Zach Wilson vs Dallas: A Breakdown

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by KY Jets Fan, Sep 18, 2023.

  1. jets4848

    jets4848 Trolls

    Mar 29, 2023
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    Thank you because everytime I see someone defending Zach now or saying he is "imrpoving" I find it humorous to now, because they gotta be his family or dellusional. In the meantime you guys need to start thinking of excuses for Sunday when Bellichek wipes his ass with Zach.
  2. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I'm not very good at graphs, just an old dumb jock type but I think we can interpret that as saying that Wilson isn't throwing to many open windows (bottom half of the league) but he is about in the middle in terms of accuracy, according to the analysts there?

    I feel a couple ways about this
    1) I feel its only been 2 games so its not strong enough to conclude anything from:
    Josh Allen for example is a weird one, he's completed a whopping 60 passes in two games how is he on the bottom half of the accuracy window? oh yeah, the 3 picks

    2) I don't necessarily think throwing into tight windows should be something a QB gets credited positively for and in this graph it greatly influences where you are slotted.
    KY Jets Fan likes this.
  3. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    Keep it up!!! You're doing great honey!
    bicketybam likes this.
  4. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    The X-axis (horizontal bar) shows the % of throws a QB makes to open windows, so the farther that QB is to the right of the graph, the more throws they make to open windows.

    For the Y-axis (vertical bar), that shows you the % of accurate throws you make into those open windows.

    The best place to be on this graph is in the top right (Kirk Cousins, basically), that would mean that you are making a high % of throws to open windows and that the throws you make to those open windows are accurate. The 2nd best would be top left because that would mean even though you're below league average in terms of throws into open windows, the throws that you do make to those open windows are accurate.

    Zach is slightly below league average for both of those, at least that's what I gather because I'm assuming those dash lines are the average data points for the entire data set. That's why I've interpreted it as modest improvement for him.

    As you pointed out though, it's a very small sample size (only 2 games), and the graph doesn't take throws into "tight" windows into consideration so it's not like this is all of the data or the end all, be all for Zach and his development.
    BrowningNagle likes this.
  5. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Your obsession with zack is freakin creepy
    NY Jets68, KY Jets Fan and bicketybam like this.
  6. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    While I wouldn't say there's no value in any of this, the reality is that without context these stats (no stats) mean much. As one example, we've all seen games where a QB completes even less than 50% of his passes, but the ones he does complete are game changing and he winds up winning, or coming close to winning. Looking at the raw stats you would say he sucked, but in fact he didn't.
    KY Jets Fan likes this.
  7. rscherwin

    rscherwin Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    How do you paste a graphic in here???
    KY Jets Fan likes this.
  8. AtlantaJet

    AtlantaJet Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2003
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    Heard a stat today that when throwing the ball in less than 2.5 seconds Zach is the best QB in the league, when he waits more than 2.5 seconds he is one of the worst. They probably need to encourage Zach to run or throws it away if his first (at most second) read isn't open.
  9. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    There are a ton of stats that are useful, and yes context is necessary.

    My feeling on this though is that for a QB, there are a few key stats. To me, those are completion rate, yards per attempt, yards per game, and TD-Picks count. If you have those stats, they will tell you how good a QB is doing. They change over time as the game has evolved…so back in the 1970s, a completion rate of 50%-55% was pretty much the norm. These days, that rate sucks balls.

    The other thing that matters is a large enough sample size.

    That’s why all this in depth review of Zach, and the eye squinting and searching we have to do to try and fine SOME improvement is such a waste of time. We know what he is. He’s been the same for 25 games now and different combo’s of OL, OC, and receivers. At some point, the common denominator is him.

    Zach’s stats have been pretty consistent over his career…and without looking up the actual numbers today, I’m pretty confident in saying he’s probably in the range of 52-54% completion rate, he’s averaging probably like about 165 yards per game, probably like 5 yards per attempt, and he’s got more Int’s than TD’s.

