football as the average message board fan. I used the term Ol Noodle Arm. That's got to count for something. I'm not the best looking guy in the world but I don't look like I just crawled out from under a bridge.hmy: Thanks for not calling me stupid.:beer:
we know he has....he is clearly above the pre season scrubs.....that means he is NFL level...that leaves the remaining question ...What level.....? I am guessing kenny Obrien, with feet...Hold on...