I think the point is that there isn’t that much of a difference between the ar and other guns, as there is between a motorized scooter and skateboard. It still comes down to the understanding.
I don't get to ban anything - we have a legislative process to do that. That process includes banks of lawyers and technically oriented people to be precise in verbiage when a law banning anything is written. When the US military stops calling their 45 caliber handgun an "automatic," as it has for 112 years, I'll pay more attention to the nonsensical diversion of splitting hairs over street, not legal, conversations about specific weaponry.
I think people reading my Posts get the message But leave it to you to split hairs over ordinance definitions carry on..
So no; you don’t know the difference? So you have no understanding of what it is you want to ban. Thanks, defense rests. Fully auto, vs semi auto(which covers many more guns than just the ar15), is far from splitting hairs.
If the US government has been fine with calling a semi-automatic weapon an "automatic" for over a century, why should it be incumbent on everyone on the internet to be more precise? Again, do you think it makes any difference whatsoever to the families of those dead and wounded if the bullets were fired at 100 per minute or 800 per minute?
Always good to see the do nothing party relying on hocus pocus and talking to imaginary friends to try and solve this issue. Seriously the world would be such a better place without this idea that some sky fairy created everything and controls everything
121212121212121212121212121212 When did I ever advocate banning anything? But more important, why do you go out of your way every time the topic comes up (usually following another mass murder) to make a big deal about those who lack your standard of precision in gun language? Are you even aware that the weapon that became the US military M16 was originally called the AR15? It's the same basic weapon and only one small part changes its method of use.
. im not going out of my way, I’m replying the the typical immediate hyper focus that banning one type of gun will solve the problem. If that’s not you, I’m not sure why you inserted yourself into the conversation.
The blanket ban one type of weapon isn’t going to stop mass shootings. It’ll save minimal lives in the process but I don’t think people that want to do this will shy away from doing it because they can’t get a specific type of rifle.
some politicians recently replaced their American flag pins on their jackets with AR 15 pins. That's just crazy and obsessive to me
I've been in the conversation since the first page; why does that make any difference? Where is "the typical hyper focus" on banning anything demonstrated here; who said it would solve any problem? You're the one who began the hair splitting about the terminology you prefer. And you're the one who said "I think this gun should be banned at this point solely on the allure ."
if you have been here since page one, then you wound have seen what I responded to. I did say that, and I’ll stick to it… although I don’t think it will make much of a difference
I did see what you responded to, and I've seen you do the same thing in the past. I ask you again - what difference does it make to the dead and wounded what kind of gun, or what setting on the gun, set the bullets tearing through their bodies?
A Ask that question to those who want to ban certain weapons , not me. As I have already said , my comments are responses, I didn’t bring up the topic of what weapons
Well, you not only made the statement to ban certain guns, you acknowledged it just a few posts above here. So, what's your answer then? You're the one splitting hairs between types of guns.