Trevor Lawrence hints at staying in school

Discussion in 'Draft' started by Shea Jet, Oct 27, 2020.

  1. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    He's at college think he's telling his teammates and fellow collegiates that he's definitely leaving ?

    He's coming OUT. And he also has been told by knowledgeable people that while he will only make about $30 MM over the first 5 years from the NFL....he can make 5x that amount in NYC in endorsements !!
    Falco21 and barfolomew like this.
  2. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    Spill the beans on Fields bro....
    IIMeanDeanII and barfolomew like this.
  3. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    What if Gase's replacement wins 3 games and we slide to 4th ??
  4. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    O'Brien was a good QB who was surrounded by more talent than the Jets usually give their QB's.

    Chad could have been a Hall of Famer. His arm wasn't great but he had "it" in terms of making plays before the injuries started to pile up.

    The two teams that won division championships in the Pats Era were both QB'd by Chad and they were the Jets and the Fins. Hall of Fame w/o all the injuries.
  5. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    But the Jets didn't develop Pennington, he came that way.
  6. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    We should take Trevor overall this draft. Then sit him a year behind Sam, and get the #1 overall AGAIN in 2022!

    Then trade (what's left) of Sam and the #1 overall 2022 for a SHIT TON of draft picks, round out the team, and start counting finger hardware.

    By 2033, Tommy's 6 rings will look like small compared to Trevor's 10.

  7. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Kevin Mawae was damn near a first rounder (36th overall) and Nick Mangold was a 1st round Center, brah. Late first round. 29th overall. Well worth it. More than worth it a HOF Center imo.

    Because of D'Brick (LT) and Mangold (Center) we truly had a Brick of Gold of an offensive line. I miss those O-Lines.

    This is hypothetical but we all know that Franchise LT and Center (interior) are the two most important Offensive Line positions so if we're to draft Trevor? Already a Franchise LT Becton already in place? Well then I want Trevor to have an A+ O-Line led by an LT and Center.

    Yes I dream of a great WR but late first round? With Seattle's pick currently in the high 20's? I'd love to give Becton a great Center to play alongside of and Trevor a Center who won't fumble the snap to and a Center to ground and pound our run game come and open up holes so players All Pros like Bell don't continue to come and go etc.

    Center is more important than another DT imo especially if you're trying to put Lawrence in a winning situation. Douglas imo being a former O-Lineman himself won't pass on a great Center prospect to pair with Becton; after already drafting Lawrence.

    Or take a Center with the first pick of the 2nd round. What's the difference? Even tho I scream WR I'd love to see JD going Center with our Seattle pick or the chances are first pick of the 2nd round so as a fan I plan on taking some time to scout the top 5 Centers coming out because I'm confident JD walks away with one of them.
    TwoHeadedMonster likes this.
  8. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Theres where we taking the guard over the center
    Yankjetfan likes this.
  9. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    So... I always try to remove any biased opinion on an OSU player when It comes to NFL potential.

    I enjoy each for what they are and I know that what may work In college, may not translate well in the NFL. So I wouldn't want an OSU player on the Jets just because they played for my favorite college team.

    Disclaimer out of the way.

    I believe It's still too early to say definitively that Fields will be a franchise QB in the NFL.

    You may or may not know, but, OSU are not known for producing good NFL QB's. They find great college QB's every year It seems. Just not of the NFL variety.

    The last QB that I thought could potentially be an NFL caliber QB. Was, Troy Smith. That obviously didn't pan out for him though In the NFL. Although I wonder how he would've faired In today's NFL. I honestly think he would've found success with the popularity rising for these dual threat QBs like Mahommes, LJ, Watson, Prescott, Wilson..

    Which brings us to Fields. Who Is that very definition of potential NFL dual threat type QB.

    Fields is my favorite QB for OSU since Troy Smith. Fields could easily become my favorite judging by his first game of the 2020 Big Ten season for OSU and his monster 2019 campaign.

    ...even so. I remain cautious In terms of NFL potential.

    I believe I would be bold enough to say based on potential, he has the ability to become very good In the NFL, in the right system, that reflects his talents In the same light as other successful dual threat QBs as mentioned above.

    I don't believe It's a given though and until It's proven, It's not a sure thing.

    He was the second ranked prospect in the country in 2018.

    Good athlete and runner. He's not LJ tier (Who is though?), But he moves really well like Watson or Mahommes tier. I think he has a good arm, he is really accurate so far, In the pocket and on the run. He throws a ball like Russel Wilson. The way It looks, I'm not a pro scout obviously, but something about the way the ball travels, It's just very professional looking. Mechanically sound, It's awesome. He has very receiver friendly balls too, lots of touch, where It needs to be, when It needs to be there type of throws. With enough zip to fit It In tight windows. His arm probably isn't as strong as LJ, Mahommes, or Josh Allen. He has plenty of atm strength to get It done though. He's also an awesome deep ball QB. Even when the receiver is wide open deep, he usually gets it there. A lot of QBs struggle to hit the deep ball even when they are wide open. Not, Fields.

    So far anyway.

    I do have concerns though.

    Fields had a roster In 2019 offensively that was elite In college. They lost a lot of ppl last year, so, I had concerns If Fields would adapt. If the first game of the season of things to come, I think that will put to bed that concern.

    However. It's not like he's playing with nothing but scrubs now either. It's actually not even close to that.

    I don't know statistically but I think that OSU has the best OL In college football and I'm not so sure It's really close. Our OL is fantastic all along that line. Some real studs. We also have a lot of top up and coming talent at WR. I think we will have the best WR core In a year or two. They are really good with a ton of really good depth too. Wrap that all up with a very dominant run game and I think about If that actually makes Fields look better than he really is?

