Agreed D. But these rookie awards make me believe that future is bright. Also happy to see our young ones getting recognition which will motivate them further for games ahead. We are 5-3 and if things break our way and our QB takes his head out of his ass and plays decent, we can even dream about playoffs come December.
Overall we had a very good draft so I am not sure which players you are referring to unless you were going back to prior years. My comment was referring to our scouting of the current draft class.
Jesus dude get the old guys out of here. Winning awards and winning games are not mutually exclusive.
He could have had a terrible week but if more fans went online and voted for him than anyone else he is the winner. I'm pretty sure that's the message some are trying to get across, it's a popularity contest, not a judge of performance. That doesn't make it a bad thing. Reminds me of a "Principal of the Year" contest run by WMCA radio a long, long time ago. My high school principal was definitely not a fan favorite, in fact he was a guy uncomfortable in the presence of teenagers, I also got the impression the faculty did not care much for him either. That didn't matter, a few kids decided they wanted to hear the name of the school mentioned on the radio so started filling out 3 x 5 index cards with his name and the school name and started to send them in, first by mail, then by driving them to Manhattan by the caseload. They even had rubber stamps made to fill out the cards which were being bought directly from a warehouse distributor. I don't know if the total was a couple of hundred thousand or a couple of million but what started out as a joke turned into a free concert at the school and an appearance by "Dandy Dan Daniels" to host Little Anthony and the Chiffons, among others. I'm not sure if the principal even showed up. But it wasn't about him at all.