Zach Wilson (MERGED) - All new Zach threads will be merged here after a day

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by BudJet, Oct 9, 2022.

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  1. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Of course he has no feel or awareness. That's because of the way that he's being made to play and in an offense that doesn't fit his skill set. It's ludicrous to expect him to play well. Players in the NFL only play at a high level when they're in a scheme that fits their talents/skillset and where they don't have to think too much or worry about making mistakes. They have Zach trying to play in a way that doesn't fit what he does well, in a way that he's never played before last year, in a complex offense, and he's having to think too much, which slows down his processing, and is affecting his fundamentals and accuracy. That's a sure-fire way to ruin a young QB. Buffalo with Allen, KC with Mahomes and Baltimore with Jackson were smart and built their offense around what their young QB does well and were patient, unlike the dumbasses that are coaching our team. I don't know why I or anyone else expected anything different from this joke of a team. They ALWAYS screw everything up.
  2. JetsUK

    JetsUK Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    Lost count of the number of times I have seen the Jets future franchise QB stood at a podium saying "its on me" "I have to play smarter" "I have to take better care of the ball" etc etc but nothing ever changes - this franchise just cannot scout or develop a QB - its been 50 years since we last had a quality quarterback - it doesn't matter who the owner is, who the GM is, who the coaches are - this franchise is snakebitten when it comes to QBs
    Ralebird, papapump and Since1969 like this.
  3. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    I’m scared. But he seemed more pissed off than I’ve ever seen him. Older jets fans my remember Ryan Fitzpatrick being “pissed off” before one of his better games, maybe that’ll happen next week.
  4. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I guess all those nitwits that just want Zach to throw for 300 yds are happy.
    Ralebird, James Hasty, Jets81 and 3 others like this.
  5. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I'm going to take time to digest this game and not overreact, but clearly Zach made some bad mistakes today. That said, QBs - all players - make mistakes. He was a big part of why they lost but not the only reason. But go ahead and gloat. You "win".
    KY Jets Fan and Noam like this.
  6. Centiment

    Centiment Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2014
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    Here for the excuses, poor line play, there's an R in the month it's Halloween and he got spooked ..............
    James Hasty likes this.
  7. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I promise you, they aren't coaching hero ball when they practice.

    They certainly aren't coaching him to throw It In bounds, outside the pocket, to the other team.

    They certainly aren't coaching him to be desperate with the ball when you are up going into the half. Which should have been the last drive going Into the half with 3 more points...

    Nope.. That wasn't the result though, Instead It turns Into points for BB because of another stupid throw In a situation that begs you to be safe.

    The excuses don't work at this point. We all still support him, he's our QB.


    If he can't get It done, I also support this CS to put the best players out there to get us wins. If ZW can't get It done, then It's up to this coaching staff and front office to find the answer.

    This was simply inexcusable.
    Pepsiguy5, Ralebird, papapump and 6 others like this.
  8. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Zach has started 18 games in the NFL. He's had a passer rating above 90 twice, and he's never had a passer rating above 100. Even Sanchez, Geno, and Sam had the occasional great game; Zach has never done it once. And the reason it's like this is because ever since he got injured last year, the coaches have strapped training wheels on him (and yes, it's only on him; White and Flacco have been allowed to throw the ball like other QBs do). And the reason he's got training wheels is because when they take them off, today happens. Unless he figures out how to play QB quickly, Moore won't be the only teammate to turn on him.
  9. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I think a large part of the frustration is that the rest of the roster seems ready to take the next step and that includes the coaching staff. I’m not in love with all of the playcalling but the play design yields open receivers all day long. The QB needs to find them.

    I’d be willing to give a longer leash if the cast was trash. But LaFleur designs a good offense with open receivers. Wilson just needs to let them run with the ball in their hands.
  10. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    This one is tough to swallow. I will be honest, in spite of what some people were saying about Zach, I didn't expect this type of new low today, I just didn't. I thought Zach would ball out. And really up until last minute of the half Zach played overall a very good game. Few small mistakes here and there, but big plays and a great TD pass. Even in the last drive of the half it looked like was going to get us at least 3 points, and we are going up 10 in the locker room.

