I was wondering if anyone has had this done? and if so, did it help? Hurt my knee (again) during the run of hurricane surf in september.....MRI showed I don't have enough "good" cartilage left to go in an trim / smooth out the bad & torn pieces (I had that done to my other knee like 12 years ago or so, but that tear was worse.) Fake knees are in my future, but Dr. recommended an injection to slow the decay. I figured alot of people here played sports at some point, so maybe their joints are almost shot as mine and had this done Edit: it's "Hyaluronic" if someone can fix the title.... lol
My old man's buddy, who is a former FDNY Captain and a triathlete like the former, got collagen injections, stem cell injections, and hyaluronic acid injections in his knees, which trust me, are completely shot. Fair to middling improvement that wasn't sustained with all of them. He needs and is finally getting TKRs. Sometimes there just isn't any substitute for gutting and replacing. Ask Joe Namath. My neighbor's 92 year old Mom refuses surgery/TKR, when she is actually a good candidate for, believe it or not. "I'll never wake up, they'll kill me, blah blah." Anyway, she also has gotten all of the above with no relief at all. It should be noted, though, that she is extremely high maintenance, is never happy with anything, and is a chronic complainer, and not just because she's old. She was like that when she was 30. Next up for her is this: https://www.mycoolief.com/ ^I can't attest to it nor do I know anything about it, but look into it, nothing to be lost. Also, you should try Celadrin softgels. A lot of people swear by it for knee pain. Good luck!
Have you tried physical therapy? The cartilage in my one knee is all f’ed up from playing ball back in the day. The doctor said it’s not worth surgery cause there’s not much there. So im probably in the same situation as you I tried physical therapy, it was helping some but it was expensive for me, fuckin health insurance.
Yes and Yes. That's exactly what they said to me. my issue it's not the muscles as much as what's inbetween. Yes, therapy does help (when I'm doing it ) but I'm still active... You can do most if not all of those exercises (maybe modified due to equipment) at home. Time for me to get back on it.... and not just the basic leg workout stuff. Shoulder and wrist are shot too.... hoping for serious medical advancements the next ten years. I'm gonna end up like Steve Austin (no, not the fake wrestler)
That's why I stopped going to therapy, I realized that eventually there was nothing new they were teaching me so I could do it at home and save money. But I have to not be lazy at home haha
Do it in the garage with beer Actually when I had surgery on my other knee years ago, I continued my own ghettofabulous PT at home in the garage. Balance boards: A scrap piece of 3/4" plywood on a scrap of Drain pipe (ghetto "Indo Board") and also a half deflated basketball underneath to use as a balance / wobble board. and a pair of ankle weights from walmart...
I get it, but, that may be more of a reason to go ahead and get it done. The rehab will go a lot easier and it's not a band-aid.
Somehow I escaped bad knees. I have all kinds of headache and neck injury advice if you need it though.
I think the knees / arthritis / cartilage issues are genetic. I see the future in my old man, and its not good. In regards to the neck, unfortunately I have that too.... someone plowed into me while I was at a redlight, with my head turned, dicking with the radio / something on the passenger seat. If I fall asleep in a bad position Im fuct for days... All Gas No brakes
I have the same issue, except it was a couple of hundred helmets and forearms to the side of my head that did it. Usually it's ice on the morning and heat as night if I accidently roll on my side in the night, goes away after the first day usually. 30min each. Plus I drop a 1/3 cup of cocoa powder in a smoothie and it seems to help a lot with inflammation, probably better things to use but I like chocolate.
Maybe yes, maybe no. This article was released from the Cleveland Clinic today and while it shows the most recent forecasts of longevity it also makes the point that most of the appliances involved in the studies are not even on the market any longer. Advances in materials for those being used today may produce much longer time of reliability. How Long Does a Hip or Knee Replacement Last? – Cleveland Clinic