Brad Smith Is Our Vince Young

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by GSourJr, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. CP to LC =TD

    CP to LC =TD New Member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Perfect example. If he wouldve done something more than lead us to 3 pts maybe we woulve won the game, but yeah we were within an FG of the AFCCG due to Pennington :rolleyes:
  2. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    That's because you are used to a rating which rewards 2 out of 3 complete for 9 yards and a punt over 1 out of 3 for 15 yards and a first down.
  3. CP to LC =TD

    CP to LC =TD New Member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Thats fine, I agree, I dont know why I even used the rating.

    Being the most inaccurate QB in the NFL speaks for itself. You are right, I do feel that QB rating is one of the more useless stats.
  4. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    The guy was a rookie what is it you don't get about that? Manning's completion % was 7.5% worse his rookie year than the his career average. Troy Aikman averaged slightly over 52% his rookie year. The transition to the pro's from college is huge and Young did an excellent job in leading his team.
  5. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    because the guy scrambles also. his stats with his arm dont mean much when they continue to score and move the ball.

    our WR's are more to thank for us winning games than chad pennington. dumping a ball off to someone within 10 yards and watching them run afterwards is hardly the mark of a good qb.

    a 17 to 16 TD to INT ratio bares no resemblance of a qb who is accurate and a good decision maker.

    how do wins not matter? how will anyone supporting penny say that. the only good thing to come from last yr under penny was the wins and losses.

    travis henry was the best player on that offense, anyone who doesnt say that is dumb. he was vince youngs best friend. but to deny the gamechanging ability of young is downright retarded.

    vince young prolly wont ever put up those pretty statlines. thing is hes a human highlight reel who can change a game in one play as opposed to penny scoring in 10 minute 90 yard drives.

    im not calling penny garbage but to not see what a player like young brings to the table? then your in denial of how the game is rapidly changing its direction moving ahead.

    we can dig up the posts from last yr and itll prove my bias, i was screaming to have young in green and white. in fact to talk people down from the draft brick hype going around last year, i complained about brick not being able to put on weight and struggling to run block. but what do i know.

    id gladly trade brick and penny over to the titans for vince young. but then again im an idiot, we can argue all we want but only time will tell.

    right now vince young will probably regress from last yr due to the absence of henry and the fact the titans WR's are garbage.

    meanwhile im only criticizing penny because i believe were loaded at WR and its much more viable for us to find a new qb than to wait on a juggernaut defense and awesome running game. which is what it will take for penny's dink and dunk and play action threat to yield any true effectiveness for this offense.
    #65 Coach K, Aug 22, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2007
  6. CP to LC =TD

    CP to LC =TD New Member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    So basically his startling inability to beat defenses with his arm means nothing simply because he can run?

    And PacMan Jones/Travis Henry are more to thank for winning games than Vince Young. Watching your defense score 3 TDs while your offense gets ZERO first downs is hardly the mark of a good QB

    Chad Pennington's decision making is highly overrated. Ill be the first one to tell you that, but yeah VY's 19 TDs (including running TDs from 3 yds out :rolleyes: ) ann 16 turnovers have no resemblance of an efficient QB either. What a joke

    I never said that wins dont matter. I said its stupid to judge a QB solely on wins and losses which is essentially what youre doing since Vince does nothing particularly well.

    The gamechanginign ability to throw more INTs than TDs and be the most inaccurate starting QB in all of football?

    Give me the QB instead of the gimmick. I dont like Penny, but if the Jets wouldve overpaid to move up and get the RB playing QB I wouldve cried to this day. Hes simply not that good, the fact that the TITANS won 8 games with him at the helm doesnt change that IMO

    He has running ability, but when is the guy going to get a clue on how to throw the ball. I want a QB who can complete a pass, not a gimmick

    Id take Cutler anyday, and Kellen Clemens as well over Vince. Again I would like a QB who can succesfully complete a pass more than 50% of the time, thank you

    Thank god you arent the Jets GM. I wouldnt trade either one of those guys straight up for Young.

    Givens and Moulds are alright but they have noone to get them the ball so that will hurt them

    Clemens will be fine, and hell be a LOT better than the Gimmick QB down in Tennesseee
  7. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    your argument is pretty invalid your bringing up one time stats. like the 3 defensive td's i dont think there defense scored 3 td's every game. or like how you said he runs 3 yd td's really? i remember him single handedly running for a game winning score against the texans.

    regardless we'll never agree th eonly thing weve agreed upon is that the titans will suffer horribly without pacman and travis henry. and yes i do agree travis henry was the best player on that offense and vince youngs best friend. hed be that to any qb.

    how do you go from defending chad to saying dont worry Kellen Clemens will be fine. so basically your agreeing we need to move on.

    anyways, what it comes down to is where he is, the titans. i dont think theyre a good organization and the fact vince has literally 0 weapons will make him look alot worse this yr.

    but if he were here I promise you things would be different.

    regardless, only time will tell so im not wasting time arguing anymore.
  8. CP to LC =TD

    CP to LC =TD New Member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    I can sit here and name game after game after game where VY had little or nothing to do with the final result, at least half of the Titans victories that was the case IMO (the Texans game where the offense was outgained by more than double their total yardage and the defense forced 6 turnovers in a win, the Giants game where PacMan picked off two passes and a professional NFL DE let a "QB" out of a sack, the Jags game where they got no first downs, and the Skins game where Henry ran for a buck 50, those off the top of my head.

    Where did I defend Chad?

    Was my initial quote. I agreed with Biggs on pennington not being productive as far as getting our team into the endzone. I said before that I dont like Penington as our QB anymore. So yes I agree we need to move on, but not bring an option QB in here :eek:hmy:
  9. Scruggy

    Scruggy Active Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    Brad Smith is our Tom Tupa. Know what I'm talking about?
  10. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I'm thinking Brad Smith is more of a Kordell Stewart type. And wouldn't that be a joy. Well, it would be. But yes, I hear you.
  11. forge289

    forge289 New Member

    Aug 14, 2007
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    While I don't think he was bad nor do I think that he played as well last year as he will in years to come, I don't think VY deserved as much credit as he got. I also don't think Brad Smith would be half the QB that young is/will be, nor do I think that any team will have the intentions of turning him into one. I think he'll have the most success in the NFL playing the WR position. Just my .02

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