Oh my goodness, this feels like a dream come true. I was excited for the season before but this is just a little extra reason to go to sleep and set my alarm clock for midnight on September 11. Those unis look great.
Happy for the people here who really wanted these throwbacks. Will they have these in green versions. I'm debating picking up one in Green or the newer black ones. Unsure if I get Rodgers, it's been a mixed bag with QBs lol. Mostly shit performance
Seems like this year will only be the white unis. Hopefully the reception to these has been positive enough for Woody to change these, or something similar to them, to our permanent uniforms next year.
Does anybody actually prefer the current helmet logo to the past helmet logos (either the Superbowl look or the 70s/80s)? The current logo is just so bland, I like the shiny Gotham Green, but the logo just sucks. I would also love to see the black helmet with a green 70s/80s logo outlined in white.
I've been very vocal on here about my hatred for the current logo. They had so many opportunities to come up with something unique, and cool. Maybe even incorporate a fighter jet or something. Instead, they came up with the word "Jets" and a football. It's like a 5-year-old did it.
The team seems to have something against the green jersey these days. I think they look great but did we see them more than once last year? It’s meant to be our base colour for god’s sake.
https://www.homage.com/collections/new-york-jets Some really nice stuff on Homage. The shirts are super comfortable too. I have the Garrett Wilson NFL blitz shirt, the green retro helmet, and just ordered the white crest crewneck. My buddy got me this last year for my birthday.
Love these unis. Great start but let's go all out with them as the permanent ones next year. These are gonna look so cool on opening night vs the Bills.
I didn't realize it was ok to link to another forum. I'm on that one a lot and they have some good info.
The Bill Parcells/Rex Ryan era jerseys are my favorite, followed by the Ken O'Brien era ones. What makes the BP/RR jerseys so special to me is that Bill Parcells made that change when he changed the entire culture of the team. The 80's uniforms didn't even have an NY logo on them. He wanted to go back to the Namath era style jerseys and the first year they wore them they went to the AFC Championship game. For me it was the dawn of a new era. At the time I hated the 80's jerseys. Now I long for them when you consider the ones we have now
The current uniforms (and logo) is crap. I'm a fan of the 1978-82 "Sack Exchange" logo & uniforms. https://www.newyorkjets.com/news/a-timeline-of-the-jets-uniforms-through-the-seasons