Anybody receive their playoff tickets. I sent my money in and the check was cashed, but I have not received any tickets. Are the Jets holding back because the only chance of a home game is a long-shot for the AFC title game?
I dont think too many season ticket holders would have paid for the tickets when the invoice was due the Jets were behind the Pats by 2 games with three to play. I wasnt going to give the Jets almost $1500 that I could hold on to until May. To answer your question , they probably didnt even Print the Tickets and will only do so if both the Jets and CHiefs win this week.
The cost depends on the ticket.. which vary from 65 to 110-ish. It would be that times 10. 50 Dollars a year to be on the waiting list, which will later be discounted off your first season.
Because the Jets had no chance to get a home game in the playoffs, I didn't send my money in. Let's just win and I'll be going to San Diego...
Any chance of the JETS getting a Home game has just ended. We are the Lowest seed left. The JETS are now collecting interest with your money.... Happy New Year! :beer:
As a season ticket holder for 26 years I always send my money in for the playoff tickets. At the time the money was due, it was not clear if the Jets would get a home game or not. Besides, I remember 2002 very clearly when I sent my money in and thoroughly enjoyed the 41-0 thrashing of the Colts while many of the season ticket holders in my section had to watch from home because they didn't send their money in after the loss to the Bears. Besides, the playoff tickets cost about $1000. The money for the season tickets is due in May and the Jets will credit the playoff ticket towards your account. Figuring on a 6% return, the interest on my $1000 is $60 a year. Pro rated for the 5 extra months the Jets have my money - it is costing me about $25 in lost interst. Whoop de damn doooo. I'd rather take the risk and have my playoff tickets than $25 in interest income.
You would then have paid $25 for wallpaper. I'm no fortune teller, but back on Dec.15th when the money was due, I knew then that I didn't need any $25 wallpaper.
Yup, I was at that game and did NOT send in my playoff money for it... The interest thing was a joke but seems you had a little trouble digesting it or just didn't realize it. It was a thought that they are collecting interest on ALL JETS fans who sent in the money... Just a little humor. IOW your $25 x50k who sent it in. That's a kewl mil in interest and then some :wink: So, In the words of Phife Dawg... Don't be bitter, I hear that honey resembles a critter I heard she likes to do one-one my man John Ritter. Like I said, just a lil humor.
Yeah, I sent in my $$$. No tix printed -- why bother? I figure it's a down payment on next season's tix. Besides, I get to split up the payments that way.
No big deal - I just don't want to take a chance in missing a playoff game and after 2002 will never not send in the money unless the Jets are eliminated before the due date.
In truth, If I diddn't send in my money and Missed out on a Home Plaoyff game, I'd be pissed.. :wink:
I sent my money in but to date have not received any tix. I also check the box marked "refund returned to tickeholder" so that I get the money back for now. Why let them hold your money until September? It's bad enough you have to give it to them in May.