Saleh Interview - TMKS

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by GasedAndConfused, Nov 8, 2023.

  1. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    he followed up with the "uh uh" with "i've already answered this question 5 times so not sure what else you want me to say" and then "zach gives us the best chance to win"

    1st time was 40sec MK" defense is being wasted on offense that can't score", Saleh "we haven't had continuity for 3 years, too many moving parts" (aka injuries and shuffling players around due to it)
    2nd time 2:02 MK "fracturing the locker room due to bad offense" saleh "it's natural to be frustrated but there is no fracturing in the locker room, nothing for him to worry about"
    3rd time 3:29 MK "you sound frustrated like fans" Saleh "praises the defense and said he'd expect a win with the way they played and yesterday was embarassing, obviously i'm frustrated. there are problems trying to find solutions grinding out tape"
    4th time 4:55 MK "I don't think zach can play, he's the one constant, why stick with him" saleh "it's a fair question. people always blame the QB, HC, and playcaller. we have to look at the all 22. when you look at it are there things zach could do better? sure there is he knows it, we know it. we also could have done better as coaches and play callers and the players around him catching the ball, blocking, running right routes. sometimes it's obvious when you turn on the all 22 it's obvious the QB doesn't belong. that's not the case here. everyone needs to do better including the QB.
    5th time 7:04 MK" zach is he 1 constant. why not try simian, you benched him for white last year" saleh "fair question, i'm gonna plead the 5th. I can't respectfully explain. I know form passionate fans they ask the same questions and I respect them greatly. I have to look at it from a global standpoint and look at the all 22 and make the decisions from that.
    6th time. 8:18 MK "so your saying nothing would change if boyle or simian were put in that position" Saleh "hypothetically. last years benching was different. zach had lost confidence. didn't want to make it worse. it spilled to off field in meetings and practices. did it to save him. this year is different. he has support form his teammates. they see the work and growth and practices and they recognize it's not just him. thats why the noise is different. most of the noise is coming from the fans not the team. from an internal standpoint when you look at zach and they way he's grown and the things that he's doing he does give us the best option to win. you wish we could find more success and continutiy. all the different o-line combinations aren't easy to deal with. all the change at WR and I feel like i'm beating a dead horse and been on repeat in terms of us trying to get better, but we need to put them in better positions.
    7th time MK 10:25 "what about aikman saying you are a bad team" Saleh "i don't think we are a bad team. bad teams don't go out and beat phi, den, buff and go to the wire against KC" but with that said what we displayed yesterday was not good enough so he's entitled to that opinion.

    all he did was find ways to ask the same question over and over. as the one being interviewed yeah it can be frustrating. I time stamped it all above to make it easy. the 8:18 mark is his best answer where he goes more into details
  2. sozopol

    sozopol Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    FFS this is getting sad. All you are doing is making my case for me. The question we are talking about is "Why won't you bench Zach, since everyone can see he is not really playing like an NFL QB, and give one of the other QBs a chance?" What you call the 1st time, 2nd time, and 3rd time are completely different questions-- is the locker room starting to fracture, you seem in a worse mood than I've ever seen you, etc. What you call the 4th, 5th, and 6th times are the question and 2 follow-ups we are talking about--and the way you've transcribed it, without the awkward hesitations, rambling tone, deflection, and so on, is dishonest. You also left out some of the especially weird quotes like "some analysts looked at the tape and said, well, Zach didn't really play that bad". What you call the 7th time is again, a totally different question.

    I like Saleh although I'm starting to lose patience the longer he sticks with Zach and won't say why. And, despite what you keep saying, he won't say why. Just repeating "he gives us the best chance to win" is not answering the question. HOW does he give you the best chance? HOW can he be significantly better than Simien, a veteran-- not a great one ofc, but we don't need great, we just need minimally competent. Hit someone in the flat in stride. Throw the ball away on fourth down. That kind of thing.
    SOJAZ likes this.
  3. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    and his simple answer was

