What’s really getting unfairly overlooked in this controversy is how bad of a joke and reference it was. A GI Jane reference from 25 years ago? Really? And short hair for women is very common; is Chris Rock still living in 1989 and shocked by the sight of a shaved headed Sinead O’Connor? so disappointing for a comedian I expect better from. he deserved the slap for how bad it was. though it likely speaks to the audience that even watches this garbage — older viewers still enamored by movie stars.
I mean walking out of the whole thing in itself is galaxy brain (a la Mike Pence with the anthem in Indy)...but walking out when Will Smith was accepting his award could have been done I suppose.
What is interesting to me is that I was pretty vocal on here about it being a bitch move by Will Smith but my wife is taking his side saying it was great that he stood up for his wife. I thought maybe it was just her and that I have failed her as a husband but then most all of the broads she works with feel the same way. So maybe it’s just a women thing and they feel different then men do about the situation
I wonder if they'd feel the same if they had to get smacked by a fairly big guy beforehand. I think a lot of women are totally unfamiliar with violent physical conflict. Either way, I'll never support escalating from words to physical violence. One is quite a lot worse than the other.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with standing up for a loved one regardless of gender but once you put your hands on someone without provocation is where right goes to wrong. Of course there are people who are saying that Chris Rock provoked him, though. Will Smith could have just yelled something from his seat like we'll talk about this later or show some class, Chris, and don't poke fun over something my wife can't help and came out smelling like a rose. Prince Valiant defends the Damsel in distress without embarrassing himself and looking like a ginormous hypocrite. I have zero problem with the gloves coming off if you're physically protecting a loved one from an assault especially if they weren't the aggressor. This wasn't that. Plus, the arena it was in needs to be taken into account. Maybe this was a displaced boiling point and he flipped out because it was really about him feeling emasculated. I wouldn't know, but I can only imagine what people have been saying online on social media about her and their "open marriage". Besides, it's really not an "open marriage" if one party is unhappy about it. Just a thought. Anyway, I couldn't care less about how folks choose to live their "private" sexual/marital lives, but at the same time they're setting themselves up to be criticized by others because they're not shutting the fck up about it. If there's blood in the water, the sharks will come.
Scientology has nothing to do with 'God', no matter how you roll or even if you roll it all. And I do mean nothing.
Total PR move. I would have to scroll back but someone mentioned Denzel Washington. He was using him like a shield during his acceptance speech. And not for nothing, at one point listening to that speech on video, I went, "What the f is this guy talking about?" Observe: "I am a river to my people." I guess he just watched one of my fave movies of all time, 'Lawrence of Arabia'. EDIT: Original link was polluted. Anyway, I recognized the line immediately.
OK, now that this has sat for a couple of days it's really starting to sink in how unreal it is that Smith was not escorted out of there. 'The Academy' is having a meeting in May to discuss how it should have been handled. Sounds like FIFA to me. Also, after the hit Chris Rock goes, "I could . . . nah." Meaning he could have verbally destroyed him and set him on fire and decided not to. Speaking of fire . . . I remember when Fiona Apple was really young and it was maybe a year after the release of 'Tidal'. She was getting a lot of flak for her 'Criminal' video, that she was sexualizing herself, that she was starving herself, that she was anorexic, that she was setting a horrible example for young women with body image issues. Chris Rock toasted her a little bit and her comeback was, "The guy looks like a burnt matchstick and he's saying things about MY weight?" Chris Rock loved it and left her alone after that, ha.
1. Underpaid, unknown hack comedy writer slaps together a sub-mediocre joke. 2. Chris Rock slaps together a few of those poorly conceived lines. 3. Will Smith laughs, then sees his part-time wife slapping him the stink eye. 4. Will Smith goes onstage and interrupts Rock with a slap in the face. 5. Will Smith goes back to his seat and slaps together a few F-bombs. Let me guess, the writer will get slapped with a pink slip. He (or she) will never work in that town again.
I don’t know, acting out of emotion, to me , is bum rushing the stage and tackling the dude and getting as many shots in as I can before security gets there. This had a WWE feel to it
Some guy from LA Times on News today said the Oscars were getting boring with most pEople in current generation not into Live Events ...but after the slap the ratings went up 50 % to see WS apologize I don't want to believe this BS was staged but now who the hell knows?