Couldn't agree with you more Next to the Jets the Raiders have always intrigued me...even though they have had a couple of bad games But it seems like lightening has to strike this Franchise for us to win. VLC again
well if we’re going to make a list of all the stupid shit they’ve done, it’ll be a long list! for sure they should have canned both Bowles and Mac at the same time. working backwards, they never should’ve given Bowles an extension. then how about their hiring practices? Who the FUCK hires Korn Ferry to recruit a GM??? It was beyond ridiculous, and they got what they deserved in Idzik. Then, trying to make amends, they said let’s go ask some football experts who to hire, which is a fine idea, but they totally botched the execution by choosing Charlie Fucking Casserly! Like what? The toupe wearing motherfucker has been out of football for over a decade....he was not even CLOSE to being the right choice to lead the search. then the way they make make the org structure with both GM and HC reporting to they have any semblance of a fucking clue. That structure can work when the owner knows what he’s doing...when he’s a moron, you end up with the shit we got. and another killer for me...these arranged marriages...they tried to tell Rhule who to hire for his staff....the forced Rex on what in the WORLD gives them the notion that they are even REMOTELY qualified to make these decisions. it is no shock that we are all time terrible. it starts at the top...they make terrible hires at the GM spot to losers who have no place taking that role (let’s hope JD finally breaks that streak), they hire terrible HCs, and they force decisions that should not be theirs to make. bad GMs have terrible drafts, with no strategy on how to build a team...bad coaches don’t develop the talent we have, and bingo. You have the 2020 NYJ. I HATE the JOHNSON’s they have ruined our team....although honestly that’s probably inaccurate...we’ve been a terrible team most of the time even before they bought the team...with a few brief really, they have just carried on the tradition of mediocrity still...I HATE them
No he clearly got that from his brother. Keep one, fire the other. Technically we’re doing that again, but I think it’s okay if Douglas gets full control over the hire. I don’t get why they don’t just give the GM the full power for at least this one time to see how it goes.
The key will be whether the Johnson Bros. let Douglas hire the next head coach, but I doubt they will. They'll either hire some limp-dick consulting firm or take calls from NFL insiders like Peyton Manning who are pushing their buddies. The Johnson Bros. whole history smacks of arranged marriages that haven't worked (Ryan/Idzik, Maccagnan/Bowles, Maccagnan/Gase, Douglas/Gase). When they were searching for Bowles' replacement, they made it a condition that the new head coach hire Gregg WIlliams. The organizational chart that makes the head coach and GM co-equals, both reporting to the Johnson Bros., is another problem. The Johnson Bros. want to be big shots and make the big decisions, but they're too stupid to do so, and their track record speak for itself. I have to wonder how many first-rate candidates will shun the Johnson Bros. because of their track record. The best head-coaching candidates don't have to take jobs with strings attached.
They hired Bowles and MacIdiot because Casserly suggested them. They gave them both of them guaranteed extensions AFTER consecutive 5-11 seasons (?????) Then, they hired Gase because Manning suggested him. They are morons. Pure and simple(ton).
if only we could get those extraterristrial aliens to force out the johnsons and take over as owners. they would really be hands off, given the distance between the big apple and mars.....
I think the JJ Bros actually care about winning but are just to ignorant to know what they don't know. I think this about sums it up...
Yeah exactly. Every NFL owner cares about winning. Some are better at it than others just like every profession. They had a pretty good decade (relative) after they bought the team. They got cocky and started making mandates because they thought they knew better. Keep Rex, trade Revis, re-sign Revis, etc. If they back off we're fine. These threads are really redundant though. Unless they end up being illegally corrupt, an NFL owner wouldn't sell their franchise in a million years. It's such a cash mill. Can this be the last one?
It seems to me that the Johnsons have never made the effort to associate with other NFL owners. Of course the possibility exists that the other 32 want nothing to do with these guys. Most of the owners have a circle of others that they communicate with and even socialize with but we never see anything about either Johnson being involved with any other owners. Surely they are missing out on sharing general information and understanding more about both the game and the business. A round of golf and dinner with a Mara wouldn't hurt.
Hogwash they want to win like I want a new Ferrari Do I want it? Yes Do I know how to get one? No If I get one by chance am I happy? Yes If I don’t get one, am I going to cry? No
Got no idea what u mean but I have gotten calls several times by them To re up my tix & I tell them each time to send the plane tix n since they never arrive U must B on the wrong track to whatever U R thinking
Really? Going from CJ to Mark Davis? You really like these incompetent "Spaulding Smails" heirs, don't you? That's just masochistic
Well no one will be another Bkyn Al Davis..the guts, the moxie, the football Mark has big shoes to fill That said the Raiders have set up their shop with Gruden Mayock and a new town/stadium which is miles ahead of us atm The Raiders need a few more good players because right now they' re underperforming
Im sure U know that posting on TGG gets u NOWHERE if you have the gumpton start bombard the Johnson thru there Twitter account since they are responsible people not other NYJ fans