Yeah i think thats the bigger problem. And many ex players have comeout and said the samething same problem wit the NBA.
I totally agree with this. If the Titans or Bengals want to impose suspensions on either player for past actions I believe it is their right but not the league. in my opinion
The league had to come down hard on these guys to send a message. The best endorsement it could have is that the NFLPA not only agreed to this type of action but encouraged it. The NFL right now is the most succesful sports league in the world and the only thing that can jeapordize that is things coming out like Jones and Henry. It might be a bit harsh but I think you are going to see a decrease in the amount of illegal extra curricular activities by the players.
hopefully we play cincinnati in the first 8 games so chris henry is out for that game...he is the best third receiver in the league in my height, good hands and we would already have our hands full with chad johnson and TJ houshmanzadeh...and its nice that pacman is out for the year, we wont have to worry about him when we play tennessee
I really hope they stick to their guns here. One time either of these guys gets caught in trouble by the law it should be an immediate lifetime ban. Im sick of these guys thinking they are entitled to everything.
That might have been an argument if it weren't for the fact that the NFLPA is totally in favor of this. They met with the league before this was done. Without anybody to fight on your behalf you won't get anywhere.
This is good news. Both Pacman and Henry need to get into order. They should feel privileged and honored to be playing in the NFL.
It is not a privilege to play in the NFL. Some players have God given talent that allow them to compete at the highest level with ease but most got to the NFL through their own hard work. No one gave them favors, they earned every bit of it. To say that it is a privilege and imply that they should feel lucky to have been there is utterly ridiculous. The NFL is no different from any other business.
you are confusing their physical ability that qualifies them to play in the NFL, which is achieved through their own hard work, and the NFL's allowing them to play, which are two different things. there is a difference. and just as the NFL can draft them and sign them to play in the NFL, and exploit them for the NFL's beneift, they can also ban them and suspend them, and forego the benefit of having them. yes it is a privilege, and one the NFL can revoke, regardless of how good you are or how hard you work. one has nothing to do with the other. Pacman Jones is obviously physically capable of playing due to his hard work, and yet, he is somehow not, with the possibiliy of never playing again. sure doesn't seem as if his physical abilities and hard work can somehow keep him from getting banned.
The NFL is a private company....working for said company is a priveledge. Every athlete has options: arena league, CFL, etc. The NFL is just the most desirable option these athletes try to get hired for. But make no mistake, anyone that hires you can also fire you and tell you piss up a flagpole.
I hope "these guys" are in reference to Chris Henry and Pacman Jones as opposed to all West Virginia players. Unfortunately for WVU's sake, the two turds, who were rightfully suspended today, both attended WVU. I could list a bunch of current and retired WVU players who are solid citizens. Jones had one incident in college and it was a fight. He began to get out of control shortly after being drafted by the Titans. Henry's case, I think, is similar in that the problems really surfaced once he got drafted and came up on some money. I know that WVU (counselors, coaching staff, etc.) helped him as much as they could. He was shy and had trouble communicating with people and there were signs of him being unstable. Once he left the school for the NFL, he was more on his own. Add money to the mix and more down time and a guy who is wacky and it adds up to trouble.
Very true. The punishment is also appropriate in my eyes, not like it hit the wrong folks. Sad part is tho on the football field. They're very exciting players and always fun to watch (on the field).
he was pointing out the fact that the two highest-profile troublemakers are both WVU alumni. and you could say that about every college that sends players to the NFL. Whether WVU has more or less bad citizens than other colleges is hard to say. By the way, Henry was also a troublemaker in college.
I'm all for it. It is a privilege to play in the NFL. Think of all the guys on the bubble who would trade their left nut for a shot. Zero tolerance, I say. Bye-bye... and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
Possibly. I'm not sure how he meant it. That's why I wrote what I wrote. One could say the school produced two NFL knuckleheads of the highest order. You're not telling me anything I don't know. I saw the guy get ejected from a game for two unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. Then I saw him yelling at Rutgers fans and giving them the one finger salute. Again, he is like Jones in that the vast majority of his shenanigans took place upon leaving WVU.
Exactly. I said that because you said this: "Henry's case, I think, is similar in that the problems really surfaced once he got drafted and came up on some money." IMO, the problems surfaced before he got to the NFL and were merely exacerbated by what the NFL had to offer.
"Really" should have been italicized by me. My original point was that Henry was already bad, as I noted by writing "there were signs of him being unstable". One of those signs was what happened in the Rutgers game on 10-30-04. Another sign was his reluctance to talk to writers. I could be mistaken, but I don't think he ever talked to reporters. He was definitely standoffish. Perhaps I am overlooking some bad thing he did while at WVU. You seem to have something based on what you wrote in post #33. If so, please post it.
I wouldnt call it a privilege, they work extremley hard to get where they are and they deserve it. I guess it is a good thing they are punishing him, but i think this is a little harsh. Quit hating on these players just because they were on the streets when they were younger and never learned how to behave properlly. Maybe instead of suspending these young players they should help them and teach them.
Upon further review... c'mon now. I wasn't born yesterday. Look at how he wrote it in post 5. We see that same type of comment on this board whenever a Miami Hurricane player does something screwy. Hell, I'm one of the posters who partake in it.
he walked off the field in one game. There were several incidents in the Rutgers game. RR suspended him for a Pittsburgh game for violating various team rules (one of two occasions on which Henry was suspended while at WVU). He also publicly ripped QB Rasheed Marshall.