Vilma and the 3-4 Defense...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TheGatoradeBoy, Aug 12, 2007.

  1. TheGatoradeBoy

    TheGatoradeBoy Active Member

    Mar 10, 2003
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    I couldn't help but play close attention to Vilma in the 3-4 against the Falcons. He played well enough, but having seen what he can do in the 4-3 (read, and react without having to deal with a 315 lbs. beast), it sure is tough watching him try to fend off those big offensive lineman and then react to the ball. Don't get me wrong, Vilma will be fine in the 3-4; he is athletic, and a good enough football player to adjust. With that said, it is painfully obvious that this system will never let him truly flourish to his greatest potential... as in manning the middle in a 4-3 and running sideline-to-sideline using his speed and athleticism to make plays. I wouldn't say he is overmatched in the 3-4, but it's unfortunate and disappointing that we won't get to see him get an opportunity to showcase his full skill set and talent as he is undoubtedly better suited for the 3-4. It is kind of like having to have LeBron or Jordan run the point, they can do it (and do it well) but their not in a position to take full advantage of their talent... on the wing and running the fast break.

    I sympathize with him, but I'm glad he's sucking it up and doing what's best for the team; the team comes first and you don't change your strategy for one player. I know this is down the road, but if Mangini is around for a long while (meaning, things are going well), and he continues with the 3-4, I don't see Vilma wanting to stick around.

    I'm not sure what type of response this would elicit, but whatever. I am not criticizing the coaching staff or Vilma, but this is just an observation.
  2. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I think there are a lot of people that feel the same way as you. I think JV is a fantastic athlete and will serve well enough as an ILB in the 3-4, but I don't think he'll ever reach his full potential in this alignment. This is also the same reason some people were in favor of seeing what the team could get for him in the trade market.
  3. TheFactor

    TheFactor New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    i mean this might sound like blasphemy, but why couldn't we try him on the outside?

    he's got very good speed and instincts for a LB...he'd be force on the outside as a 2 way linebacker..
  4. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I thought that way as well but I think just as many people think he would be man-handled on the outside in a 3-4 almost as much as he would inside. 3-4 LBs have to handle a lot of meat on the inside or the outside, mostly because of only 3 D-linemen occupying 5 O-linemen. Vilma was able to wreak havoc when he was being accounted for by TEs and backs, but I tend to agree that he would suffer just as much when being accounted for by a pulling guard or a tackle.
  5. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    OLB in a 3-4 really need to be undersized Defensive ends. Typically they are 6 4 250. Definetely not a good place for Vilma. He would have to go up against tackles. The difference in a 3-4 is that he has strict gap assignments. He has to stay in his gap and the 3 lineman in front of him have to as well. The bottom line is that good players in any system if they are good. I expect vilma playing 3-4 ILB weakside should cause a lot havoc this year. Hopefully the addition of Kenyon Coleman, Robertson having another year at NT, the development of Pouha and just the general experience of the front 7 should make Vilma's life a lot easier.

    While his skills are much more ideal for a 4-3 where he has no real assignment I think this defensive will allow him to excel.
  6. In Mangini We Trust

    In Mangini We Trust New Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    3-4 OLB's are usually pash rushers...vilma is just a smart, pure tackler and doesnt miss when he has the chance
  7. Ambrose

    Ambrose New Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    I like Vilma's intensity, intelligence, and athleticism, but the Jets will never have an above average run defense with him lined up at ILB. He's just too small. While he is a great sideline to sideline player he is not physical enough to take on guards or even blocking backs and stuff them back into holes. The 10 yd TD run by Atlanta against our 1 defense proved that.
  8. Keep in mind that run defense is only about 50% of Vilma's job in the 3-4. He also muct blitz and defend the pass. With that said,One of the big reasons for the D's turnaround the second half of last season, was that Vilma's downfield pass coverage was top notch. It allowed us to be creative w/ our blitz packages.

    He may only be slightly above average as a 3-4 run defender in the middle. But he's still a very good blitzer, an all pro pass coverman and a great leader/defensive QB.
  9. Ambrose

    Ambrose New Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    I have to disagree with you on a few point here. I think in the 3-4 run stopping is about 70% of his job. The ILBs usually only cover TEs deep and otherwise pick up back underneath or drop into zone to keep the plays in front of them. Vilma is well above average in these areas, but I dont think its as important as being able to provide physical run stopping.

    As for blitzing, Vilma is certainly fast, but he really isnt that physical. For all his speed how many sacks did he have last year? ILBs in the 3-4 are not counted on to make a lot of sacks so again even if I agreed with you that he is an excellent blitzer this wouldnt be one of his primary responsibilities.
  10. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    The 3-4 really is not the best alignment for smaller, quicker linebackers. Vilma will be fine, but he is not a prototypical 3-4 LB.

    Not only does this lead to people want to see what his trade value is as Abyzmul said, but makes the fact that Robertson is not a huge space eater seem like more of a problem.

    Both guys are playing well, but not great in the current D. Hopefully this season they can turn it around so thier size is not a major issue to be talked about again in the offesason.
  11. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    the trouble with vilma is that you have a #11 pick at a 3-4 ILB position that is usually filled by lesser draft choices -i don't mean day 2 picks i mean lower 1st, 2 and/or 3.

    when his final year comes around do you want to pay him #11 money or ILB money?? and how much is he going to want.

    thats why i did not think it was far fetched an idea to put him on the trading block.

    the jets already have a decent amount of coin invested in coleman, ellis, drob, and thomas. they may actually have to decide between vilma and rhodes on a long term basis.

    the jets need to start getting pro bowl returns for their higher picks - bradways higher picks have not turned into pro bowl talent - yes you can argue vilma in a 4-3 - but anyone with half a brain could have picked him at #11 and save all the preparation for his pick.

    IMO - vilma does NOT re-sign with the jets and goes to a 4-3. herm anyone?

    #11 jilozzo, Aug 13, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2007
  12. Ambrose

    Ambrose New Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    I think the above is on the money.
  13. In a typical base 3-4 defense you are absolutely right. I just feel like this is a more unique type of scheme that focuses on confusing the opposition w/ different looks, blitzes, coverages and frankly anything creative under the sun. And I think we'll see more of that this season.

    When you run that type of defense, it certainly helps to have a guy who is not only smart, but also has top notch speed for the LB position as it allows alot of creativity.

    MAJORPAYNE New Member

    Mar 5, 2007
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    Flexiibility is the key for Vilma.
  15. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    Don't you regret starting your TGG career with that particular username?
  16. Jets41815162342

    Jets41815162342 New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Sadly I must agree that JV's best years are ahead of him and likely on another team. He will test the market because he will have huge value, he has the name recognition and the physical skills. We've seen this before ... James Farrior and Hugh Douglas.

    It wouldnt be so bad if we were getting other teams "never reached their potential players" and turned them into perennial pro bowlers in NY. Has that ever happened?

    MAJORPAYNE New Member

    Mar 5, 2007
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    We'll still have Schliegel!

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