Loutish Fans Disgrace the NFL - NYJ reference

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by klecko73, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The article is pretty accurate, it's not just football fans though it's fans in all sports in all Cities. The majority of fans are still civil but it's the vocal minority that ruin it for everyone. It does get amusing when there are media reports about poor fan behavior when all they have done for decades is encourage it by always showing the drunks and the folks that bring signs and paint themselves for games telling us that those are the "real fans".

    W/ all that said I took my near 3 year old to his first game last week and he had a great time and the people around us were great(for the most part, a bunc of whiny Chad bashers were near us but at least they didn't get vulgar).
  2. Joeyd223

    Joeyd223 New Member

    Jul 31, 2005
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    People gotta understand your going to get that atomosphere... My dad took me to the jets games ever since I was little.. Its not like people are getting shot an stabbed all around you or anything. A few F bombs aint nuthing serious.. AN if u dont wanna ur family to be around it than dont go.
  3. CurtIsDaMan

    CurtIsDaMan New Member

    Jul 24, 2003
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    I'm coming over from England for the Bills game and bringing my 2 kids this time. I want to sit with real fans who make some noise and get behind the team, as opposed to suits or people on corporate freebies, but don't want to be surrounded by drunken idiots who want to fight all day.

    Any advice on which parts of the stadium I should be looking to get tickets for - end zone/sideline, lower, mezz or plaza levels?

    Thanks guys.

  4. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    as long as you're not in a box, you're not going to be overrun with suits.

    I've been an upper deck loyalist myself, just because thats where my tickets are (337). The lower bowl feels like a sardine can.
  5. petekendall

    petekendall New Member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    you have nothing to worry about...you might get a drunk white trash guy yelling but thats about it..this is what happens when the season turns to shit...alot of season tix holders sell their seats to anybody...and you get alot of idiots sitting there..mix that with horid jet play and thats were you might get some problems, but its really not that bad...
  6. greenbeanz

    greenbeanz Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    i really think everyone who is whining about not being able to bring their kids (if the kid is older than 8) should grow a pair. yes, their are sometimes fights in the stands and people use foul language, but unless you are raising the boy in the bubble, im sure they have heard, seen, and probably said and done said acts before. we all want a good example for the kids, but the more you shelter them the more they are gonna do these things so instead of whining, maybe take them to the game and explain to them that what these people are doing is wrong and what happens to them when security drags them out and the trouble they will be in. also, the more you guys whine the more these crackdowns will result in tailgating bans
  7. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    again completely missing the point......people should be able to tail gate , party and do whatever without resorting to acting like completely inconsiderate assholes..... the people who can't hold their liquor and can't act like adults in a public place should be the one's who stay the eff home.

    Believe me, I've been on both sides of the fence, years ago after much tailgating and boozing I was at a game acting a little like said assholes, when after a barrage of eff bombs a guy turned to me and asked me to please watch my language.....when I saw he was their with his kid, I was embarrassed by my actions and apologized profusely.so I guess since then I've been a little sensitive about it, because it's wrong

    and people who bring kids to game shouldn't have to worry about explaining ass hole behaviour to them, not to mention having to explain to them why beer is spilled on them, why some fat ass drunk fell on them etc.you're not taking them their for a sociological experiment in dysfunctional behavior, you're taking them there to experience the good things about a football game
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Okay, we'll stop whining, but just remember, after you get rear-ended by a drunk while paying your Turnpike Toll, just don't show up here whining either.

    Seriously, for me, it's not so much about the language per se. Lord knows I've probably lost my temper around the house and used a few choice words in front of my kids that I regret, so it's not so much the language with me. They don't have to be at the game with me to hear that, they can probably hear it right in my own family room.

    It's the amount of alcohol, the total behavior it brings and the drunks behind the wheel leaving the parking lot. I can be sitting in the stands, stone sober, and still slip the F-Bomb out when I see something really stupid. If I've got adults next to me, it's not a problem, but if I had children next to me, I'd probably really want to watch it.

