Why we hold the upper hand against Atlanta...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by AlioTheFool, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. V2C

    V2C New Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    doesnt change the fact that Abe has already stated that Atlanta is the only team he wnts to be on. If the trade doesnt go through ya'll might have a T.O. situation next year
  2. DonnieIsTheKing

    DonnieIsTheKing Active Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    Thank God Dumbway is gone or Abe would be gone for a 5th rounder already...
  3. ny2dave

    ny2dave New Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    I certainly hope that we didn't double cross anybody. But a 2nd rounder and Williams isn't enough and I wouldn't even take Duckett. We don't need an RB.
  4. mudman

    mudman New Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    Why would Seattle agree to trade their 31st pick for JA if they didnt believe that they had the room to sign him? They obviously have the room. They met with JA and completed the trade portion of the trade. So, whether or not the deal is realistic based on JA trying to play hardball, it must be realistic from Seattle's perspective or they would NEVER have bothered.

    Remember, they had matched the Hutch offer PRIOR to making the reported deal with the Jets.
  5. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Okay, there are numerous points in there that bear attention, and I will give it in due process, since it seems people don't bother to read what is written, but rather what they interpret (see the newspapers in my sig)

    Teams would be beating down the Jets door. It has been highly publicized how much he is coveted around the league. The problem is, most teams could not afford to sign the contract he desires, and give the Jets the picks they demand. He would be playing in Cleveland next year if they had their way.

    Yes, the Seattle situation hurts the Jets a bit. However, it doesn't change the fact that we simply need not trade Abe at all.

    Yes, Abe can refuse to sign the tender. He can refuse to negotiate with any team the Jets choose to business with. He can then sit home next winter, and watch his FA value hit the floor.

    As for suspending him for holding out. READ WHAT I WROTE! I said if he chooses to play TO, and cause problems and be a general cancer in the locker room, he can be suspended for up to four games, for disciplinary reasons. Do they teach basic reading and quoting skills at the local CC in Atlanta?

    We can realistically get whatever we want. Simply because if we don't, we don't deal. Period, end of story.

    If he refuses, then we aren't back to square one, John Abraham is. If he feels that sitting out a year will improve his FA chances, then he can by all means feel free.

    In case you didn't notice, I was SAYING that NO TEAM will give up TWO FIRST ROUNDERS for ANY player. That is the type of mistake that dooms a franchise. I wasn't saying we were GETTING two first rounders.

    I'm aware we probably won't get the #15, I just hope you are aware you probably won't get Abe.

    In short, if you are going to rip my post to pieces, don't twist my words. Perhaps you misunderstood what I was saying, but either way, you misquoted me.

    I like Abe, and I would like to keep him, but it's pretty clear that won't be the case at this point. That's fine. However, I don't plan on watching this team if we get fleeced by the Falcons. It would just be a continuation of everything since Bill Parcells left town. So far, Atlanta has yet to make a fair offer. When they do, the deal will get done. Until then, the Tangini will continue to sit back, knowing full well JAbe will play here next year if he has no other home.
  6. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    You think she would have managed a fifth rounder for Abe?
  7. Pam

    Pam TGG.com Friendliest Poster Fourpeat!!

    May 6, 2005
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    Good job explaining that Alio. It's kind of what I've been thinking all along, While I whole heartly agree with you on most points, this one is the best:
  8. DonnieIsTheKing

    DonnieIsTheKing Active Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    Yea she's a pretty smart guy... I think she might have then dealt our 1st and that pick for Patrick Ramsey.
  9. get it dunn

    get it dunn New Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Fleeced? Your FO reportedly had already agreed to accept our offer of our 2nd rnd pick & a player to be named, prbly either Duckett or Demorrio Williams. Then essentially double-crossed the Falcons (Chris Mortensen's words on ESPN radio, not mine) by starting up talks w/ Seattle after agreeing to the Falcons offer. Now who's fleeced?
  10. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I would assume the source of that "double crossing " comment reported by Chris Mortensen was someone inside the Atlanta FO.

    So take that with a grain of salt. Everyone has an agenda here.

  11. ny2dave

    ny2dave New Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Point taken.....
  12. get it dunn

    get it dunn New Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Well the SOURCE was ESPN radio & Mort was reporting HIS TAKE on the whole mess, not quoting the Falcons FO. But go right ahead & twist it around anyway you like in order to make your point. Like you said, everyone has an agenda.
    #72 get it dunn, Mar 20, 2006
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2006
  13. Cwdownz

    Cwdownz New Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    I think I did misunderstand a few of your points. Sorry if it seemed like I was trying to twist your words. Of course no team is going to sign a ufa with a franchise tag. In as far as playing TO then probably there would be some kind of recourse for the Jets in as far as disciplining him.
    I just dont think that a team can get whatever it wants simply because it wants it. Its all about what you can get, not what you want to get.
    As far as not playing him I just dont think that is a viable option either. He makes too much money to ride the pine.
  14. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Reread what I original wrote..SLOWLY>

    I said I assumed the source of the comment to Mort was someone inside the Atlanta FO.
    After all, that statement would have to have been made TO Mort in order for him to report it.
    You don't think Mort made that comment up?..Neither do I.

    So I assume his source is inside the Atlanta FO and has an agenda.
    Where do you think the source of the comment to Mort was from?

