Haason Reddickulous Holdout

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jessedark, Jul 31, 2024.

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  1. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Yeah…this holdout is pretty fucking stupid on his part. I get being unhappy with a contract. Shoot, I even get being unhappy with a contract that YOU signed! Salaries sometimes go up a lot, players sometimes outperform the deal. I get it.

    But holding out, forfeiting so much in fines and game checks while alienating the team and the fans … it’s just not smart business. It’s a bad look and it is financially stupid. If you want a great deal, the best way there is to dominate and the offers will come. Especially if you’re in a contract year. If he were here piling up sacks already, he’d have plenty of teams ready to pay big next year. Now, he’ll be a 31 year old player who didn’t play and who will be considered a malcontent. That doesn’t feel like big money to me.

    He’s going to end up being a guy who goes year to year on prove it deals because teams will be wary of giving him longer deals as he’s already shown he won’t honor them.

    I was understanding of his holdout through training camp, frustrated at his holdout through pre season games, but now that he’s costing the team in real games, forget him…let him rot on his couch. The only way I’d trade him is if we got back the third round pick we lost. I’d say go find a trade partner that brings me back a 3rd. Otherwise you can sit on your couch and bitch and moan and not get paid.
    Brook! likes this.
  2. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I'd like to believe this, but there are a lot of dumb teams in the NFL and it only takes one to pony up.
  3. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    I know my friend and that's the painful part. But he has more to lose at this point and I rather him cave than the Jets.
    TheCleaner likes this.
  4. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Exactly right IMO. He'll report week 9-10 right before the trade deadline. That way he can be a free agent next year. The jets will likely trade him for peanuts at that time rather than have him pouting around the locker room.
    I can't see him reporting to the jets and being a team player after his ridiculous holdout.
  5. Jets OG fan

    Jets OG fan Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2022
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    I don't think he knows that. Keep in mind, religious people often think they have a god given plan and everything in their life is controlled by an all powerful deity that can do anything and over rides any human action. Yes, it's downright delusional and flat out asinine to think a God would care about sports or a guy who makes millions playing a game for a living trying to force a new contract. It reeks of entitlement.
    #825 Jets OG fan, Sep 25, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2024
    mezzavo likes this.
  6. Jets OG fan

    Jets OG fan Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2022
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    I actually prefer Joe Douglas' stance of not negotiating with hold outs. Refreshing to see a GM stand up for himself instead of caving like all the rest. It's not like showing up to start working on a contract is that difficult. He could have held in like Aiyuk did and likely already gotten a revamped contract where he didn't lose the millions from holding out, but he chose to go the childish selfish route.
    Jets79 likes this.
  7. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    You might be spot on, but this is in my opinion the worst scenario for both the Jets and for him. No one wins.
    1- what good can he do for us coming in mid season, out of football shape and disgruntled without even knowing the defensive schemes. How is that going to affect the locker room?
    2 - what good does that do for his career, showing no willingness to compromise, and if he doesn’t completely ball out, demonstrating total disregard and lack of pride to himself, his teammates and the organization…any organization.
    3- what recourse do the Jets have if his intention is to hold out for that long, and then dog it disrupting a great team atmosphere
    4 - can the Jets say screw you, too little too late, you are not in football shape and completely unable to perform due to your actions, this year contract is null and void.i don’t think so?
    I admire JD for standing firm, but this is the absolute worst lose/lose scenario for all. I don’t see our way out of this one.
    tomdeb and REVISion like this.
  8. Kronoking

    Kronoking Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2023
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    To me that came across as an intended joke and jab at the situation more then a literal call out. Which big points to Rodgers for taking because if so that was pretty damn awesome and funny imo:

    “I would say the culture is about the opposite of what that article said. I didn’t read the article, but just reading that headline there, it sounds like it was written by Haason Reddick’s agent,” Rodgers told McAfee, via X/Twitter. “Former agent, I guess, possibly. In a way to try and disparage our great organization.”
  9. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    This feels like the type of thing that leads to some CBA changes. Playing the minimum number of games to qualify for a full season just because you're unhappy with your contract is not something owners will stand for.
    Jets79 and Jonathan_Vilma like this.
  10. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Spot on.
  11. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    The owners love to make minimal concessions to the NFPLA that don’t affect their bottom line though. Just like how they could give two shits if the players mandate less practice.

    I doubt they make this change to holdouts or even care to discuss it since it happens once every what? 5-years that a player drags it past week 2 or 3?

    (I agree they should close the loophole, just doubt they care).
    REVISion likes this.
  12. ramjets29

    ramjets29 Member

    Feb 23, 2020
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    I have zero interest in this guy ever stepping foot on the field for the NYJ. The JJ injury is a crusher. He was poised to have a huge year. My only hope is Clemons, McDonald, Takk, and the young DE's (Watt, McGregor, Taylor) hold up. I've been impressed, but two games against bottom dwellers (Titans, Patriots) still has me concerned.

    And anyone who thinks Reddick will sit out the season is crazy. He will show up at some point, he almost has to. By sitting out three games, Reddick has now forfeited $8.3 million in rescinded money, and growing each week.

    What people lose sight of is Reddick can lose up to $21.75 million (2024 hit against the cap) if he holds out the entire 2024 season. Given his salary ($14.25 million), I believe this means Reddick would actually pay $7.5 million out of his own pocket as a result of his holdout.
    mezzavo and JetFanInNE like this.
  13. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I don't think they do. I mean...seriously..."why" do they need him? Who's to say that he doesn't show up and shit the bed the way Huff is shitting in Philly? Maybe Reddick is out of position on THIS defense and was better in Philly.

