Hey he likes Chappelle, that'll let him deal with Mangini's first mini-camp no problem. By the end of it the voice in his mind is gonna sound JUST like Dave Chappelle.
It's not that bad anymore. It used to be if you were a Chappelle fan there was a real stigma attached there, but these days you can "Dave" away without any problem. We'll have to see if he'll cop to 3 Blacque Chix though. They still are kinda iffy and if ya ever seen em you'll know what I mean.
I don't really understand the My Space concept? Is it the under 20 crowd personal add to try and hook up? Is Revis going to have a page on eharmony in 10 years or match.com? What happened to the always popular NY Magazine personal adds? It just seems a bit desperate for a 21 year old Pro Athlete?
15 minutes mon, 15 minutes. Everybody wants their 15 minutes in the limelight and being able to throw up a URL to your page all over the place is like 7 seconds of it on each hit. Which is about as long as people stick around to look at unhinged digital content with blaring music and hot pink flashing backgrounds.
you're showing your age my man... myspace is just a networking thing.....add more friends to your list, post bullitens, etc.... Likely, Revis just wants more people to know how sick he is........
Although MySpace started out as a "hooking up" type website (and it still is to an extent), it quickly evolved into just another way to talk to your friends other than calling them, instant messaging them, or God forbid, actually going outside and seeing them. Sure, people still use it to meet new friends and potentially start a relationship, but it is mostly just groups of friends writting messages on their other friends' pages.
I love this guys attitude About me: All my life I worked on being the best I can be playing sports even if it was basketball or football. While choosing football over basketball the haters bacame worse. It came to a point wehere they said I was too small, I'm not fast enough, I'm going to struggle in school. so I worked and worked til it came to a point where it wasn't about football anymore but it was proving the haters WRONG! But u know I learned one thing from haters and that is it doesn't matter what u do, they still going to hate and I'm still going to achieve because it's MOTIVATION. This is ME!I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net, check out these Myspace Layouts!
Wasn't myspace originally set up as networking site for new bands?Allowing bands to get their songs out there and attracting new fans?
Was it? I don't know, I remember when I was into it for a few months like 2 years ago it was all about tryin to meet new people, then it just became all my friends writing stupid shit on each others walls. I know that now it is really influential in the music industry, and that's actually the only reason I still have an account is to discover some new bands every once in a while. To me it seems like once bands realized they could exploit the site it took off as far as music is concerned, but from my experience that's not how it used to be. I could very well be wrong, tho, I'm no expert, just stating my experiece with the site.
guys are you kidding me? this isnt darrelle revis...........many fans make myspace's for athletes becuase they have no time on their hands
Myspace: a place for sexual predators. in all seriousness, it is a good way to network, especially for bands. you can meet people, potentially get hooked up with a job, get your music out there, keep in touch with friends. as with anything else, some people definitely take it too far, and some are really vain. but those are the people you try to ignore. i'll admit, i have a page. mine isn't jazzed up like a lot you see; just plain background, and it describes me in a nutshell to anyone who's interested. cheers
i didn't look at the page, but i wouldn't doubt it. i've come across those before -- people impostering celebrities. it's quite sad that someone takes the time to do that, or even would want to do that. cheers
its funny how he has a whole bunch of friends that left him comments before he got drafted...he aint a celebrity bro...im pretty sure this is his...
I'm pretty sure that is his real Myspace. He was just in college, so that is a sign of it being legit. Also, if it was fake, you'd expect every little detail that can be found on him to be on the page, as that's what "imposter's" do.