    Then wheels came off. The first INT was brutal. Granted it almost turned into a TD by defense, but that aside, this was very similar to the play he overthrew to Uzomah last week while pressured. He should have learned from that and I would have hoped he practiced that lob under pressure. But it is the same exact mistake, but this time we paid a huge price. He completes this pass, and we probably get a FG at the half. Instead we concede the FG. Then it gets worse from there. Remember weak throw away in Pitts, which Minka almost caught, but was out of bounds by an inch? Zach apparently didn't, and this time gets picked off on the same exact play, costing another 3 points. Later he misses open Conklin on a TD pass on 4th down, and then tries to throw on the run when no one was open to lose another 3 points off INT.

    Of course it's not all on Zach: OLine was bad again, running game stunk, and Zach did make quite a few good plays, but just INTs alone are worth 9 points, and we would have won but not for these. Missed TD and the fact we could have easily scored 3 at the half are other missed opportunities. Need to see more on other throws, but this was far and away the worst game of the year for Zach. The same mistakes from previous games this year really hurt. This is definitely not where I wanted to him to be at this point in the season. A couple more games like this, and we might see Mike White. This was a big step backwards in the desired outcome of the evaluation of our QB.
  11. apjbfc

    apjbfc Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Not impressed still.

    Turned the ball over and lost us this game.

    I don't think he's the guy. That fucking sucks.

    Sent from my M2007J20CG using Tapatalk
    James Hasty likes this.
  12. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    In all fairness, he did get 350 yards. Selfish teammates like Moore who want their stats are not going to turn, they will be happy with 350 passing yards to go around. But coaches will turn. He will not last as a starting QB playing like this. He must turn this around against Buffalo. Easier said than done, but at this point if he doesn't, he is not the QB and his evaluation could conclude after a few more weeks. We are not there yet though.
  13. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    C’mon man. Zach’s mistakes were solely on Zach today.

    Like I’ve said, the first INT, I kinda get it. Trying to make a play, ball sails on you a bit. It is what it is. Still a bad mistake but one I can live with from a 2nd year QB.

    The other 2? I’ve got nothing. THROW THE BALLL AWAY! You’re out of the pocket but instead of clearly sending the ball into the first row, you try to kinda keep it close to the sideline??? Why?? For what reason? There’s literally nothing that can be said for his last 2 picks today that gave the Pats a short field and handed them points on a silver platter.

    Bottom line, Zach lost us this game today.
  14. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    He still can’t throw short passes to his left or right. It’s almost like he sees green turf and thinks it’s a receiver.

    If he can’t do that how the hell is he a starting QB?
  15. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    It's ludicrous to expect your QB to play well? Come on.

    They don't ask Zach to do anything crazy. The scheme is fine. We can nitpick certain things, but the scheme also helped Zach average 8.7 YPA.

    The issue is that Zach is completely useless when the play breaks down, which is alarming because his off-structure stuff was a big reason he went 2nd overall.

    I still think he should get this entire season to see what we have in him, but it's hard to be overly optimistic right now.
  16. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Little early to take a victory lap
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  17. Benny the Jet

    Benny the Jet Active Member

    Apr 27, 2003
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    There’s no two ways about it…he’s brutal!!

    I get he’s young and there are going to be growing pains, but there’s also things happening that are inexcusable. His playing super hero and throwing stupid picks being the biggest of them all!

    And he’s wildly inaccurate and has zero pocket presence. He’s scared to stay in the pocket and let things develop around him. I understand without AVT, the line has drastically suffered but Zach does NOTHING to help them either.

    By the way, Geno Smith ain’t looking so bad right now. Wouldn’t mind him back ;-)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    James Hasty likes this.
  18. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Why is everything so black and kid made bad throw and two stupid throws that cost the game.

    It does not mean he is a bus.

    I am not going to argue all week. Zach will have to redeem himself next week.

    I thought everyone wanted Brett Favre. You got him today.
  19. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    You're right but Zach's mistakes have mostly been on Zach for most of his career. Us winning games didn't make that not the case.
  20. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    No it's not. I still think Zach should get the rest of the year, but your stance a week ago was that he had been playing well the entire season. He hadn't. Us winning games didn't mean Zach was playing well.
    Jets81, IIMeanDeanII, SOJAZ and 2 others like this.
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