Who remembers this game?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by AJW, May 18, 2021.

  1. major33

    major33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    If you look back at 1978, it was a very good season considering the AFC was very difficult and it was the beginning of what would become a really good team. Plus they were coming off 3 straight 3-11 seasons. They finished 8-8. I look back and see it as 8 really bad games and 8 good ones. The Steve Grogan game is my true first Jets memory. I'll never forget 55-21 and his long neck. Steve Grogan. He always killed us even when he'd come in for the starter.

    The Cleveland game I watched at my other grandfather's home & he was a Giants fan. I remember always being banished to the bedroom to watch the Jets. Looking back on it now, I don't think they allowed me to put the Jets on the main TV. LOL They always made fun of me for being a Jets fan, but back then the Giants were equally if not worse than the Jets, so they had no leg to stand on. Even as a kid, I didn't take their Giants bullshit. hahaha
    mrjet80 and AJW like this.
  2. major33

    major33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    I don't know which game you're referring to, and without looking it up, I'm assuming you mean the 10 turnover game. Definitely against New England and I think we lost 38-24. You would think with so many turnovers, NE would have score 70 points. That's a lot of turnovers in one game. I wonder what the record is. I think both sides had players run back INTs for at least 1 TD.

    And if you look at the entire Lou Holtz season in which this game took place, see how many times we got absolutely obliterated. We must have looked like a very bad college team. They were the Bad News Bears of football. I have no idea how that team won 3 games. Lou finished 3-10. Some might say that's pretty damn good considering what he had to work with.

    I wonder what the fans and Shea were like that season. Now I'm curious and want to learn more about that year. I also want to rewatch the 78 season.
  3. AJW

    AJW Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2004
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    Here is one full game agai st the Cardinals at Shea. No 1978 season on review on YouTube.

    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
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  4. RPOZ51

    RPOZ51 Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    All that is true, but Lou did bring the team its own fight song!

    Win the game, fight like men
    We’re together win or lose
    New York Jets go rolling along …

    When behind don’t despair
    Because we will win if you care...

    And wherever we go
    We’ll let the critic know
    That the Jets are here to stay!
    major33 and mrjet80 like this.
  5. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Yes I was referring to the 10 turnover game. I looked at the stats. NE returned two INTs for TDs - the same player his name began with an M - McCerdy or something like that. Greg Buttle ran back an INT for the Jets who actually had a 10-0 lead early.....Namath threw 5 picks, Todd came in and threw 2. The Jets fumbled 3 times. If it’s not a record it has to be close ....

    The 1976 team was awful - in fact I compare them with 1995 and this past year In terms of blow outs and ineptitude. The 1996 team in my opinion had more talent than all three despite only winning one game. The 1976 team swept Buffalo who finished 2-12 and beat the 0-14 expansion Bucs.....that’s how they managed to win 3 games.
    major33 likes this.
  6. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    There is a video on utube which recaps every Jets game from 1978 some of it is network footage but most were copied from the weekly NFL highlights show. I even commented on it on utube. It’s a nicely put together video which recaps a very exciting young team. One of my comments I mentioned how with a few breaks thatvteam could have easily finished 10-6 and made the playoffs ....

    EDIT I just went searching for the above video and can’t find it. I hope it wasn’t scrubbed because it was a good video ....
    #146 mrjet80, May 25, 2021
    Last edited: May 25, 2021
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  7. major33

    major33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    Greg Buttle it seemed played forever. & then those gyms...

    I had checked who they beat that season, and I still say even with the Bucs, it was a miracle they won any games.

    1996 team had really good defensive players, yet finished second worst in points against. Rich Kotite was horrible. Parcells & Belichick come in and get the most out of that talent that was there. Kotite did so little when he actually had some talent on both sides of the ball.

    We went from 29th in points against in 96 to 6th in 97 under Belichick/Parcells and then 2nd in 98. So yes, I agree, we had plenty of talent on that 96 team.
  8. major33

    major33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    That's too bad. What a great season since it had all your classic up and downs that we've grown accustomed to as a Jets fan.

    I want to know who the hell is hoarding all the tapes of these games? You??? (It wouldn't surprise me) lol. They have to be someplace. We have baseball games from like 1910 yet we can't get a full 1978 Jets season.
  9. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    LOL from what I understand there are a lot more CBS games floating around out there because NBC didn’t keep their broadcasts in those days - they were destroyed afterwards. Any copies of games broadcast by NBC were from VCRs. And I imagine since the Jets were not a playoff team back then there wasn’t a lot of interest - at least not enough to record. Also Jets home games weren’t usually on tv in the NY area until 1979.

    My dream - and I’m going to stick with it - is one day an old man ( football fan ) will die in some old house somewhere and his kids go to clean out the attic. They go through old boxes and find old video tapes. Among the tapes they find is a VCR recording of the 1968 AFL championship. Don’t laugh I just know somebody somewhere recorded that....
    AJW, patleahy and major33 like this.
  10. major33

    major33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    I'm surprised that NBC didn't keep their broadcasts or at least give them to the NFL. I wonder why the NFL didn't ask for copies since they produced some of the finest television, yet somehow these game tapes were destroyed. I guess they only saved the highlights? Well, I guess I just answered my own question.

    Seriously, they had VCRs back in 68? Probably massive.

    How does the NFL not have these games???

    NBC you suck.

    CBS was great for the NBA and had Madden/Sumerall for NFL. ABC always had a great Monday night booth. WTF did NBC have? I guess Marv. I remember him doing NFL in the 80s, but to me, he is the voice of the Knicks.

