The Proof was how they Left Sanchez w No help after letting their best players leave. It's the way this team operates. Add to that how they treated their season ticket holders and that's all the proof you need that this ownership doesn't rreally gaf about winning. THAT'S why no one wants to come here. Players are going to look at what they did to the current players on this team and be like, pffft dafuq do I wanna go play there for.
I do think the owners want to win. I just don't believe they have a clue how to do that and lately the NFL has soured on the organization enough that they can't get the help they need. They really need somebody to come in and pull a full-Parcells for them. Become the face of the organization and will a winning team into existence. Those guys are hard to find and you have to pay them very well. You also really need to have a personal play to get them to take you seriously. They need to believe that you want to win with every fiber in your being and that you will make the necessary sacrifices (relinquishing control of most of the operation) to make that happen. Leon Hess's personal play was revealing to Parcells that he had terminal cancer and wanted to win a Super Bowl for the Jets fans before he passed. That play convinced Parcells that Hess was genuinely interested and that he would relinquish control and make Parcells the man to get it done. He also gave Parcells the richest head coach contract of all time from 1997-2000.
Just finished watching the game. Basically appalled at what I saw out of Zach today. Even if we call some of them "drops"... My god what a portfolio of embarrassing throws he's put together this season. I know he's capable of making them so I'm not sure what the hell the problem is. A bad series you could shrug off, a bad game... whatever people have them, a couple bad games, maybe a slump. But this has been a steady consistent part of the package all season long and if anything is gently trending in the absolute wrong direction.
I would like to say that Wilson was playing without his two go-to receivers in Moore and Davis, however, some of those throws can't be blamed on missing personnel. And it wasn't as if he didn't have time to throw. The O-line was fine today. This game was lost by Wilson. The D played okay, but it was clearly outclassed by an outstanding player in Kamara. It shows how one great player can make the difference when playing a downtrodden team. The Jets should keep that in mind on draft day instead of drafting OG on day one. (Nothing against AVT, but he isn't a difference maker, at least on this team he isn't.) CJ Moseley played well. Probably the best player in green today. Jet safeties are totally outclassed. Finally got some kicking help, but even there, it's worrisome. It doesn't look like Piniero has a lot of leg, but I'll take accuracy at this point. Also, it looked to me that all his kicks were line drives. That could come back to bite him because that type of kick can be blocked easier.
Yet another get right game for another bad team..... Zach stinks. Straight up. Defense is what it's been all year... SHIT OL sucks WRs suck A shame Walter was ill. Ty Johnson sucks. Perine sucks Mims sucks This team, this organization SUCKS. We don't deserve this.