Fu Tony Kornshitster And Joe Im An Idiot Theisman. - Merged

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by RochesterJet, Dec 25, 2006.

  1. allan1

    allan1 Active Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    I agree...would Mike Patrick ever say that his 4 year old girl could throw harder than Joe Montana, or that his 80 year old grandfather has stronger hips than Bo Jackson. The way they brutalized and insulted Chads physical abilities was disgusting.

    And what is it with all these bullcrap side stories. I don't want to hear from Don Shula or Steve Young (4th man in the booth!) I don't care about the damn Williams sisters who know NOTHING about football and are not interesting.

    They miss so much of what happens on the field. Jets get a good return and start on the 47, penalty flag....they cut to the booth for more mindless non football banter. They cut back to the field and the Jets are at the 30 now...what happened? what was the flag? They don't tell us!
  2. skipper

    skipper Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    The idiots don't tell you anything useful. When Coles was hurt and Dyson was hurt they never told us who took their places. The business with the guests is only to shill something. Do the "guests" and/or their sponsors have to pay to get on? I'm sure that's just another revenue stream at our expense. I think the MNF team is one of the worst one around.
  3. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    Tony Kornheiser: Not Gonna Make It In Media Long-Term.

    I like Tony Kornheiser, and he's an interesting read in The WashPost and a good listen on ESPN. But he's not gonna make it long-term in either capacity. He's got some good skills, but he just doesn't have the arm strength to succeed.

    Think about it: he's a columnist and he has to type out his columns. To hit those keys on the keyboard, you need finger dexterity and arm strength. I just can't see him typing all those columns over the next few years given his lack of arm strength. Yeah, yeah, I know, with computers it's alot easier to hit the keyboard than on those old manual typewriters, but it still boils down to arm strength, forget about little things like writing style, humor, making sense, and ability to write an interesting column and funny headline.

    As for ESPN, forget it. We're talking about a 3-hour football game and to talk, you need to hold the microphone up to your mouth. That's gotta wear on your arm and I just don't know if he has the arm strength to do it for 3-plus hours. Plus, you have to shuffle stat papers all over and hit the teleprompter from time to time; this is gonna wear you out. And if you're also typing that WashPost column at the same time? No way Jose -- I just don't see the arm strength necessary to hold that microphone, make arm gesticulations with Theisman, hit teleprompter and ESPN-graphic buttons, etc.

    Finally, PTI -- how's the guy supposed to pick up all those props that Wilbon brings to the set ? He's supposed to point at Wilbon and write his lines AND pick up props -- all by himself? Sorry, I can't see it -- that's alot of arm work and Tony K. just doesn't have the arm strength to do all that. Now, if you tell me that he's giving up the ESPN football and WashPost gigs and that Wilbon will handle all the props -- MAYBE he can handle pointing at the orange board and writing his material.

    But writing with a pencil or pen for PTI and ESPN and WashPost material?

    Typing on a typewriter or laptop or PC? Using a teleprompter or ESPN-graphics machine?

    Come on...I like Tony Kornheiser, but nobody has the arm stregnth to do more than 1 or 2 of these things, let alone all 3.

    And to do it in the Northeast corridor -- Washington-NY-Bristol, CT -- is ridiculous. Everybody knows that arm strength is critical to being a success in that area.

    Sorry, I just can't see this Kornheiser guy lasting any length at WashPost, ESPN, or PTI.

    He just don't have have the arm strength.
  4. Tight

    Tight Active Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    Ha ha ha, it would be nice of he could see this. Good one.
  5. OJDidIt

    OJDidIt Banned

    Dec 26, 2006
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    LOL! Awesome! In response to Tony Kornhole's "My dog has a better arm than CP" comment...

    I must say that in fact MY dog is a better commentator than Tony Kornhole. My DOG actually has an attention span and watches the game unfold! MY DOG does not make irrelevant and idiotic comments during the Game. MY DOG has the integrity not to be a despicable DISNEY Shill. MY DOG would not wear a wrinkled up shirt on National TV that looks like it was just slept in. MY DOG has more hair than Tony KORNHOLE too.
  6. Slagan7

    Slagan7 Member

    Aug 8, 2005
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    Man, I thought Chad did well. If you look at his stats, well geeze, they're not bad at all. 1 TD, 3-4 rushes for over 30 yards, 0 turnovers, 240 yards passing at 50 %, hmmm. Those are better numbers then Jeff Garcia had. So hpw did chad play a bad game? did his running backs score any touchdowns? no. Did the defense turnover the ball for us? no. Did Chad keep his composurer considering the pressure of making the playoffs, the terrible weather and some crappy throws he made? Yes. Can you guys just let the guy play ball and shut the f up? no.

