Aaron Rodgers, Robert Saleh and how the Jets’ season fell apart: ‘Something has to change’ (Article)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by KY Jets Fan, Jan 31, 2024.

  1. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    We already went over this: according to the report Zach was told to start when Boyle was already named a starter!!! That part I do not believe at all, because it does not make logical sense. Also I find very presumptive of Blatt to imply that Wilson only agreed to start because of his report. If so, then Blatt and Russini may have cost us Joe Alt since Wilson won us that meaningless game against Houston and fucked draft position. But seriously though, I find this entire Wilson "report" a giant stretch. They keep mentioning he was hesitant "if asked". So Saleh didn't ask him to start, but told Rodgers to talk to him, so that he says yes "if asked"? Zach then went to Saleh's office to say he would start "if asked". Why wouldn't Saleh just fucking ask him? Why "if asked" keeps being mentioned? Just ask him then. He either asked him and he said no, or he didn't. "If asked" is a cop out reporting. Anyway, that part to me is clearly BS.

    Another part of the report "To woo the four-time All-Pro, the owner approved the hiring of Hackett on Jan. 26." I am sure it was a part of it, but at that time Rodgers was a long shot. It's overwhelmingly likely they thought Hack was a good coach with the added benefit of improved chance of getting Rodgers. He made it sound like it was the only reason, which I don't buy. He doesn't want to blame FO for not realizing Hack was a shit OC. In fact, there seems to bias and favoritism in the article towards FO. Which is likely where the key sources came from. Btw, it is not 30 anonymous sources. Some of these "sources" are Rodgers and GW, who spoke publicly and their quotes are in the article, and some are not even inside the org.

    Blatt also says the Jets reached out to Wentz. From what we heard at the time it was Wentz who reached out to the Jets multiple times and Jets said they were not interested. That makes sense ... because we didn't sign Wentz. It seems obvious to me Blatt is protecting FO in this entire article, even though FO fucked up even more than CS, particularly not being able to build OL.

    There are other examples as well, but I am with @typeOnegative13NY on this one: some of it is true, some of it is embellished, some of is third hand info, which may or may not be reliable. Overall though, I do think the picture of the Jets as dysfunctional organization is accurate. But I knew that before the report, which is why I wanted them to clean house this off-season. We know offensive side of the ball stinks and so does the HC. If anything this reports hides how bad FO sucks. To me the report is not really a bombshell, it's something we already knew. Woody screwed up by not cleaning the house completely. But again we knew this before the report.
    #121 Borat, Feb 4, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
  2. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    It is obvious not just Hack, but entire FO and Coaching stays because of Rodgers. Including JD and Saleh, and yes Hack too. They even kept OL coach. But last I checked Rodgers doesn't decide who stays. The owner makes that decision. Rodgers wants to run it back because he is arrogant and thinks with him they can win like Manning with Gase. Rodgers is the offense, GW already said it. Hack will give a suggestion of what play Rodgers should run for his consideration, and Rodgers will run what he thinks is best. Will that work? I don't know. It worked with Manning/Gase, but I am just not sure. But right now with Woody not cleaning house, this is our best shot.

    If I were Woody I would clean house and told Rodgers he is a key part of the team, a star QB, but he will need to work with new coach, like any other player. I would even ask for his inputs in the hiring process, but I would be the decision maker. Woody felt otherwise. Which is why we are running it back.
  3. Trainer

    Trainer Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Im surprised this wasn't posted here (unless I missed it). Rosenblatt interviewed about the article, the process, the vetting of sources, etc.

    My personal opinion:
    Was it a "hit piece"? Yes
    Does that make it false? No
    Are some things blown way out of proportion? Definitely
    Is the organization dysfunctional? Absolutely

    PS - Boyle was "the Source".
  4. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I believe it’s a possibility… most likely a comment zw made, that got blown out of proportion. Especially of the source was Boyle
  5. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Nothing in this article surprises me in the least. None of it, with the extremely small possibility of how paranoid and obsessed Saleh is with image. But the results don't steer you away from this conclusion, so it's completely believable. God forbid he was that obsessed with what mattered.

