Okay, I was curious enough to check it out and I was very wrong, there look to be at least 12 games that will have no conflict as the schedule stands now and week 18 times are not yet decided, so it could be 12. That doesn't mean that the Jets or Packers will not be flexed out of or into conflict situations and lots of games can be flexed this year. I quickly scanned an article I saw online and thought the writer had said only four or five games would give him the packers exclusion, it may have said the opposite. In fact there are nine times this year when the two teams don't even play on the same day. It looks like the bar guy has done a helluva job in setting up something he thinks will put a lot of guys on his barstools (and keep them there) who either still love Rodgers or now hate him. There are a couple of weeks when the Packers play at one and the Jets play at 4:25 so he's planning on some guys spending about seven hours there. The real test comes in week ten when Green Bay plays at one and the Jets play at night - a long day for the guy who wants to drink for free for ten hours IF the Jets lose. Let the games begin!
The people in the bar were cheering when Rodgers went down, all started running up big tabs. Would have been glorious to be there during the punt return to win the game.
With that much money at stake I’m guessing there was armed security there that night. “Going somewhere??”