This is crazy stuff. Boat looks like it lost power, by the time the generator kicked back on it was already to late? That is some scary stuff man. Hope none of you guys are affected by it.
Craziness. I go through the ports of entry to NYC all the time and a bridge collapse or tunnel caving in is always in my mind.
I lived right there for a couple years about 10 years ago and used to take that bridge all the time. Occasionally a truck would crash and block entry and it would be out for a little while but never did I think something like this would happen
Never was a fan of the old Tappan Zee Bridge. You could feel that thing sway like a son of a bitch when it was windy. Never was a fan of the Lincoln Tunnel, either, for that matter.
The Tappen Zee was built on wooden pilings that were being eaten by worms. A fucking miracle that thing lasted as long as it did.
Aren’t ships like that supposed to have a tug boat or something while they go through those channels?
I think I’ve now read just about every news story worth reading and I find it hard to believe in a 24-hour news cycle how many gaps there still are. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Yeah, an on-board Baltimore harbor pilot. Who, by everything I’ve read, realized disaster early and did as good a job as anyone could. Dropped anchor, tried to maneuver out of it, radioed to shut down traffic on the bridge. There’s something weird about this. It wasn’t just engine failure, it was EVERYTHING failure. There’s something funky we’re not hearing yet,
A lot of jumpers on a yearly basis as well. I guess the moral of the story is better voluntary than involuntary . . . ?
When there's no clear narrative, I suppose anything is possible. Here, though, I've read there were TWO pilots on board. And, where the ship was dead in the water and drifting, I'm thinking that might have been the bigger problem.
Washington Post › 2024/03/26 › pilot-... 9 hours ago — The ship was traveling at 8 knots, a normal speed for the area that Diamond described as “ahead slow.” The ship never regained engine power, but ... Edit: 8 kts is about 9 mph
I don’t really know why a cyber attack or other nefarious doings was ruled out within hours of it happening. Wouldn’t a thorough investigation warrant a bit more time? Possible or maybe incredibly probable that it was just a mistake. But they sure ran up to that podium to announce it was just a mistake to one of the more important ports on the Eastern sea board.
My neighbor is a recently retired Maersk captain, who I’m dying to poke with questions. I’m sure he has thoughts. For starters: both the electrical plant and propulsion went out - aren’t those two separate systems? Seems to me they are, since we see the lights kick back on and we’re told that was the emergency generator. So, what sort of thing could cause two separate systems to fail at the same time? I’m sure there’s a simple answer. Only one day in, but the longer we go without simple answers, the more likely the empty space gets filed with conspiracy theory.
My little brother lives on the outskirts of Baltimore and uses that bridge all the time. Thank goodness he wasn't driving when that happened. Definitely a scary accident. It's kind of funny how people are trying to blame the infrastructure bill for this when it was a freak accident. Seeing some really STUPID coverage for this on the right.
I don't know if the ship was directly driven by a propellor shaft from the engine or if the main engine was simply a generator that provided power for electric motors that turned the propellor(s). If the latter, which is fairly common in newer large ships, it would explain how all functions could be disabled simultaneously - the ship is only 9-10 years old. A Wikipedia page indicated the ship had a single (apparently huge) nine cylinder diesel engine. I'm sure your friend would know. I only got a quick chance to see the headline in the Washington Post article before the paywall went up but the quote stating the 8 knot speed was normal for the area is directly contradictory to the television report I saw last night. Your friend could probably shed light on that as well.