In this video from, NFL VP of Officiating Mike Pereira explains the officials' ruling in the game vs the Bengals on the 'simultaneous catch' on what looked like a Revis INT... Pereira, himself, seems to believe that it should have been ruled an INT, but he explains where the logic for the call made came from... Before that, in the video, as he is examining the false start rule, when a QB is lined up under center, and never resets elsewhere, when the snap never touches him, he uses a play we used vs the Giants as an example... In one of our supposed 'trick plays' on a direct snap to Leon, Pereira explains that it was not a legal play, because Pennington wandered out after going under center without resetting anywhere in the backfield before the ball was snapped... So that play, in our playbook, is not even legal by NFL rules.... Genius coaching staff..... You can't expect every fan to know these rules, but coaches need to know the rulebook inside and out before they try to get fancy drawing up plays....
His point is that since the team is losing he's looking for any reason, however small, to bash the coaching staff. What he didn't mention was the other plays from other teams that they showed that also were not called in the game, and neither was the one that we ran. People really need such a small reason to bitch and whine when we're losing.
It may be a bit nitpicky, but let's face it. It's been amateur hour this season by our coaching staff. I'm not particularly impressed.
it's not illegal until it's called ty law mugging marvin harrison for years was "illegal", does that mean BBAV didnt know the rules?
It's too bad we wasted our free pass for that play without the play's having had any meaningful effect in a game that mattered. Sometimes tricks plays should be saved instead of squandered.
I dont know how the Ref's calling the game really shows any fault on our coaching staff. But if that play really is an illegal play and i we ran it (i dont remember an illegal formation call) But if that did take place, then yes, this absolutly falls on the coaches and is a stupid and rookie like mistake, but lets not ridicule mangini or shotty for thier effort, its only happened once and i betcha it wont happen again....
They've run that play a number of times (this season and last) and never have I seen Chad set himself before the snap. This play is not an isolated incident, but something tells me we won't be seeing too much of it in the future.
is it only illegal if he sets himself under center first? bc i have seen peyton flagged for this before...and when explained it was something about if the qb never sets to begin with it is a legal play... if that is the case it would be on pennington not the cs
The point is that ours is designed so that Chad puts his hands under center completely, before walking away... It's not the same play... They showed the Falcons doing their version, and it was legal... A little more research would be nice before the coaches designed the playbook
Exactly... If the QB goes under center and is set, and then walks out from under center one of two things needs to happen... A) He goes back and receives the snap or B) He re-sets as a back elsewhere on the field, and the snap goes to one of the RBs.... But I think you've got to put it on the CS, because it is Pennington's job to execute the plays how they're drawn up... You've got to assume they did it in practice, and the CS told him he was doing it correctly... Why would I mention the other ones? I'm not here to debate the job that Sean Payton is doing in New Orleans, etc... There were two points of interest in the video pertaining to the Jets.... I thought it would be interesting to post the video and talk about it here, in the Jets forum....
Mike Pereira is usually a stubborn ass in these segments too, often times giving his refs the benefit of the doubt... That he would come out and openly say that he would have called it an INT, shows how bad a call that was....
Just another reason why refs shouldn't have different day jobs. Or off-season jobs. Or working at the Kreemy Stand. Or whatever the hell it is they do when they're not learning to be well-versed on the field.
finally, someone who gets it think about another example. patriots DBs played "illegally" for years were they coached poorly by BBAV?
Thank you. People saying the coach needs to learn it.:wink: Heck the refs whos job it is to recognize this stuff didn't even notice it. Multiple times no less. People are just looking for ANY reason to string up Mangini. IMO it was a good play in our book until someone on another team got upset about it.
As soon as Chad isn't in the backfield anymore he doesn't have to reset. Like a WR motioning out wide but still running sideways at the snap, its legal.
Or, a simple explanation could be that it was not executed right... (the play you claim to be illegal). Maybe Pennington is not supposed to physically go under center. This is no different than the hidden ball trick in baseball. It's ILLEGAL to go onto the mound and simulate pitching without the ball.. However, it happens. Does that make the play stupid?