    It's hard for me to say.

    He wants to be great. Works hard, has that fire inside to be great. Which is a major trait you look for in a potential NFL QB.

    ..but. He's obviously inexperienced, he throws to a ton of wide open receivers, he can get flustered and confused with blitzing pressure from good defenses. (IE: Clemson Game) I don't know his release times stats wise but I think he definitely gets away with holding the ball way too long and masks It with his elite athletic ability. I feel like OSU is very first read based, after that bail and run. That's not a good thing In NFL terms obviously. So it's very hard for me to say how good he is mentally with his overall football IQ.

    He is clearly gifted with a ton of potential. He Is at least smart with the ball so far based on the minimal turn over rate he has this far into his career. That's always s huge plus.

    All In all. I think he's got the most NFL potential I've seen since I've been alive and a fan of OSU football, on terms of being a potential FQB In the NFL.

    I have my reservation, I'm being a bit ignorant by basing his potential success on a college programs history at a specific position, but, at the same time. It's true. OSU certainly isn't a QB factory.

    I would definitely take the gamble If I was picking early In this upcoming draft and I was In the QB market.

    I mean.

    Can you imagine the Jets passing on another successful, top tier, dual threat QB? Yikes.

    The only exception would be If your taking a generational talent at QB instead.

    Forgive the length of this but that's my best attempt at my thoughts on Justin Fields. :)
    #69 IIMeanDeanII, Oct 28, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2020
  10. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Not me. I want Kevin Mawae and Nick Mangold 3.0 @ Center directly in the middle of our interior but to each our own.

    Because it looks like Becton is going to dominate the ENTIRE left side of the O-Line @ LT for many years to come.

    And after Nick Mangold our Center position has been the weakest part of our entire O-Line. We don't have a single recent Center currently starting for another team. Because they've all stink.

    I'd rather sign a proven FA LG to big money and put him right in the middle of two young beast's @ LT and Center. Think Faneca in the middle of Brick and Mangold etc.
  11. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    We don't know that. Chad spent two years on the bench before he got his chance. If he was good to go at the NFL level when he arrived he would have gotten on the field long before that Vinny or no.

    I'm thinking that Chad and Paul Hackett were a very good match. Hackett frustrated Jets fans with his 3rd and 15 draws (leading to a prominent TGG poster tag at the time) however his system gave Chad a lot of favorable opportunities and rarely asked him to do things that were low percentage.

    One of the things Chad did really well was throw to the sideline. He put a lot of balls where only his receiver could catch it and then they mostly did that. He also was an excellent slant passer, rarely hanging his receivers out to dry and competing a lot of balls that let them get real yards after the catch.

    Jerrico Cotchery benefited most from the sideline throws and Laveranues Coles from the slants.
  12. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Of course he's coming out.

    Asking him if he is or isn't in the middle of his college season when they are favorites to win it all, is dumb as shit. Of course he is going to answer the way he did.

    Gase will be fired.
    Joe Douglas is widely respected throughout the league.
    We have 27 picks in the next three years, 13 of them in the first 3 rounds.
    We have the 3rd most money in the league.

    There are A LOT of reasons for a player to want to play in New York.
  13. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Nice post. Although not on the same level, look at jets CB Bryce Hall. Was a likely first round pick, until college injury last year dropped him to round 5. Don't tell me that didn't cost him some serious money.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  14. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Couldn’t of said it better myself! It amazes me how people always overlook the Center position.
  15. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    I’m with you! I think he’s toying with us
  16. hoobash

    hoobash Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    They can keep gase for another year and go 0-32 and teach Trevor Lawrence a lesson
  17. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    He's not toying with anyone.

    He's providing a level-headed smart answer to an otherwise dumbass question. Of course he is not going to say "hell yeah I'm coming out!" That just looks bad on him as the leader and QB of his current team and it looks bad on the rest of the year. They are favorites to win another title. He will not hinder that with a stupid off the cuff remark in an interview.

    Journalists like the headlines. They take everything and twist it into something it is not to get a headline and to get clicks. Trevor Lawrence didn't change his stance. Trevor Lawrence answered in a logical way that does not impact his team or ruin morale.
    NCJetsfan and Ralebird like this.
  18. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    People forget that week to week a guy like Lawrence is trying to dodge interviews and headlines that isolate him away from his teammates. They play in the ACC, but they still go through practice, game prep, etc.

    After all, he still wants to be one of the guys in the locker room and on the field as they go to battle together. He'd be insane to not come out. He has zero unfinished business in college and zero questions as to whether he will be a top 3 pick (#1 overall is more in question now depending on how Fields plays and the team who gets the first picks preference).

    He's not going back to school, folks.
  19. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    What if he wins 3 games? You think that can’t happen.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  20. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    some kids legitimately love the college experience. travis etienne could have left clemson last year and stayed, granted he wasnt the number 1 pick but he wanted to fix some things and loves the college experience. many guys have done it. some successfully, some not so successfully.

    it would be an absolute shame if the jets fuck this up so badly that their mismanagement and just being a generally terrible organization adds to that possibility.

    this is part of the reason they need to fire gase 3 weeks ago. let him see something that shows this team is viable, has some kind of weapons and will do something to protect me.

    its become quite obvious that loggains can call a game just as bad as gase, so lets pull the trigger and make it happen.

    i will catch alot of shit for this, but justin fields may be just as good.
    IIMeanDeanII likes this.

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