    I've known that Woody was prone to react to fan criticism for over a decade, and often argue with people about how obvious it is. I mean, it's the same obvious shit time and time again.

    The rest of it was pretty obvious to even a casual observer, but you may as well have been flashing it as a neon light for those of us who know well and follow closely this caricature of an organization.

    Even the biggest Darksiders like myself have always maintained a tiny bit of hope somewhere within us, even if we extinguish it the second it tries to surface. But this - this is a direct repeat of so many dysfunctional behaviors of years past -particularly the past 15 - that it's impossible to have hope anymore. The cycle of insanity continues and only a fool can believe it will get better.

    The impossibility of attracting good talent at any level alone is enough to doom any real chance outside of an Irish Sweepstakes level lightning strike. There is no light anywhere in this tunnel.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  6. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Sure it's possible - but so much of this stuff is either similar to or a progression from the dysfunction we've seen in the past that there's no way to assume it's not mostly true. Besides, the results resemble it like an identical twin.
  7. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    You can decide for yourself what you choose to believe; you cannot decide for yourself what anyone else should believe. In any event, the question was not directed at you. We at TGG have gone over hundreds of things in the past few years, that certainly doesn't mean we all need to agree. Many of us, based on long experience, have no faith in announcements made from Florham Park. If you elect to believe that coaches and management do not change their minds in a fluid situation that's your privilege; just don't expect all of us to follow your lead in choosing what is real and what is "presumptive." You're simply guessing about what conversations took place and when between Wilson, Saleh and Rodgers when certainly the writers are in a far better position to hear it from the horse's mouth or someone in the same barn.

    The writer's name is Rosenblatt, not Blatt, so I don 't know how familiar you are with his and Russini's writing. The expression "if asked" was a characterization of Wilson's attitude and how it changed between two games, not Saleh's; perhaps you might want to read through it again to get a clearer picture. Whether the Jets or Wentz made the first contact is inconsequential regardless of what you believe you "heard at the time." Perhaps your sources are inferior to those of Rosenblatt and Russini. But since you have taken up the spear on this one maybe you'd like to share your opinion on why we haven't heard anything from the rest of the press corps on how these articles are incorrect, rather than simply deciding what makes sense to you and why that somehow settles the matter?
  8. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Thanks for posting this. It's pretty long with not a lot of new information but for those who opt not to believe much of what has been reported, I'd suggest they listen to about three minutes beginning around 8:00 on the clock where Rosenblatt explains the vetting requirements from both the Athletic and the NY Times before he can utilize information in writing a story; even then his original version was about 5000 words was shrunk down to about 300 that was published partly because some of it could not be corroborated to the level required.

    Unless I missed it, your "PS" naming Boyle as the source was not in the podcast - where can I find it?
  9. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Rosenblatt talks about the vetting process for information received and what he called "aggregate," meaning the same information from different sources must mesh and be consistent. I have not seen anything other than guesswork calling Boyle a source of anything.
  10. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    That’s fine, but in my opinion, if you are immune from verifying your sources, you can say whatever you want for clicks. Maybe it’s all true, maybe some of it is, some of it embellished. All we can do is take what we want to hear from it.

    In my opinion, bringing Rodgers here had a -it better work out 100%, because I already don’t like his politics-with a lot of NY fans. So something like this is going to ignite the hell out of that in some people, and others are going to question it.

    We are going to have Rodgers and saleh next year. It is what it is, and I want to win. Now. So until it all officially implodes, I’m going to hope it works out. They have one more year to show us something.
    Acad23 likes this.
  11. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    I am familiar with him, I followed his career since he joined Athletic and listen to his podcast. I do like his work overall - he does have ZackBlatt twitter handle, and referenced Blatt a couple of times in his podcast, so I used Blatt for short. Hope it's OK.