    But that's a far cry from getting completely wasted, staggering around the aisles, standing up in front of the rows behind me, facing them while not watching the game and calling them "pussies" for not standing up, not behaving like me, not getting drunk like me and not driving home intoxicated like me.
  9. Rictor33

    Rictor33 Active Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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    WOW... I remember about 4 years ago I took about 17 tequila shots and was cussing @ the jets for being awful against the Rams.. Some guy turned around and told me "dont cuss, there are kids present" I said "It's a football game, dude" he then began to argue with me and be a jerk. Then he threatened to fight me (he was tiny) I told him it would be a shame for his young boys to see what a pussy their father was. So some other tix holders took his side (Im a season tix holder, not this guy) So he walked away telling me he would kick my ass anyday (ahaha).. Next game I said to the ticket holder who's seats they were: "hey man who was that overly-sensititive guy you had sitting here last week"... "Oh that is a dentist I know" HAHAHA.. Weird coincidence.. I mean seriously, if you want to keep your kids eyes and ears shielded from drunken human misbehavior, DO NOT BRING THEM to a football game unless your sitting in luxury boxes. This is obviously not something im proud of, I am not "one of those guys", but seriously it's not like I was on some profanity-laced tirade. I have dealt with plenty of drunk fans harassing people throughout the years and I have learned to tollerate douchebag fans, but there is a fine line. I brought a girl to the game a few weeks ago and the guy behind her started giving her crap for not standing up (the jets were losing) telling her the jets were losing because she had "no enthusiasm" I mean seriously, get a life. Still, I didnt lose my cool and talk trash.. If a fan is drunk and bothering you that much to the point where you have to do something about it, it probably will not end well most times. I would rather play it cool and have them thrown out then get into a fistfight with some piece of white trash with no future.

    ps. And I agree, the real problem is the drunks driving on the turnpike post-game...
    #49 Rictor33, Oct 18, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2007
  10. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    What kind of wussy goes to a football game and doesent expect people to be drunk and cursing ?
  11. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Your kind of wussy.
  12. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    One day they will have so many cameras in the stadium and a NFL package that will give you the sensation of being on the field, able to choose the angle of what you want to see...

    There will be no reason to go to the stadium for entertainment, ticket prices will go down, just think of millions of fans, not just the 80,000, having to pay big bucks for the experience, since it will not be shown for free.

    Far fetched?

    Depends on how long you live...since millions of boomers will be in no shape to go to games, then maybe they will bring in the "South" Americans by busloads to fill the seats and provide additional entertainment by fighting, cursing and urinating on the ones beaten and bloody...

    #52 jets&rushfan, Oct 18, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2007
  13. Elvis

    Elvis Member

    Oct 31, 2005
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    I'm literally amazed by some of the responses to this thread, it explains a lot of why some individuals behave like they do. It must be the "in thing" with todays youth to curse, be a drunken mess, and completely act with no regard to others. I am as frustrated as the next fan when watching the Jets but by no means am I going to stoop to some idiots level. Drunken misbehavior and fighting are supposed to be expected when going to a football game????? Nobody is saying do not drink or jaw with the crowd but keep it to a containable level without it escalating towards a brawl. There have been many games where I've partied before the games but I've always respected my fellow fans.

    And yes, I do expect fans to contain themselves around kids. I'm trying to teach my son the game, show him the players, and let him experience the great time of attending a sporting event. Kids are there to enjoy the sheer essence of the experience of a football game not listen to some drunken asshole spew obscenities.
  14. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    drinker - nondrinker sections, would be a considerable concept. then to add to the matter ,charge the drinkers twice to get in, and triple the amount for one beer , that would cut some of it down. it would also put the hardcore drinkers where they belong...... in a bar or a buddies house. then they can cause all the chaos that place will allow..... or go to their own home.
  15. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    I happen too agree with the doctor. The Jets fans at the stadium, largely, act like complete "hooray for me, and the hell with everyone else" morons.

    Everyone should be made to wear green Hannibal Lecter outfits to attend the Jets games, like Silence of the Lambs.
  16. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It's not just Jet fans, it's sports fans. No matter what game you go to it's filled w/dunken idiots.
  17. greenbeanz

    greenbeanz Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    first of all, anyone who actually goes to the games is smart enough not to take the turnpike home unless they enjoy waiting 2 and a half hours to cross the bridge. second, i agree that the behavior is wrong by these people and am not condoning it in any way, but it comes with the territory. people get too drunk and unless you start restricting tailgating or stop alcohol sales all together, then i think you should all stop whining about it cuz in the end, it will lead to an even more miserable jets experience than the one we have right now
  18. njdevils2003champs

    njdevils2003champs New Member

    Aug 10, 2008
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    Who from the NFL I wonder saw that Real Sports special about the drinking with the NFL fans.
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    There are idiot fans in every Stadium and we certainly have our share. It's embarrassing to civil fans but it's the culture the NFL has created and promotes each week.
  20. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Whether or not it bolsters his argument, FUCK Larry Becker.

    You want happiness, sobriety, and no swearing? Jets football is not for you..

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