    "this year is different. he has support form his teammates. they see the work and growth and practices and they recognize it's not just him. thats why the noise is different. most of the noise is coming from the fans not the team. from an internal standpoint when you look at zach and they way he's grown and the things that he's doing he does give us the best option to win. you wish we could find more success and continutiy. all the different o-line combinations aren't easy to deal with. all the change at WR and I feel like i'm beating a dead horse and been on repeat in terms of us trying to get better, but we need to put them in better positions."

    the TLDR is the players and coaches don't agree with what the fans are saying because fans always just blame the QB, HC, and play caller. and he is 100% right. saleh knows how angry emotional fans are. it's not logical, smart, or rational. you cna't use fan outcry to make dumb choices
  4. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    By putting a couple of worthless scrubs behind him which no other team in their right mind would even consider signing, JD set it up where Zach can't be pulled. This is the second consecutive season where JD is the front runner to win the Offensive GM of the year award.

    As for Saleh, he is just the lead puppet for an organization which continues to grift its desperate fanbase. At this point, Woody only interested in raking in as much money as possible from the clueless masses, since he has been well aware of the 2023 season script for some time now.
    Ralebird, SOJAZ, Centiment and 4 others like this.
  5. sozopol

    sozopol Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    "from an internal standpoint when you look at zach and they way he's grown and the things that he's doing he does give us the best option to win. you wish we could find more success and continutiy."

    That's as close as he gets to an answer, and it's basically "however terrible Zach is playing during the games, internally (in practice, in film room, etc) we continue to conclude that any other potential option is even worse."

    I personally have a hard time believing it, but maybe its true. Who knows. It's an ugly situation all around; Zach is terrible and the HC and FO are terrible for not providing viable backup options. Or maybe Woody has neutered them.
  6. Trainer

    Trainer Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Basically he's saying that they don't have an NFL caliber Quarterback on the roster or practice squad. If Boyle and Siemien aren't good enough to even step on the field in this debacle, why are they here?
    Ralebird, sozopol, SOJAZ and 4 others like this.
  7. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    and thats exactly it. we all know zach isn't good. saleh knows it too. he's not dumb. but he knows he's much better then boyle or simian or anyone else we could realistically get so it's the lesser of 3 evils.

    as far as not having better backups, zach was the better back up. and he's been better then most around the NFL. Minshew and winston were thought to be 2 of the best backups. they have been awful this year. dobbs has played well but IDK if i can say he's been better then zach. dalton had a good game his 1 game he played. tyrod tayler was awful.

    yeah boyle sucks but he was QB3 to start the year and knows the offense and is rodgers buddy
  8. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    Streveler can’t throw a football. If you’re trying to compare Siemian, who has actually had some success in the NFL to Streveler then I know you’re just trolling everyone. Siemian’s career is better in every measurable category and everything Siemian has done on the field in his career has been measurably better than Zach.
    Chappy13 and Ralebird like this.
  9. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    I'm talking about an exact situation form last year where everyone said "strevler can't be worse and he was so good in pre season and woody is forcing saleh to start zach" and then we benched him for strevler for 1 game and it was way worse.
    siamian is awful. he had a couple good years for being a 7th round pick half a decade ago but has been trash since. he was here 2 years ago and lasted less then a quarter. he started a game last year for chicago and was awful. and no team signed him after that. what happened in the past doesn't matter. peyton manning is one of the best all time. he couldn't come in and play better then zach right now though. simian right now has nothing left in the tank. thats why he's behind boyle too who is awful. good Qbs aren't laying around and as bad as zach is, he's still a top 25-30 QB in the world.
  10. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    Nobody had any idea what Streveler was. Siemian has shown success in the NFL. I don’t care how long ago, it was still more recent than Zach has shown success in the NFL. Like I said, if we didn’t have Zach this year and Siemian came in looking like this we’d have had QB’s down the streets in for tryouts.
  11. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    yes we did. we seen it in preseason. I said it then he's not an NFL QB. watch him play. but everyone quoted stats and how he was the hero and led all those comebacks. then he got to start an actual NFL game and everyone realized they were wrong and he sucked. now we are all doing the same thing except the name changed. the thing is, no matter how bad things are, they can always get worse. we are still 4-4 and in the heat of things. it's not like were 0-8 and have some late round rookie QB who's never had a chance yet. in that case I understand the fuck it, play the unknown and see what happens. but thats not the case. we are 4-4 with 2 known backups who are worse then zach. emotional fans just can't grasp the concept that someone can be worse then zach because they hate him so much and blame him for everything.
  12. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Did Streveler actually start a game last season? I must’ve been sniffing glue that week.
  13. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    nah he didn't start. He came in late 3rd quarter for one game (Jacksonville) to put Zach Wilson out of his misery, I think we punted 8 times or something through 3 quarters with Wilson and Strev came in and picked up a 1st down and played the 4th quarter

