I've been saying for years that every bill requiring any type of funding at all must include the source of that funding.
And the painter's union in NY just announced it will give out 500 applications for apprentices to paint bridges. $44 an hour to start, about $82,000 a year.
Very dangerous work. You're often a hundred feet plus off the ground, the bridges are in terrible shape from the perspective of hanging underneath them and the pigeon, bat and rat shit is out of control.
Tough to take this seriously from a guy that has thought you’d drop dead if you didn’t wear a biohazard suit in public.
Average rent in NYC is up to $3500 a month at this point. The old formula of .25* income would make that $168k a year to live in NYC, more in Manhattan. In the mid-60's my folks and grandfather got together to rent a huge apartment in Washington Heights for $400 a month. They considered it a necessity with 4 kids and both my grandfather and mother doing business in the house, one a travel executive and the other giving music lessons. That same apartment would rent for more than $5k today if it was on the rental market.