Looking at the Jets loss the day after...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by klecko73, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. klecko73

    klecko73 Guest

    I stayed away from TGG.com yesterday cause I figured passions (mine included) would be running extra high with a playoff game against the Pats.

    Although I am dissappointed the Jets lost, I am pleased with how they played.

    Several things stood out for me yesterday:

    #1 - The Jets came to play. The played hard and showed some spunk and effort.

    #2 - The Jets were out-matched. This is not a reflection on the Jets at all, but more a compliment (though it pains me) to the Pats. The Pats really did dominate on both sides of the ball - o-line and d-line. This game was won in the trenches with the Pats picking up our blitzs and their d-lineman able to exert enough pressure and basically make the Jets a pass only team.

    #3 - The Jets were out-coached. This is NOT a negative on Mangini at all. The Jets were prepared to play, they simply lost to a coach who had a better game plan prepared and implemented. Part of that is the fact that the "Belichick" system has been in place in NE for years, has all the pieces that fit and dominant players (especially on the d-line). I hate Belichicken as much as anyone, but he coached a good game yesterday. IF Mangini went up a against a lesser coach than Belichicken, the Jets win.

    #4 - The Jets over-achieved all year and yesterday proved it. Is that a bad thing? Not at all. It shows hard work and preperation pays dividends...but at the end of the day you still need talent. The last 7 1/2 minutes showed that as the Patriots were able to take over the game in crunch time.

    #5 - For the first time since the Parcells years, I *really* feel good about the Jets. I am confident in this team and I am confident that we will have a good off-season. It may not happen next year, but the AFC better watch out, cause this team and this coach are going to be trouble.

    IF anyone, especially the Hermaphrodites who still linger on this board, can't admit that the Jets haven't taken a huge step forward without Herm, I just don't understand them at all. I watched that KC game against the Colts and I saw a team that couldn't do squat on offense---funny considering that they have 4 Pro Bowlers on offense going against one of the worst run defenses in league history. That all goes back to coaching (or lack thereof) and to Herm. By contrast, the Jets played well yesterday and were within one play of taking the lead late in the 4th qtr. That is something to be proud of and happy with and be positive for the future...that and the Redskins 2nd round draft pick this year!
  2. bigoakley

    bigoakley New Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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    i totally agree! and we didnt do anything stupid and we didn't get screwed by a bad call...basically there was no fodder to keep the "same old jets" and "the jets are cursed" stuff going. We straight up lost to a better team. But man the jets do look good and are truly a force to be reckoned with!!!!
  3. The Green Dude

    The Green Dude 2008 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Jun 3, 2004
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    ya know i wasnt as mad about the loss as i thought i would be
  4. jets94nj

    jets94nj Active Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    Next year!!! ITs our division. This team reminds me of the '98 Jets great mix of young guys and vets
  5. Namath2Kolber

    Namath2Kolber New Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    I want to take this opportunity to say something that no one else has said yet: Even though the Jets lost, they still had a great season.
  6. Out for the Season

    Out for the Season New Member

    Nov 11, 2005
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    Usually when our team gets to the playoffs and gets eliminated its harder for me to keep watching the playoffs, but when we don't like the year before I have enough time to gather myself and look at football again.
  7. shirtsleeve

    shirtsleeve New Member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    Chowd? fan with some props.

    "Chowd"(?) fan here, now its the day after to congradulate your team on a great first season under this system. Your team stood tall yesterday and played their hearts out. The coaching and scheming duals were a thing of beauty. That was probably going to be the best contested game of this entire playoff season. Damn, watching the Jets yesterday was like looking in the mirror.

    Additionally, your team out performed our team on a first year comparison basis under this system. Further, your team has much more cap space to work with at this point in your development.

    What this points to is some very serious competition in the years to come between our teams. I look forward to the heated rivalry to come!

    See you next season.
  8. GreyhoundJet

    GreyhoundJet Active Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Everything you just said is completely right. I want to comment specifically on #3. Mangini has been an excellent coach this year and were completely prepared to play yesterdays game. We had a solid gameplan that got exposed by the best coach in the league. I was not surprised by this result at all. I expect Belichek to outcoach Mangini at this point in his career.

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