Someday I'ma travel past the interweb horizon to find whoever it was that first suggested setting up state-run liquor stores and speed traps right on the border to siphon the wallets of every Massachusetts driver traveling north. If there isn't a statue anywhere of that fucking guy it's a travesty. Sometimes you just have to bow your head and admit defeat. This win was earned.
New Hampshire doesn't even exist, it's like Finland and Atlantis. It's only "there" for the Russian oil rights.
Are you fucking kidding me? Being a Jets fan instantly raises the average IQ in the immediate zip code. Try watching a game in a room full of Patriots fans some day. Holy mother of stupid.
I'm talking more about being a Jets fan as a perennial exercise in futility, but here we are year after year. We must enjoy getting kicked in the face. I guess it's a thing.
The only surprising part is that no one thought of this until now. Count me on the side of NH. I'll never not think this is gross. __________________ Mass. transportation secretary floats idea of tolls at border with New Hampshire Official says ideas being considered to raise funds SALEM, N.H. — New Hampshire drivers could someday pay more to get into Massachusetts after the Bay State's transportation secretary said tolls at the border could be a possibility. The secretary of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation said a task force working to find more funding options is in its early stages, but it's looking into the idea of putting in tolls at the border. Secretary Monica Tibbits-Nutt said the task force was created to look at new funding initiatives for transportation in Massachusetts. At an event Wednesday, the transportation secretary said the task force is exploring the idea of charging transportation network companies such as Uber and Lyft more when going through the tolls and even charging more for package deliveries. She made it clear that the task force isn't worried about creating more tolls within the state but just at its borders. “When I’m talking about tolling, I’m talking tolling at the borders,” said Tibbits-Nutt. If implemented, it could affect drivers traveling on Interstate 95, Interstate 93 and Route 3 from New Hampshire into Massachusetts. "It's going to be hard for everybody. We have people living in New Hampshire and working in Massachusetts," said Maria Salva. Some New Hampshire drivers said they are concerned about the financial impact of building more tolls at the borders. "I don't think I'd be in favor of that," said New Hampshire driver Jonathan Farhadian. "I think that, as far as driving south from New Hampshire to Boston, we already go through tolls anyway going through the bridge." “I have family down there. That’s ridiculous,” said New Hampshire driver Michael Patterson.
Does that mean they are willing to take themselves out of the Interstate highway system and forfeit all the federal funding that brings them?
You want me to PAY to get into Massachusetts? What part of the last thousand years of economic theory do you goopy liberal mopes not understand?
Unrelated, but my favorite episode of the Simpsons was the one where Homer invented Tomacco. It started out with Homer cutting in line by smacking people in the face with a glove demanding satisfaction. I randomly demand satisfaction to this day because of that show. Sorry, didn't mean to derail the New Hampshire discussion. Said nobody ever.
Simpsons in real life is never not appropriate. My own example is with my neighbor, who’s always borrowing my tools and then storing them at his place when he’s finished with them. So, I have to call him to ask for my own ladder, chainsaw, power washer, leaf blowers, etc. and reflexively thank him after I have to walk next door to retrieve it. ALWAYS makes me think of when Homer was calling around to friends to help save Flanders’ Leftorium. Homer: Lenny, it’s Homer. Remember when I paid you back that fifty bucks you loaned me. Well, now I need YOU to do a favor for ME.
Surprisingly, we may be keeping free trade with NH after all. Too soon to tell, but I saw the Secretary of Transportation had a return visit to the front page. Go figure, MA folks taking up pitchforks and torches for New Hampshire. It’s like going to war for Lichtenstein. But I’m still all for it.