    That was it for steveler, basically 1 quarter of play.

    just a case of someone looking at the box scores and not much beyond that. I think Streveler gets credit for 1 start cause he was in on the first play one game, Seattle maybe, on a trick play. But he did not start as QB of the New York Jets ever
    #73 BrowningNagle, Nov 9, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2023
    HomeoftheJets and SackRecord99 like this.
  14. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    YOU think Siemian is worse. You can’t seem to grasp that concept. Every other fan on this board disagrees with you. You’re literally a one man army making a fool out of yourself saying you can’t use stats, you can’t look at bad plays, you have to blame his teammates. Trevor Siemian has done far more in the NFL than Zach. Far more. The only reason he’s on the bench is because starting him is the end of Zach’s career in NY. Douglas and Co are sitting and praying that Zach suddenly has a light bulb go off in his head when the power has been out the entire time. Zach is not a good QB. He’s the worst starting QB in the NFL for 3 straight years. It is criminal to not try and upgrade the position.
  15. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I think Siemien is better too, but at worst its close with Siemien and Wilson.

    And even if it is in the same ballpark, we are talking about 2 shitty backups. When one backup can't pick up a 1st down for 3 weeks of football, you move to the other for something new for fuck's sake.

    Maybe Siemien can pick up a 1st down.....progress!
    Cman68, Pepsiguy5 and papapump like this.
  16. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    here is the reality. it doesn't matter what I think. or what you think or what fans think. the coaching staff thinks he's worse and will continue to play zach. fans always think they know better and they rarely do.
    the fact that this board disagrees with 32 teams coaching staffs, front office, and scouting departments says more about the quality of the fans here then it does about the teams. thats well over hundreds of people who do it professionally and constantly watch film and practices in person think simian is worse then zach which is why he wasn't even rostered on a team until 2 weeks ago. the 4-5 people who think think otherwise are the ones who should take a hard look in the mirror.
  17. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    Read pal, no one thinks the coaching staff thinks Siemian is worse. No one. We all know the coaching staff is praying for Zach to improve. They’re praying he shows a glimpse of why they drafted him so they do t look so damn foolish. Siemian was the least threatening competition to that goal. But those that aren’t delusional or doesn’t have their professional reputation on the line can see what’s obvious.
    SOJAZ, Cman68 and sozopol like this.
  18. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    because people are making stuff up in their head to try and prove their point. reality is zach is the starter, reality is saleh said verbatim "zach gives us the best chance to win"
    the team has already moved on from zach. thats why we traded for rodgers. simian isn't threatening anything.

    it's like this one time, long long ago I dated this girl. and she got mad at me because I cheated on her, in her dream. she was legit mad for days because she had a dream I cheated on her. it wasn't real, it wasn't logical. thats what some of you remind me of right now.

    it's 1 think to disagree with hundreds of professional, it's 1 thing to disagree with other fans. but it's a whole different level when people start making up conspiracies. thats a road for only the real crazies.
  19. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    This is eerily similar to junc.
  20. Justwinit

    Justwinit Active Member

    Aug 19, 2005
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    The Jets defense is one of the best in the league. Zach has to practice against it week in and out. Does he look this bad in practice? If not, then what is going on that he cannot perform against an opposing team that has at best, an equal defense to ours. Do we not practice a full throttle defense during the week so he looks better? His decision making during games is terrible and just wondering why it so bad on Sunday and not during the week.

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