I’m not putting any power to the Bucs, I’m putting the power on Belidouche to come in and give up more than we can trade. He makes moves he knows will screw us over, it’s a tale as old as he is. He gave up a 2nd for Mohammed Sanu, he wouldn’t hesitate to do it if it benefits them AND screws us at the same time
Well Evans said he wants to be somewhere he can get paid and win. He can’t do either of those things in New England. If Bill wants to give up a second for a guy that will walk in a year then maybe all the success is on Brady after all.
I think Belichick was the best coach in the NFL in the 2000s and carried Brady. But he started falling off in the 2010s, and Brady carried him. Now he's nothing special, there are a bunch of coaches better than him.
I disagree he can’t get paid there. In fact they can probably pay him more next year than we can. They have a good amount of money being freed up after this year and no #1 receiver. We’ve all seen it with these guys, money counts more than winning
He can get paid there but he’s not winning there. His agent says that’s on his list. Who knows if it’s true but if the goal is get paid and win he probably isn’t signing up for three years in NE.
The Jets need a more reliable second option. I think Evans got away with far too many push offs when a HOF QB in Brady was throwing to him... so yeah. He seems like he could become a ring chaser after being in QB purgatory for many years, and the Jets are the most popular case of Superfriends in the NFL... here in 2023.
I don't want to have to go through any more "down" years. I've been through enough of those in my lifetime with the Jets. It would especially be awful if we didn't get to or reached, but didn't win the SB. We shouldn't have to go through "down" years just because we won a SB. There's going all in, and then there's mortgaging the future. I'd give them a 4th and Brownlee or a 3rd and Brownlee. If it took throwing in Tanzel Smart to get it done, I would, but that's it. Take it or leave it. If they're stupid enough to keep him and see him walk in FA then only getting a 5th round comp pick for him, then good luck to them.
How did that work out for him? If he's making moves based on trying to screw the Jets, he's only going to succeed in screwing himself and the Patriots in the process. Belicheat doesn't have much to offer except draft picks, and after TB stole Brady and the Gronk from NE, I'm not convinced that Belicheat would give them anything even if it meant getting Evans in return. We have good young players we can offer along with a pick. We could offer them 1-2 of Brownlee, Smart, Yeboah, Dean (but I think we'd have to add him to the roster first), Hall, Carter, and we could offer them Lawson.
Just saw this pointed out on Twitter by one of the PFF guys… DeAndre Hopkins was in a similar situation and the Cardinals got a grand total of nothing for him. I really do think Mike Evans could be had for a third or maybe even a fourth
I was just about to mention Hopkins. He signed well after June 1st and got two years, 26 million at 31 years old. The same age Evans will be next season. Evans is not getting anything close to the Kupp contract. He would be easy to sign in the off-season.
Yeah, good point. Hopkins basically signed a one year 12 mil dollar contract as a 31 year old. Which is why Evans' agent is now trying to have him extended, and if not try to force a trade. The team that will trade for him will get this year of Evans for 13 mil, which is a good discounted value, and may be willing to shell out more in the future years, because they are getting discount this year. Teams like the Jets who are trying to win now. Honestly, this makes too much sense. His agent clearly wants an extension now to get more than in FA market next year, and I just don't see rebuilding Bucks doing it. We are shallow at WR, don't have a #2 guy. Evans will play that role and can step in as #1 too if needed. We part with 3d or 4th, and give him a decent contract for next couple of years adding a few mil we saved on him this year. I think this is a perfect scenario, I really do, which needs to happen hopefully sooner rather than later.
Eh maybe. But he must’ve been getting off with them before Brady too because he’s been a steady producer his entire career. The worry with Evans is that if his speed really falls off a cliff (never the fastest in/out of cuts anyways) he’ll look a lot more like Andre Johnson in Indianapolis that he will a Pro Bowl receiver. Agreed. The “wants to win” thing is sometimes a way of players making it seem like it’s not only about money. Evans is trying to squeeze one more big round of guaranteed money out of the NFL before he retires. As you said, he has the ring and needs a couple more 800 or so yard receiving years left before he’s in the top 30 in yards and HOF consideration. He should rather be easily finish top 15 in touchdowns.
Somewhat but Belichick still had his moments of greatness. 2018 SB will always stick out when he put 5 and 6 men on the LOS against that zone run game and made sure the flat tightend got hit on ever play action when he crossed in the backfield. He ran circles around McVay in that one. Brady was brilliant against the Falcons in the second half but Belichick’s defense also pitched a shutout. His defenses have ranked outside the top 10 in points 6 times in 21 years. That’s pretty wild.
They could but they would have to pay him an absurd amount of money. I think I read like 30mil for one year. I'm not a money guy though. Just what I read somewhere recently.
Why would they do that? If they're rebuilding, why would they want to pay a 30 year-old WR $20 million (or more)? Besides, he can refuse to sign the tag and then he'd be a FA, and the best they'd get is a 5th round comp pick. If they trade him before the trade deadling, who knows what they might get? They could get at least a 4th round pick and a young WR (Brownlee). They might get a 3rd round pick or even a 2nd round pick and Brownlee. Which would you rather have?