title, can meet at your convenience (sp?) and a reasonable price, i live in central nj. this probably isnt the right place to post thing but im in dire need of a parking pass for tomorrow. go jets
I hear ya man. I went opening day without a parking pass. Never again will I do that. If you look on ebay, some people sell passes that you can print out (PDF Format). I don't know how legit that is, but it might be worth takin a look at. They're also on craigslist.org. Good luck!
Getting a parking via a email doesnt sound right to me. I got mine with my season tickets and it looks like a ticket. I would be careful of that
Parking can now be transfered via E-mail just like tickets... Can I use My Jets Account to transfer game tickets and Pre-Paid Parking Permits? Yes. You may log on to your My Jets Account and post your Pre-Paid Parking Permits for resale along with your regular season ticket. You may also transfer your Pre-Paid Parking Permits to family, friends or business associates. Log on to your account at newyorkjets.com and follow the step-by-step instructions.
I have worked with Ticketmaster. Once tickets or passesare forwarded they are valid and the old stubs will be unscannable. Hopefully that clears things up.