    All I know is this. The NY Football Jets are TIED for the most sacks in the league and that is without Reddick. If this continues, I'll ask again..."why" do they NEED him? Nice to have, sure, but need...I don't think so. Time will tell.

    Also, there is no way in hell this guy shows up, 6-10 games in and the Jets put his ass on the active roster. I wouldn't throw his ass on the Practice Squad at this point. If that guy doesn't step a toe in Florham Park by end of game 5 it's over. He'll need until game 9 to get into "football" shape...maybe. Probably more like game 10 or 11 and then what does that get us. We STILL won't know if he even excels in the Jets system, ala Huff in Philly. No, the time for that idiot to drag his worthless ass in was back in OTA's and/or camp so that the team could SEE if he even fit the scheme and be able to work with the players the Jets have. If this guy was a Reggie White clone or an Aaron Donald I'd say maybe. He's not. He's simply a "good" pass rusher and that is it. He's not special. Special players do not go through 4 teams in 5 or 6 years...period. If you are "special," teams FIND a way to keep you. That's a fact.
  14. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    They've played Will Levis and Jacoby Brisket in 2 of their first 3 games. They need Reddick if they want to beat Mahomes or Allen. Don't even think that's really up for debate. The guy has double digit sacks 4 years in a row. They lost Jermaine for the year. Reddick isn't a luxury. Reddick is a necessity. He needs to be on this defense if they want to win the superbowl.
  15. Areodjarekput

    Areodjarekput Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    From what I've seen in the film I've been able to watch, Clemons looks pretty awful, same upright rush, no bend, and not enough power or leverage to make up for it that has been the case with him all along.

    I like some of the UDFAs, especially Taylor, but I'm not optimistic about them contributing a ton this season.

    At least two of McDonalds sacks are illusions - in one, Levis basically trips over him trying to escape a collapsing pocket after he was put on the ground by the OL, and another was a lost rep that turned out well due to coverage, as I recall.
    Watching his film has been underwhelming compared to the numbers - he still seems very boom or bust, where he may win a rep and get a sack, but if he doesn't he's often washed out of plays completely. Here's some of the all22 I've seen on him - this from the Titans game:

    Several of the sacks we've had so far this season are more a product of awful opposing QB decisions from bad opposing QBs, or absolutely atrocious offensive lines (the Pats line was bad the week before we faced them, and they lost two starters, and had their center injured and played through it against us). We need someone like Reddick because our rush is very inconsistent, even against bad teams prone to being rushed (bad OL/QB), so I find it hard to believe it will hold up against good OLs, or QBs that aren't Will Levis.

    As for scheme differences - Huff is moving from a system that asks him to do one thing, do a system asking him to do more. Reddick is moving from a system that asked him to do everything, to one that's asking much less of him - I find it hard to believe that going from several post-snap responsibilities, to only rushing the passer, could result in his performance as a passer declining, especially since he will not have to hold back to cover a second gap.
    REVISion likes this.
  16. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Good post. McDonald also had a sack against the Patriots where he was completely unguarded/untouched en route to the QB, so arguably 3 of his sacks have been gimmes. We shouldn't expect his production to continue at its current rate.
    jets_fan likes this.
  17. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Yeah I remember the coverage sack, it was early in the game and I called it out in the game thread. The thing is, most of the players that put up above average-to-elite numbers with get there partially because they stack some sacks against a backup OL here and there. They are good enough that they can be opportunistic in those situations and make teams hurt when they have a shit player at that spot. I think Von Miller got like 4 sacks against Wayne Hunter. John Abraham did it a bunch with the Jets.

    So WMD has shown us he can show out in favorable situations like with great pass coverage, now he needs to sack up and show us he can play against the big boys. He didn't do so well against San Francisco, but I think he had a lot less reps because Johnson wasn't hurt yet.

    He also looked like he could play a little against the run but I want to see more.
  18. Areodjarekput

    Areodjarekput Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    Yeah, don't get me wrong, I love WMD. I questioned the pick at first, but after watching his college film (especially underclassmen stuff) and picturing him in this Saleh defence, I came around to it pretty quickly. Explosiveness, bend, motor and are what I want in a draft EDGE, I just think the inconsistency is going to be a major issue if he's the guy we rely on in key moments in the game.

    Reddick isn't great against the run, but I do think he's better than WMD and Clemons. I'm glad we're not caving, I expect he'll show up at the deadline, and I'll take him back once he shows he's in shape because we will be showing the need by then, I'm sure.
    abyzmul likes this.
  19. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    If Reddick shows up at the last possible moment.
    I would make sure he is inactive and not dressed for at least the first few games, if not all of them.
    Pay him whatever little they will owe him after all his fines and just chalk it up as loss.
    Fuck him, let him try to get a big contract without playing a snap in over year,

    I think the poster who said he will be running on a string of 1 year prove it contracts.
    JetFanInNE likes this.
  20. jets_fan

    jets_fan Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Exactly. His recent play has been encouraging, but I'll be a lot more comfortable with where the D-line is if they can have a game like they did against New England against a team that's at least halfway decent.

    Still, happy to see they're playing much better lately than they did in the opener, regardless of opponent.
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