Just watched “it ain’t over”(yogi Berra). Liked it a lot. I remember David cones perfect game, but strangely didn’t know( or remember )it was on yogi Berra day, when he caught the first pitch from Larsen .
'Rewind'. I saw this film a couple of years ago. It's infuriating on so many levels. How deep denial goes with sexual abuse and incest knows no bounds. This poor kid, but he came out on the other side stronger and better for it. Most people never transcend. There is also an excellent documentary about sex abuse especially concerning the Orthodox Jewish community in Australia called 'Code of Silence', and I gotta say, it is some bullshit and a lot of people have a lot of blood on their hands. If people think the cover up in the RCC is bad, this is a close second. I'm talking a close second in the U.S. and the world over. Anyway, on 'Rewind' ONE of Sasha Neulinger's abusers was . . . Spoiler . . . the Cantor from Congregation Emanu-El, a huge and historical synagogue on 5th Ave. in NYC 'Code of Silence':
Unrelated to your post but didn't your cousin have 3 or 4 docs? I know I watched a couple at least. Unrelated part 2 "Ghost Army" was excellent, thought it was Ken Burns but I guess it was Ken Beyer
Yes, he does! We talked about 'Ghost Army' in the D-Day thread a while back, the one narrated by Peter Coyote. Great flick! https://forums.theganggreen.com/threads/d-day.88657/page-2#post-3582925
Damn, I just watched this and man, did it piss me off. Just brutal and sad. I also got around to watching the new OJ doc, and it was very good and I was amazed at the amount of shit that wasn't presented in court.
Check out "Surviving Black Hawk Down" on Netflix. I read the book years ago and what a cluster fuck that whole mission was. This doc talks to survivors on both sides of the debacle.
I saw an amazing documentary on Tubi the other night: 'Clean'. It was NOT expecting that. It was about trauma and compassion for the most part . . . and then some. A woman runs a crime scene and hoarding clean up company in Australia. That's all I'm gonna say. I was crying at the end, especially when T.Rex's 'Cosmic Dancer', kicked in. It was perfect. It won't be for everyone, but the resilience of some people, wow.
Vanished- Heather Elvis was good. It’s still strange to see such a high profile case , and see people : places you pass by daily. I’ve been here almost 18 years , and this and the Brittany Drexel cases have a part in defining the area for locals.
About to start the Karen read doc on amazon(max free trial). Li serial killer “gone girls” , on Netflix Monday 3/31.
I have been watching the Read doc. I find myself very attracted to her. She is weird though, I am conflicted on her guilt/innocence and interested in what you think when you are done watching
Got about half through the first episode . (I’m lucky to make it through the credits these days). Can’t wait to see how it plays out, from the get go it makes her look bad(as does her attitude). But have a feeling it’s being set up for lots of twist.