Your JD defiance has now reached levels of total insanity. Apparently he is not responsible for any of this malaise.
No, I'm being reasonable. It's those who are criticizing everything about JD and not being realistic who are being insane. I guess that includes you. I didn't say that he hadn't made mistakes, but ever fucking GM in the NFL and sports make mistakes. The Jets aren't finding another GM as qualified as JD. Stability isn't going to happen by firing JD and starting ALL OVER AGAIN with a new approach, a new CS, etc. Wake the fuck up!
Quit with the pathetic, overly-emotive language (again). Do you want to throw in a “SMH” for the full set? I’m not the one reaching for Becton in Canton and Mims being a great pick if only for the current coaching staff. If you want to die on this hill then so be it.
Well I think we have to realize Rome wasn’t built in a day also. Yes JD has made some mistakes but this also is a full teardown and complete rebuild. He inherited a disaster. This will take more than a couple of years. One of the problems with this franchise has been the constant revolving of new GMs after 2-3 years having to start all over again. I feel JD has the right premise as in starting within the trenches. Remember he had to install a makeshift OL while he builds the real OL. He is still short some pieces who h is why I think he dials OL again early in this draft. Look for him to focus on the pass rush and getting more weapons for Zach this offseason …..
I am not a fan of taking a WR in round 1, but if we did, I would want it to be Drake London....especially in a trade down. He reminds me so much of Mike Evans and Brandon Marshall. This is the type of butt kicker Zach Wilson needs and he would go along well with Wilson's offscript nature being a former basketball player. I would be excited to land him. Take a look at these highlights!
How about a trade up? IF he falls to the bottom of the 1st you could trade the 2 2nds or something and grab him. Imagine a draft with Thibodeaux, Neal and London
Dolphins with Waddle Bengals with Chase Bills with Diggs (traded their first) Cowboys with Lamb Vikings with Jefferson Chargers with Williams A lot of teams have gone WR in the first round and benefitted greatly from it. Considering we have two first rounders and there are a slew of talented WRs available, I’d have no problem going WR and in fact I prefer it. London scares me a bit because he’s getting by on size right now. Is he Mike Evans or Malcolm Floyd? Still wouldn’t mind taking a shot but I’d prefer Williams or Olave.
Every year we have posters wanting the Jets to trade up. Sad. Some posters just don't get it that that is not how you build a team by trading up every year. That's why/how Tanny wound up leaving the cupboard bare. Maybe one of these days those posters will catch on, but I doubt it.
There may be times when a trade up is warranted - say for a shot at a FQB - but the only teams that should do that are teams that are pretty set in their roster. rebuilding teams - as the Jets always are - are chasing fool's gold with a credit card if they trade up; one player, no matter how good, isn't going to fill all the holes in a rebuilding team.
I totally agree that there are times when trading up into the 1st round or within the 1st may be warranted, but imo those are few and far between. The only positions I'd would trade up for with any regularity in the 1st round are FQB, Edge, #1 WR, and #1 CB. About the only other time I would do it is if I already had a playoff team and thought a certain player would help put us over the top, and then it would either be an elite playmaker (QB, WR, TE, Edge, CB), or if there was a position I had been trying to upgrade/fill via FA and the draft for 2-3 years and had not been able to add a topnotch player at that position of need. Otherwise, I'm staying put or trading down in the 1st. I don't have a problem trading up anywhere from the 3rd round on. Even in the 2nd round I'd be hesitant to do it unless there was stud at a position of need that somehow fell into the 2nd round. I'm not quite as against trading up if it's within a round as I am trading up into a round from a round or more below. That is just too costly. And I agree with your conditions as well. A rebuilding should almost never do it unless it is to get a FQB prospect or an elite Edge rusher (if one doesn't have a good pass rush). I wasn't referring to any of these situations. I was referring to some posters who advocate trading up every year as a matter of course to get a player they like. They fall in love with a player and think they have to have that player. They love how Tanny was super aggressive and traded up every year. Never mind that he had 3 and 4 player drafts and left the cupboard bereft of enough quality starters, and little or no depth.
I love this kid. I don't even think It's the physical stuff for me, It's the mental aspect of his game. The passion and will power this kid has showed through his play on the field Isn't questionable. Those are the type of players that become special more times than not. Not saying he will, I think he has that will that wont let him fail though. I wouldn't hate him as a Jet at all.
I've only seen him play once or twice but I had the same impression. I can't speak much to his football skills but he definitely has fire.
I get that things were not good when Douglas arrived. That said, last year was all about Gase being the worst HC of all time. What's the excuse this year? And before people start with the all-rookie argument it is important to note that the Jets are all-rookie in the big spots on the field and off because Douglas made it so. I really don't think people are going to like the progression next season. At the end of that Douglas is very likely to be 11-39 or something like that in his 3 seasons of full control. The situation we find ourselves in right now seems very much like the situation the Lions were in at the start of the millennium. They had a well-respected football guy running the show in Matt Millen but he couldn't operate at the level he was at to save his life and they went from a bad franchise to terrible over the course of a few seasons, starting with 2-14 his first year in control. At this moment in time Douglas looks a lot like Matt Millen and the Jets look a lot like the 2002 Lions.
I don’t think he’s either. I think the poster nailed it with Brandon Marshall type upside comparison. Big physical possession receiver although I think he has greater YAC ability than Marshall had. He goes and gets the ball.