    There isn't even shit about the Jets on EBay. Where are you old man??? We need tapes!
    AJW likes this.
  11. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    I did some research - we may be out of luck. VCRs were invented in the late 60s but not common in households until the 70s. Make the deceased old man a very rich one and maybe we have a chance .... lol.

    As far as EBAY you won’t find too many NFL tapes on there for sale due to copyright laws - utube is your best shot but I am pretty confident most Jets games from 1978 and beyond have been recorded somewhere by someone so just kept your eye out. I check every few days for new uploads. They’ll pop up one by one eventually ....
    AJW, major33 and patleahy like this.
  12. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    NBC had Marv Albert ( he was usually doing Jets games on the East Coast ). There was also Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen doing the top rated game of the day (usually not the Jets LOL), Don Criqui and Bob Trumpy, Charlie Jones who was with Len Dawson and then later on Todd Christiansen after he retired from playing ..... and usually a guy like Tom Hammond who did all the last place games. Those are who I remember growing up ....
    major33 likes this.
  13. major33

    major33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    And you know it's probably not the old man who has the tapes but some jackass like Charlie Sheen who bought up the entire NFL collection.

    I had tapes. The problem is that I would always tape over the games with new games & after a while, those VHS recordings were a mess. Stuff was expensive back then. I remember the 8 hour tapes were like gold because you didn't have to worry about anything as long as you set the timer correctly. The 3 hour tapes were the worst. Lots of panic with those. ha ha
    mrjet80 likes this.
  14. major33

    major33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    Last night I was watching part of the Cardinals-Jets game that AJW posted. I thought one of the best parts of the game was listening to the announcers. . It was Don Criqui, Sonny Jurgenson who was hilarious, and Nick Buoniconti with that tough-guy accent. Hilarious commentary! Another thing that was great about the Cardinals-Jets broadcast were the camera angles. They were able to get very close on some of those tackles and you can see how much tougher the game was back then. Although the guys weren't as big, when you got it, you got run over. Today everything would be a penalty. Klecko even looked tiny in that video. Those tackles though, a thing of beauty. Real football, played on grass with dust flying up on every play.

    ha ha Tom Hammond. There was always that one guy who got the shit games.

    Enberg and Olsen would usually do the Raiders, Chiefs, Steelers, and the Dolphins. We always had Marv.
    AJW likes this.
  15. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    I have a bunch of video tapes including that Jets Redskins 3-0 game somewhere lol. Someday I’ll have to try to convert all of them
    AJW likes this.
  16. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    That’s been on utube for quite a while. A few years ago I actually bought that DVD off of some guy on a website that has since been taken down. A beautiful day for a game at Shea. I happen to remember this day - an older cousin of mine was married and after the church thing ( I was 7 ) me and my brothers had to come home and my other grandparents watched us since my parents went to the reception. I recall a football game being on tv it must of been the Giants since my grandfather was a Giants fan. That day both the Jets and Giants were broadcast by CBS at 1:00 so the Jets game would not have been on local tv.......I’m not sure but I think had the game been a sell out it would have been broadcast later that night on tape delay?

    Also this game doesn’t show commercials - you can hear the announcers commenting to each other during the break. Buonicotti was pissed off at one point because the Jets got a favorable spot - being a Dolphin he would hate the Jets....
    major33 likes this.
  17. major33

    major33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    What you're watching is the satellite feed that a privileged few got to watch. Back then if you remember there were people who had these enormous satellite dishes and they were able to get the NFL games with no commercials, so you would hear as you said, the announcers having funny conversations during the break. A friend of mine had one of these dishes and I remember he would always talk about it. I think the people who had these dishes would illegally pirate the game. haha

    I don't know if it was on tape delay.

    The Jets game looks packed, so that would definitely have been on TV except for the Giants being on CBS at the same time. Surprised they both played at 1.

    The Cardinals were terrible that season. I always wondered as a kid why the baseball and football teams had the same name?

    1978 really was a great season & it had a memorable play that involved the other NY team and our future head coach, Herm Edwards.
    AJW likes this.
  18. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Yes it did and that game (CBS) is on utube. Moments after Pat Leahy missed a 33 yard FG which would of beaten first place NE - Herm Edwards beat the Giants and basically started them on their mini-dynasty through the 1990. Pete Rozelle was so disturbed ( as were the Maras ) and wanted a winner in NYC he got the ball rolling which brought George Young to the Giants in 1979.
  19. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Somebody will probably find the whole library on Betamax and have no way to play it.
    mrjet80 likes this.
  20. major33

    major33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    What a shocker. Pat Leahy missing a 33 yard FG finding its way into a discussion about a completely irrelevant but very famous game. haha

    Pete Rozelle should have felt more sorry for us. I bet he ended up hating Leon for not building the Jets a new stadium. I'm sure you have a story about that? Did Leon ever have plans to build a new stadium or just get the city to renovate Shea?

    I haven't really watched any of the full Shea Jets games with announcers in a long time. I'm taking my time watching and listening to the Jets-Cards game which brings back great memories of what football used to be like. Some amazing camera angles in this game brings you up close to some great tackles and all that dirt and dust flying off the Shea field.

    Surprisingly the grounds crew did a pretty good job back then installing the new grass over the Shea infield. The entire field looked to be in pretty good shape this game.

    I always loved the Jets helmet painted on the 50 yard line. lol
    mrjet80 likes this.

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