    On the Wentz paragraph, well what I heard at the time was this, and like I said these make more sense, since Wentz made less money than if the Jets reached out and signed him earlier, plus he would not have to travel across country, which explains why he reached out to the Jets the second time before signing with the Rams. It makes a lot more sense than us reaching out to him, and then him declining more money and reports at the time suggesting otherwise.


    The rest of your post is more or less regurgitation of previous discussion, you can believe article word for word if you want, but the are logical fallacies I pointed out for the board to consider not trusting every word there. Feels like you are more or less trusting these two reporters because they are saying what you want to hear, in spite of common sense suggesting otherwise. The "if asked" part is particularly facinating. So, according to you, did Saleh ask Zach to start and he said no? Or that didn't actually happen?
  12. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    There are a lot of comments in this thread about the truthfulness of this article, which is fine given that's the title of the thread, but it's far more important for each fan to ask themselves why they still believe this organization can succeed? Don't rely on journalistic opinion, just rely on what you're own eyes are telling you. In the end, use "Parcell's Law": "You are what your record says you are".
    Ralebird, NCJetsfan and ouchy like this.
  13. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Of course the Jets can succeed.

    Even the worst owners luck into a great QB or something and win. the Bengals have been a sub-par organization forever. The Colts, you can't tell me Irsay is a good owner. Bidwell in Arizona, the guy is cheap and terrible. These teams have division titles, SB appearances or titles in the last 20 years
    All Gas No Shake likes this.
  14. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    So then why bother being a fan then? We have a great defense, some great offensive pieces. Let’s see what they do this offseason:
  15. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    I may be in the minority here, but I still think Rodgers can make a massive difference if we can have a good OL that will protect him. I am not confident JD can do it, but I do think he will give a significantly better effort than he ever had in the past to improve the line. With quite a few good OL targets in the draft, maybe even JD with luck into some if he tries hard enough.

    But having a good QB who has time to throw and who knows this offense to the point where he is effectively the play caller could work. Like it or not Rodgers is our only hope next year to be successful. Now, I am not sure what the likelihood of success is here, but Manning did it with Gase, which does give me hope.
    nevbeats319 and Jonathan_Vilma like this.
  16. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    The 2022 version of Rodgers probably gets us into the playoffs in 2022 and 2023.
    Acad23, nevbeats319 and Borat like this.
  17. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    If you recall Manning was also coming off serious injury before Denver, actually way more serious. He was younger though, so it is hard to tell, but I do think it is realistic. But if you look at the receiving core Rodgers had in 2022, Lazard was his top guy, and Cobb a key guy. We know how bad Lazard and Cobb are. Doubs (4th round rookie) and Watson (2nd round rookie, but from small school, more of a longer term project) were his receivers. If you look at GB now, these two rookies are in the second year, and awful Lazard was replaced with 2nd round pro ready guy from Michigan st - Reed. Plus they got a new TE in the 2nd using our high pick from PAC 12.

    The point is that we don't know yet what Rodgers we will get, but the decline from MVP season may not be enormous. If JD does things right, Lazard will go from his #1 WR option in GB in 2022 to #4 or #5. Conklin is also IMO a very good option at TE, way superior to what he had in 2022. JD needs to deliver this off-season, there is no doubt about it, but I don't think the hope is lost for 2024 in spite of not cleaning house, which would have increased success probability.
    nevbeats319 likes this.
  18. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    if they thought Hackett was a good coach then we are more screwed then we realize
  19. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    We aren’t getting the 2022 Rodgers. We are getting the 2024 version: older, injured and distracted :(
  20. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Would be nice if for once we could follow the model of great qb, with young qb learning behind him. The jets were never going to have the benefit of starting on square one with that. So we had to import one. IMO, Rodger’s importance is more than just on the field. If done right, and he can play for 2 more years as he says… we could change everything if they can get the right guy to sit behind him in the draft.

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