    That’s a pretty shitty QB stat line. In fact, that will get you bottom 2 or 3 in the league if not the absolute worst for qualifying QB’s.

    He is what he is…a crappy QB. No, he didn’t play behind a great OL, no he didn’t have hall of fame receivers, and no, he hasn’t played for top notch OC’s.

    Still…his stats should not be THIS bad, and the fact that they’ve been consistent with little upward trend tells me the odds of him becoming an average QB are low.

    The eye test matches all of these stats. We struggle to move the ball and make first downs. We struggle to end drives in the red zone with TD’s instead of FG’s. We probably have one of the higher rates of 3 and out drives in the league over the last couple years…would be interesting to look that up.

    But regardless, it’s painful to watch the Jets offense when Zach is the QB.

    We are stuck with him this year (though I don’t understand why we haven’t brought in another guy yet…I’d take Foles, I’d take even Wentz at this point…but unless he miraculously turns it around this year…we need to just admit he sucks, move on next year, and go with Rodgers and a different backup QB.

    I have very little faith in him…not because I’m a hater, but because he has not performed at a level that shows he can do it. It’s been 24 games now. If he was any good, we’d have seen it by now…
    HomeoftheJets likes this.
  10. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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  11. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I think Zach has definitely gotten better. Especially In the pocket. Foot work has improved.

    Unfortunately. I think his progress still only makes him below average, backup caliber. (maybe)

    Fucking sucks.
    NCJetsfan and Borat like this.
  12. JetsFanDoc

    JetsFanDoc Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    Stop with the “he was under pressure” arguments. Its getting a bit nauseating.

    Thats the NFL! Pressure! Fucking deal with it and be a professional QB. Plenty of QBs deal with a lot of pressure and they make adjustments. The Zach apologists are out in fulp force
  13. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    You can pull up games from his rookie year like the Titans game and see Zach doing things better then than he is now. So I honestly don't think he's improved at all.
  14. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    Right click on the photo/graphic.

    A "menu box" should pop up, find the option that says "Copy image address".

    In the message box for the forum there's an "Image" option on the upper tool box, right next to the smiley face, left click on that and a dialogue box should open up with an option for you to paste an image URL into it.

    Right click into that space, paste the image address you copied from earlier, and voila! You've posted a picture/graphic!
  15. rscherwin

    rscherwin Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Thanks ... I'm struggling to get a local image uploaded!

    (I've been charting Jet drives and want to upload a spreadsheet on all the drives versus Dallas that indicates what happened and what was Zach's fault or positive)
    KY Jets Fan likes this.
  16. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    Ahhhh, I gotcha. I've never been able to have sustained success with uploading images that I have created/saved onto my computer either.

    Only fix I was able to find was to create an account on Imgur, upload the image onto their server, then copy the image address from Imgur and post it here. However, I'm pretty sure unless you pay for a premium account on Imgur you only have 2-3 uploads available to you every day so it just wasn't worth it to me.
  17. rscherwin

    rscherwin Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    thanks for the help KY Jets Fan (PS - I'm Georgia Jet fan. Nice to have company in the South)
  18. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    I've got a buddy that lives just outside of Atlanta and we were so excited to see the Jets @ Falcons on the schedule back in 2021.

    We'd already started to make plans for me and my girlfriend (now fiancée) to come down for a weekend only for the full schedule release to show that was the London game. Very disappointed.

    Hopefully they get a game in Atlanta soon!
  19. barfolomew

    barfolomew The Most Resilient Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    I gotta agree with this. While Zach did suck ass, even Rodgers loses that game. It's Week 2 and the cowboys already look prepared for the playoffs. They are a cohesive team.

    That said, Zach needs to show a lot in this game against the PATS. I hope he gets three TD's through the air.
  20. barfolomew

    barfolomew The Most Resilient Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    I'm in Georgia too fyi. Carpetbagging Yankee myself. There's a jets bar in the north atlanta suburbs, Mazzies just fyi, but it's a dive.
    KY Jets Fan likes this.

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