Gas prices by the big oil puppet masters are such a scam.... Last year, the price of crude craters to the lowest in most of our lifetimes, and it took 2 weeks for it to drop 20 cents here. This week, it goes up $15/barrel and in 3 days the fuel they purchased / refined months ago goes up 75 cents (btw, the same day reg gas went up .25, ethanol free went up .10).... then there's bigger crock of shit which is the price of diesel being more than regular gas....
Millennials have been living off of debt. As someone who fits that age category, I can tell you all my peers have an urge to live a lavish lifestyle. Traveling, going to pricy restaurants, buying expensive cars, buying the new cell phone, going to expensive schools to party, etc, etc. A lot of it is fueled by social media too. It's all off debt, most millennials are deep in debt to fund their lifestyles. Telling them to make sacrifices isn't going to fly well, it's not something they are used too.
Consumption is about 18.9m barrels a day but production is about 16.5m barrels which works out to 2.4m shortfall daily. Unfortunately the 60m barrels was the amount 30 nations agreed to, the U.S. is only releasing 30m from what I read.
What has always gotten me crazy is that we can split the human genome but I still have to get an oil delivery.
John McCain once said "Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country"? Funny then... not so funny now...
I meant to write "gas" prices. It sounds like you talked him into buying a gas guzzling car last week and then the price of gas shot up $2.00 a gallon. Was there that much of a change from last week to this week that all of a sudden this guy is like "Boy I'm mad you talked me into buying this car! Who could have seen this coming?!" I mean I get that he must not be the brightest bulb on the porch. He did buy a 600hp station wagon.
jeez... it was a joke. He loves the car... he also loves giving me shit. And you should see his porch... it's well lit. My station wagon only has 425hp... now he has fun with that. You never talk shit with your friends? Lighten up Francis...
Huh? There’s like ten markets (maybe) in the country where you can opt to get from place to place without driving. It’s not like ride sharing is cost effective on the daily in most of the country or environmentally friendly. I don’t know what millennials either of you guys are around but my generation, that I actively engage in, very much enjoys “stuff.”
Premium is $7.56 up the street from me. But Ukrainian innocents are being slaughtered... so pain is relative. None of this had to happen.