L Wowww . . . ! If that's actually true, there's the smoking gun. Personally I thought there was some wiggle room for the defense with the knife sheath, but if this proves out, he'll plead. They'll drag it out forever, though. Re-testing by an independent lab, strict conditions, etc. They'd be shitty lawyers if they didn't.
@typeOnegative13NY , I found.this, which may or may not bode well ("contamination by the lab", wait for it). https://www.courttv.com/title/bryan...-three-people-found-under-victims-fingernail/ EDIT: More: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...idence-victim-fingernail-bryan-kohberger.html https://www.eonline.com/news/141437...al-dna-of-3-people-under-madison-mogens-nails
I haven’t read up too much lately, but saw that today. Also saw the other day that his defense is arguing that his autism diagnosis should take away the death penalty. Almost sounds like they are preparing for defeat
Autism, lol. Everyone is autistic or "on the spectrum" these days. That and ADHD is the new bi-polar.
It's more subtle than that. The defense wants the death penalty off the table before the trial begins because it probably feels that this will increase the defendant's chances of being found not guilty. Here's why: In a capital case, the jury that will decide both guilt or innocence and whether to impose a death sentence must be "death-qualified." That means the judge must disqualify any potential juror who has strong scruples against the death penalty and could never vote to impose a death sentence. Defense attorneys believe that death-qualified juries are more likely to find a defendant guilty, regardless of what sentence is ultimately imposed. They feel that juries that are not death-qualified are more likely to acquit. In short, the defense probably feels that taking the death penalty off the table before trial increases the defendant's chances for an acquittal.
They have released the 911 call transcript, and some text messages between the roommates. It’s strange , during the 911 call, no one speaks of any blood in what was said to be a bloodbath. They call 911, saying it seems they passed out drunk and won’t wake up, but no one went in and actually tried to wake someone up? Where they would have noticed what happened
Yeah, some things about this are just not adding up. I don’t see how at this point, but maybe it will be cleared up at trial. So, the surviving roommates were frantically texting , terrified at 430am…. Saw a masked man, then just went back to bed for 8 hours? Hmmmmm Pretty sure that at that point, 8 hours later , you’re gonna go check on one of the roommates, and most likely see the one that was lying on the floor at the doorway, and even more likely…. Notice a bloodbath. But no mention of blood on the 911 call? Just “they are passed out and not waking up?” This makes no sense. No freaking way that 8 hours later gap is explained away. Neither checked on any of them… friends came over, atleast one did check enough to tell the operator no breathing…. Didn’t notice blood that was enough to seep out of the house? WTF? My first assumption at the beginning of this, was that the 8 hours was used to scrub the house if drugs etc before 911 was called. And friends were there much earlier. 8 hours later, there is gonna be an odor of blood with 4 people butchered .