    What I didn't like about the broadcast is, who cares if Nick Saban stays or goes? He hasn't done anything with the dolphins. He already told the Media, I'm staying in Miami on thursday. Where is the controversey? Why do I have to watch 5 minutes of this crap. Bring back Joe namath, get him a beer and one of those girls on the sideline. At least that was funny.
  7. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    IMHO you are wasting your writing talents here & you should be using them to make yourself a ton of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  8. Don G

    Don G New Member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Lol great article. I couldn't believe what I was hearing last night. I thought it was Theismann saying a lot of those things. Kornheiser was a complete moron.
  9. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    It wasn't Theismann? I wasn't sure which of the two it was, but at a guess I would have thought it was him.
  10. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    "My little daughter has a better throwing arm."

    "Most people can't name 5 players on the Jets team."

    "A team with virtual nobodys making the playoffs is really amazing."

    Jesus. He might as well have taken a shit in our Gatorade cooler.
  11. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    I usually like Kornheiser, but last night he was a real asshole. Maybe with a better supporting cast he wouldn't have to rely on making insults to fill time.
  12. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    Thanks, appreciate the thoughts and I might be doing something along those lines -- will keep you posted.

    BTW guys, at least Tony is sticking with his position on the Jets and not flip-flopping......any of you remember Paul MaGuire in 1986, betting against us every week all the way up to our 10-1 peak? Finally the odds turned for him but he was more stubborn than analytical.
  13. ganggreengirl

    ganggreengirl New Member

    Jan 16, 2005
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    i am watching part of the game now (the part where lc god smashed and was down). these announcers were such asses, first they are so busy showing the ass hole who hit him celebrate than showing us if lc was okay. second when they return they show us the player who hit coles talking to his coach his coach with a smile on his face and they are joking that he is soo happy listening to this story. in this time all they told us was that he walked off under his own power not anything else.
  14. ganggreengirl

    ganggreengirl New Member

    Jan 16, 2005
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    and also what was all this crap of showing the williams sisters. who the hell gives a shit that they are there?? i want to see the GAME!!
  15. DOOM

    DOOM Active Member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    F!@k The monday night crew. I'm glad they 8 crow.
  16. GreenScreen313

    GreenScreen313 New Member

    Aug 15, 2006
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    Question. Why don't we put our strong forum base to use and send a petition of displeasure about the verbal lashing that Tony K. dished out, ESPECIALLY towards Chad Pennington, one of the all-time most efficient QBs in the history of QBs. It can say his language was aggressive and attacking, unnecessarily so, since the teams were in a deadlock for most of the game. It can also say that if the Jets have another MNF game, hosted by TK....we promise to listen to it on the radio. Thoughts?
  17. GreenScreen313

    GreenScreen313 New Member

    Aug 15, 2006
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  18. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    A great way to put this thread to bed is for somebody to photoshop the Monday Night "Pennington Bashing" crew. Give everybody those googly eyes, XXX mustaches, and goatees - or whatever. Let's have a laugh today.

    I don't have photoshop at work so I can't do this on my own. How about some of you pros stepping in here.
  19. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    I was at a party so the sound was down so I didn't hear any of the broadcast. Here's what pisses me off most of all. These guys get paid six digits to broadcast one game a week and the best they can come up with to focus on about the Jets is Pennington's arm? That shows no effort on their part to offer anything new or insightful for the viewers. If you gave me an hour to prep for a Raiders' broadcast, I would focus on Moss' lack of effort and the team's offensive problems, because that's what I know about the Raiders team this year.

    I know someone probably pointed this out above but it bears repeating. Joe and Tony are intellectually lazy. F them.

  20. Jet_Fan_in_New_England

    Jan 19, 2005
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    Tell ESPN what you think about it.

    Go to the ESPN.COM site and click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page, then select "ESPN TV". Tell them what you think.

    That broadcast was really bad. My wife was pissed at them too, for the way they treated the Jets, and she's a PATS fan.
    #120 Jet_Fan_in_New_England, Dec 27, 2006
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2006

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