The season may get interesting after all

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DeathByJets, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. DeathByJets

    DeathByJets Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    I think the post-game comments by Mangini show that he is ready to make some changes. Despite a passable first half from Pennington, the switch to Clemens is coming. I think we will start to see more unheralded guys getting integrated into the lineup (ala Elam). Clearly Mangini wants to see players in there who are going to give a better effort. I'd be interested to see guys like Bender and DeVito get a shot to play.

    What I think may be even more intriguing to watch is the coordinator situation. Sutton is just not aggressive enough. Schott is a little harder to gauge, as I think the calls may be OK, but Chad is checking out of the play or going with the safer options for receivers.

    I think there may actually be a reason to tune in the rest of the season. It was easy to declare Mangini a genius last year, just as it is this season it is easy to think he is crap. The truth is we probably don't know what we have yet with EM. Maybe the next couple of months will tell us a little more about our coach.

  2. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    I cannot believe that the OC would be calling considerably more aggresive plays and Chad is checking out of them. For christ sake, we are 1-6 and the QB is Chad not P. Manning. What OC or HC in the league would allow this. This is coming from the OC.
  3. statjeff22

    statjeff22 2008 Green Guy "Most Knowledgeable" Award Winner

    Jun 4, 2005
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    Other than Clemens, I'm not necessarily as excited as you are to see the unheralded players - I'm unconvinced that there are so many hidden diamonds on the roster.

    The coordinator point interests me more. Given how horrible the defense has been, Mangini would be completely justified canning Sutton and taking over the job himself, but I don't know that he has the stones to do that. Schott will keep his job, obviously, but a change at QB would clearly change the offense in lots of different ways.
  4. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Elam played well until the UNR penalty.
  5. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    I saw the same clip of Mangini in hs press conference and it honestly got me a little pumped up...He finally looked like Mangini of last year. Mangini had a swagger about him last year...

    I will be very interested to see if Mangini can get this group to refocus and get some wins.
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It was desperation. If the Jets lose against Buffalo next week he has no refuge left. Then things will get very interesting.
  7. Gloom N Doom

    Gloom N Doom Member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Mangini of last year ?
    I thought he sounded more like Kotite !
  8. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    You guys are being way too harsh on Mangini...

    Everyone is saying Chad sucks...
    Everyone is saying Bob Sutton sucks...
    Everyone is saying Brian Schottenheimer sucks...
    Everyone says the defense sucks...

    Do you honeslty think getting rid of Mangini is going to do anything to help the Jets? No, it won't help and it won't happen. We had problems with Herman Edwards because he has no idea how to manage a football team. Mangini has what it takes to lead us to a championship...

    All this struggle is coming from a harder schedule with a bad football team...The roster still carries many of the players from 2005 season's teams.

    He needs more time!
  9. jetspro100

    jetspro100 New Member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    Fire Bob Sutton, Terrible D Coach, What Was Mangini Thinking Of Keepin Him, If You Make Kenny Watson And All These Other Rb Look Like Barry Sanders, You Got To Be Kidding Me
  10. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    We have no idea at this point if Mangini knows how to manage a football team either. Last year is on the positive side and this year is going negative in a hurry.
  11. retroicon

    retroicon Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    It's not Chad ... it's the play calling. A switch at QB won't matter unless it comes with increased confidence by the guy calling the plays.

    Chad nailed Coles in stride, and made it look easy ... but if more plays aren't called to pick on the same DB, whose fault is that?
  12. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    We won't know how much the playcalling affects Chad and how Chad affected the playcalling and which one is the problem until Kellen or some stronger armed guy becomes quarterback. For all we know, Schott is catering to Chad's abilities as well as he can, and every time he tries to stretch Chad downfield more, Chad checks down.
  13. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    You're right, we don't know. However, it would be easy for the coaches to tell Chad not to check out of a play. So, no matter what it still falls back on bad coaching.
  14. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Oh yes we do.

    Look at the inability to run the ball.

    When you cant run the ball, with a 5 man line you send in a TE.

    When that Doesn't work you send in two TE's,

    When that doesn't work you send in three.

    Once you run the ball a couple times, you use Play action to stop defenders from crowding the run.

    Tell me, when have you last seen Chad play action?

    Last week TJones hit a couple of big runs early....Where was the slide and hide?

    THe OC has been atrocious.

    Last week with 2nd and one, they had no Hammer package, with a couple of DE's in at TE, and a LB playing FB.

    It's 2nd and one for the season at the 4 yard line, FCOL....

    And this week...was the first time, in recent memory that they used one WR to run at the safety to open up a deep lane, and then alter they also tried to use the Ref for a pic......that needs to happen 4 or 5 times a game, not once every 4 or 5 weeks...
  15. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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  16. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Chad is now on his third OC. The only OC who didn't allow Chad to check down was Dinger and Chad was killed because of it. Checking down is now a reflex action for Chad.
  17. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Actually I think Coach Hackett let him check UP from the draw play to the four yard out.

    FREEJET New Member

    May 21, 2003
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    I believe Mangini is a top level HC and that hasn't changed. I believe we definitely need a change with the DC. I am sure Sutton is not totally to blame but he is not a 'get after them' coach which is exactly what these bunch of flunkies need. Did anyone see the interview with BT after the game. He rattled off the standard lines but did not really seem to be effected by the loss. God, did he rob money from the Jets. As for the OC, I believe we should keep Schot and see how he works with KC before his fate is decided. Six months ago we were hoping Miami wouldn't hire him. Relax a little on him.

    On a side note, I dont want to hear this week about how angry Vilma is about the loss because he certainly doesn't play that way on Sunday's. Trade his ass if you can get some value.
  19. JetTerp

    JetTerp Member

    Mar 6, 2003
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    Hobbes, I agree with you. However, I still think Penny could be given SOME of the right plays, and check down to go with what is safer. Certainly Shotty has made some REALLY REALLY bad calls so far this season. I am sure as shit though that Penny has checked down or changed the call at the line, and it seems as though that decision making has cost us some too.

    Anyone see Jericho yesterday? WHY THE HELL IS HE NOT GETTING LOOKS AT ALL? Is this all the Chad and Coles man-love showgoing down with a fight? Last time I checked this was a team sport. Spread it around man! Sean Ryan caught some balls and looked good when given a chance. Where the f*(k is the play action? Where the hell was Leon yesterday?

    I saw the pressconference, and it got me fired up this morning!@ Our coach is no dummy. This is NOT just about the players. Certainly we lack talent, especially on the Def line. However, the schemes and the playcalling are a HUGE part of why we actually do not look terrible in the first half, and then collapse in the 2nd. YOU CANNOT PLAY NOT TO LOSE! Some of that falls on Mangini, and he admitted it. He sais it, that perhaps they are not doign a good enough job preparing at the half. HE SEES WHAT WE SEE! Heads are gonna role, and the young guys are gonna get looks.

    Anyone see Vilma and D-Rob riding the bench in the 4th quarter? THE TIME HAS COME!!! Let's shake this thing up!
  20. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    No way. A "top-level HC" is someone who is proactive and adapts his scheme to fit the personnel, not his personnel to fit the scheme. Mangini has shown us nothing this year which would serve to elevate him to such status, especially after one year with a soft schedule.

    Hell I'd say that Tom Coughlin is a "top-level HC" before I annointed Mangini with the title.

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