Who told you that? Here's, for instance, how the process works in NYS: I don't see any mention of "medical professionals"....
What do you think the hearing gets scheduled for? You can't complain about your neighbor and expect any action to be taken immediately on your word alone as you alleged earlier; in fact, reading the ERPO application it appears that a neighbor is not eligible to file the application. Nobody gets a rubber band taken away without the order of a judge. The person raising the red flag makes the case and can get supporting information the judge will take into account - a doctors testimony would be considered. The judge can order a person to undergo examination. All this law does is streamline the process of removing guns quickly and considering whether they should be returned. If the situation is serious enough for a judge to approve removal I don't think not having guns for a couple of weeks is a critical hardship. If you have a better idea, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would be interested in hearing it; you did mention mental health problems earlier today - is there something you see that would work in that regard? New York is not the only state that has or is considering such a law and they will vary in their implementation so let's not take this one as the blueprint for all. As you note, this law also allows a temporary suspension of a subject's right to buy weapons which is no different really than requiring a waiting period for buying a firearm. Yesterday's shooter in Louisville bought the gun a week ago - a thirty day waiting period, for example, may have just delayed Sturgeon's actions or may have given him time to reconsider his plans or allowed his family to seek such a red flag determination if Kentucky had that option. The Nashville school shooter's parents had required giving up the gun that preexisted but a red flag determination there may have prevented the accumulation of the deadly replacements by Hale. There's not going to be a perfect solution for all cases, but partial success would save lives and misery and certainly beat the thoughts and prayers and simply taking note of mental illness without attempting to deal with its relevance.
Not so fast! On the eleven o'clock news tonight on ABC it was stated that Sturgeon was being treated for mental health issues. So, did someone he lived with or a family member believe he was a powder keg ready to blow up? Would they have seen no problem a week ago when he bought the gun? Do you really want us to believe that he fell outside the class of mass murder perpetrators because he was a college graduate or fell into a certain socio-economic class, one shared with many connected to similar incidents?
well yeah if you include suicides or fights, I thought we were talking about something different though
No...not saying that and only now family said he was being treated for mental health issues So his family may or may not have known he bought a gun . Did they know he was a powder keg ? You would have to ask them that..But recently the parent of a 6 year old who shot a teacher is also being charged just fyi I am certainly not talking about class here Ralebird but a national gun problem ...and yes red flag laws should still be in place for illiterate people or PhD s
You're just buying into the scary black rifle narrative driven by MSM. Here's 10 deadliest school shootings in the US: April 16, 2007: Virginia Tech shooting - 33 killed, 17 wounded (weapons: Glock 19 and Walther P22 handguns) December 14, 2012: Sandy Hool Elementary School shooting - 27 killed, 2 wounded (weapon: AR-15) May 24, 2022: Robb Elementary School shooting - 22 killed, 17 injured (weapon: AR-15) August 1, 1966: University of Texas shooting - 18 killed, 31 wounded (weapons: various rifles, revolver, handguns) February 14, 2018: Stoneman Douglas HS shooting - 17 killed, 17 wounded (weapon: AR-15) April 20, 1999: Columbine HS shooting - 15 killed, 21 wounded (weapons: 2 shotguns, 1 pistol and 9mm carbine) May 18, 2018: Santa Fe HS shooting - 10 killed, 14 wounded (weapons: 12ga shotgun, revolver) October 1, 2015: Umpqua Community College shooting - 10 killed, 8 wounded (weapons: 4 handguns, revolver) March 21, 2005: Red Lake HS shooting - 8 killed, 7 wounded (weapons: shotgun, handgun) April 2, 2012: Oikos University shooting - 7 killed, 3 wounded (weapon: .45 caliber handgun) AR-15 was used in 3 out of 10 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_by_death_toll
^ translation: ...look at me being my usual prickly self. . Yawn. . For starters I don't own guns as I don't believe in them nor do I need one (certainly not where I live you assumptive, provincial twit) .but besides your weak sauce ad hominem what exactly did you take issue with and why my little backwater brat?
Sturgeon was a psycho surgeon of perversion..... .......and you are an object lesson when it comes to a question.
The obvious answer is to have a much higher standard of observation on gun sales to people under a certain age and potentially a ban until a certain age. The majority of modern mass shooters are young men under a certain age. There should still be strong checks on sales to older people under some circumstances because almost anybody can become a mass shooter under the right circumstances.
"my wife is actually buying it" (wink, wink, nod, nod)... "honey he needs your ID to sell us... I mean...you.. your gun"
Look at the 2 recent ones in California.... both cases older men. I think the recent church shooting there was also an older man.
Oh, angry older men are definitely dangerous with guns also. It wasn't too long ago that the average shooter in the USA was a mid-30's male postal worker, hence the term "going postal". However the COD type games have bred a different kind of modern mass shooter who is much more prevalent today. The young (under-25) male with a chip on his shoulder and ready to right perceived slights at the point of a gun. After all he has thousands of hours of practice in simulations where he's doing just that.
The Las Vegas strip shooter was a real enigma, older, millionaire and thought about shooting up a few festivals before he settled on the country music show. He was at Lollapalooza in Chicago and Life is Beautiful in Downtown Vegas both times with hotel rooms over looking the venue. Apparently they said the one in Vegas didn't quite have the view he hoped for. We still have no idea the motive although some speculation is he had an axe to grind with a few of the casinos with how he was being treated. He wasn't a whale but he was a big time player