    PS: ESPN Radio is YOUR source of the comment..not MORTENSEN's SOURCE>
  15. get it dunn

    get it dunn New Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Did anyone hear chris mortenson today?

    The falcons had agreed to a deal with the Jets so they then went ahead and worked out the contract with Abraham. The deal was for a 2nd round pick and a player that wasn't schaub.. schaub was already ruled out right away. Then they continued to negotiate with seattle after they had agreed to a deal with the Falcons and then when they got the first round pick offer from Seattle, then they changed their tune with the falcons and abraham.. interesting..

    Read this SLOOOWLY>
    Why would the falcons FO fabricate that story? Certainly not to help the still ongoing negotiations/relations w/ the Jets FO. So why would we have gone to the trouble of hammering out a contract w/ JA & his agent already, why would we have given him a physical already if we were still so far away from a deal? I'll tell you why, as far as we knew it was a done deal....then Ruskell & Seattle came calling (as usual)

    Mort's source would be, the facts of the case @ hand & you are assuming he got them from the Falcons & the Falcons just made it up out of the blue? The reason you must think that is b/c if anyone else reported those facts (other than the Falcons) to Mort then you could not debunk them & that would not fit your agenda. how do you know JA's agent did not tell Mort about it? We do know it was reported & you are assuming the Falcons made it up & told him an out & out lie.

    Let's just say the Falcons made it up, obviously we are still in negotiations & want Abe, what would we have to gain by "making up" that story? or making your FO look bad by perpetrating a flat out lie about your FO? That's not good for the negotiations. Mort's take is on it is a double-cross.

    If you choose to believe this is all fabricated then so be it. Like I said it doesn't fit into YOUR agenda. I'll choose to believe what is being reported to the entire nation.
    #75 get it dunn, Mar 20, 2006
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2006
  16. ny2dave

    ny2dave New Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    You could look at it this way......

    Since nothing was signed, how can it be a double cross. If Seattle came in late with an offer, why shouldn't we consider it?
  17. JetFighter

    JetFighter Active Member

    Feb 9, 2006
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    Why would Seattle go through the trouble of having Abraham in for a visit and offering a 31st draft pick? Just because you guys made a contract offer doesn't mean the Jet's had already accepted a trade offer. With Seattle, they made a trade offer before a contract was agreed to.
  18. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Oh, I see now.

    Teams, and politicians, and busines people, etc. DO NOT USE the media to advance their own agendas. Everything thing they say is on the up-and-up.

    They are all upfront, honest, decent people only interested in a fair solution and would never use people.

    Ok..if you think so.

    But I suggest you get out of that seminary once in a while a take a walk around the REAL WORLD!
  19. get it dunn

    get it dunn New Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Wow you really hate that report. I'm just telling you what was reported.

    The Falcons will end up w/ JA any way you wanna slice it, just like T.O. didn't end up in Balt. but ended up in phili last yr, or you'll have an 8 mill dollar crybaby riding the pine, just you did like last year.

    Your FO will eventually take the best offer on the table, maybe not the same one they orignally (reportedly) agreed to. If the Falcons need to we'll throw in another pick, not #15 however. Since Seattle can longer afford him (w/ not even 2 mill to spend on him after today's ruling unless they wanna have $0.00 to spend on any other FAs or their upcoming draft picks) & for multiple other reasons, which I won't even bother listing again,
    Abe will be a Falcon, Believe it
    #79 get it dunn, Mar 20, 2006
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2006
  20. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Cwdownz, it's cool. I'm glad it was a misunderstanding, rather than just a twist of words. I liked your first post here, so it's good to know you are still the rational person I thought you were. :beer:

    Get it dunn, I have to say, I am apt to agree with you a bit. I am all but sure there was a "gentleman's agreement" made between the Jets and Falcons. The thing is, while Abe was taking his physical, Seattle swooped in and made what we consider a better offer.

    I know the Falcons and their fans feel it is more than fair to surrender a second rounder, and even a decent player in excahnge for Abe. On this side of the fence, however, we don't believe the same. Keep in mind, just as Falcons fans were defending the ability of Schaub last week, since you all know better than us, having watched him, we are defending our guy, whom we have watched the past 6 years.

    Abe is easily worth the first rounder. It may be hard to believe, but the guy is ultra-talented. It still amazes me how people speak about him being one-dimensional. The guy instantly upgrades any LINE he plays on. He is that good. Teams actually have to practice with him in mind. He is an absolute game changer. He has the ability to not only get double digit sacks in a season, but also a handful of forced fumbles. Those are just the statistical factors. The guy is ALWAYS in the backfield. He puts more pressure on the QB than almost anyone in the NFL. He can consistently beat two blockers, and STILL get to the QB. By just drawing those two blockers, he opens up another guy to get to the backfield as well. Last year, our other end had a pretty bad year. Our DTs played pretty badly as well. Abe still got 10.5 sacks.

    Unfortunately for you guys, Seattle came knocking. That automatically raised Abe's value. The firefall since has only caused the NY media to get involved, and in turn, must have affected the decision-making at Hofstra. You have to understand, it may sound crazy, but the NY media can make or break a person/team. If you make a public blunder, the media will assure your ticket out of town. Right now, no matter who likes it or not, the Jets must continue to play hardball with the Falcons and Abe, less they lose face with the media, and doom their efforts from here on out.

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