I love our rookies! Sauce, Garrett, Jermaine, Breece, Max and Clemens have never had a losing season!!! They will never know what going 4-13 feels like.
Can’t remember who the genius was here that called Wilson “ the most over rated of the draft WR that couldn't run routes, not big enough for contested catches, not a number 1 receiver,blah, blah” Probably, one of the worst takes ever
Great interview with Garrett on the Official Jets Podcast. This kid is so likeable and humble. He has all the makings of a great player.
The Jets really need to move on from Eric Allen. He's a fucking caricature. You can actually hear the press corps rolling their eyes in unison whenever he asks a question at a presser. And yes, Garrett Wilson seems like a really good person. Very easy to root for him. Receivers with his level of talent these days have a tendency to douche it up.