Not firing Gase now - Could this be Chris Johnson biggest blunder ever?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by LAJet, Oct 17, 2020.

  1. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Hey I love me some Hermisms but when you’re 0-6 and coming off a 24 point loss to a team that didn’t convert a single 3rd down conversion the big picture has to come into play.

    That big picture has to include the best QB prospect in over 20 years and is not learning his 3rd offense in 4 years.
    PJ4Ever likes this.
  2. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    This is spoken, I think, by someone who has been a fan for decades. Yeah, we fire Gase, we pick up a few wins, we miss out on Lawrence. That's the SOJ, over and over and over again. The only time this team was actually a legit contender in last 30 years is when Vinny played like a star QB in 1998. The was one other time when Farve was on the Jets, when it looked like we might get there, but then he injured shoulder we went from possible contender to not even good enough to make play-offs. We haven't had a great play from QB even since 1998.

    Now we have a chance to get a guy who actually might bring that great play for dozen of years. We have to take that chance. I know many people like Sam, but on the same draft Lawrence goes ahead of Sam 100 out of 100 times, and it is not even close. Given he hasn't elevated for last 3 years, right now the values of these players is not even in the same stratosphere if you ask anyone aside from die hard Sam homer. Yes, we are going to have to take it about 10 times more this year with Gase to ensure this happens. With or without Gase, this team is not going anywhere this year. But Gase's utter incompetence gives us the best chance to actually turn things around for years to come.
    Brook!, HomeoftheJets and NCJetsfan like this.
  3. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Key word: prospect. None of these guys come with guarantees. Half the top QBs drafted in the last ten years aren't with the teams that drafted them - three aren't even in the league anymore.

    Lawrence is good, damn good and he'll probably make some fan base very happy for a bunch of years - but he might not. He could get bulldozed his first preseason game and never be the same.

    You will never build a winning team if you sell the idea that it's okay to let the other team win. Players who plan on being around for ten years or so know that each game is an audition and you're not going to get them to not try to impress. And there's a reason that regardless of what team is supposed to win "on any given Sunday..."
  4. JustinDaseezin

    JustinDaseezin Active Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    The Jets are not the Falcons or Texans. Who would you promote? Williams? He was promoted after Hugh Jackson was fired and let go at the end of that year. You think he's going to do that again without a long term contract? How about Loggains? You think Gase's right hand isn't leaving with him? How about Cooter? He has a criminal record. You think that will fly in NY? So now you're down to Jefferson, who has been a WR coach for over 10 years. And if you hire Jefferson, now you have to replace your OC, RB coach, and WR coach.
  5. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Tanking is not a thing in the real world. On the Internet and on social media and on sports talk radio it is but that’s not the real world. Professional athletes don’t try to lose, general managers and coaches don’t try to lose. Anyone that did that shouldn’t have a job in professional sports.

    I worked in professional sports for a couple of years before my current job and I can promise you that no front office actively tries to lose games. They place a priority on developing younger talent by letting them play and work through their mistakes which might end in losses but no team tries to lose. Right now we should be trying to develop younger talent and if that leads to losses and the first overall pick up then great. The problem is we can’t develop any youth when we have the worst coach in the league running a terrible offense surrounded by a bunch of idiot yes-men.

    You can’t keep Gase around and develop talent. Therefore you have to get rid of him. The whole “keeping him around will lose us games and get us the first pick“ is something made up by fans and it’s definitely not a mindset of any professional Thats paid to work in the NFL.
  6. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    What young talent?? There are maybe 10 players that will be on this team when the Jets start competing again and half are hurt.

    I don’t believe for a second that JD doesn’t see the writing on the wall at this point and has seen every game that Lawrence has played multiple times.
    PJ4Ever and NCJetsfan like this.
  7. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Please pay attention. I never said to give a temporary promotion to Loggains or Williams, in fact I excluded them earlier. Loggains has a contract with the Jets, if he quits to follow Gase to nowhereland, he gets nothing. If the Jets keep him around, he's lucky to still have a job - if they fire him too, they will owe him something on his contract.

    Williams has not been successful enough to get moved up and will be lucky to keep his own job. Whatever off the field issues Cooter has is no different tomorrow than they are today - and they're not an issue today. There are a couple of dozen coaches working for the Jets today, I'm sure they can get one to take a flier on. Of course, there are also recently retired guys and a bunch of NCAA guys not working this year who might like a temp job for a few months.

    This has been going on for decades - why do you think it is such a unique situation that will be so hard to put together?

    And what is the value of Gase? He is poison to the entire organization. As long as he's in charge you'll never know what Darnold is. He was never qualified to begin with and gets worse every week - the team is going to hell and people all over the NFL see it. Not blowing him out now shows what a totally lost organization this is.

    If Gase ever has any desire to ever work in the NFL again he should resign today "for the good of the team" instead of his foot shuffling, head shaking, do nothing reaction every week.
    ColoradoContrails, SOJAZ and 88toon like this.
  8. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Darnold, Mims, Becton, Clark, Herndon, Perine, Cager, Fant, Berrios. All of these guys clearly have talent but they are either rookies or regressed because they can’t put it all together or because we’ve given them absolutely no resources to be able to put it all together. And that’s only on the offensive side of the ball.

    Zuniga, Austin, Q, Cashman, Davis, Franklin Meyers, Huff, Hall to name a few on defense are guys that can definitely be part of the long haul. Bottom line is you have to see what you have before you move forward and you can’t do that when you have a coach that’s going to the development of every player that plays under him.

    Edit: of course Joe Douglas would take Lawrence in a heartbeat. I think every general manager in the league knows what Lawrence is. My point is that I could almost guarantee his mindset is not “well let’s keep this guy around because we will lose every game“ because that also means you have no chance to evaluate what you have. And if you would rather lose as many games possible rather than evaluate what you have and most likely end up with a top three pick anyway, then you aren’t a good general manager.
    #88 BroadwayAaron, Oct 19, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2020
  9. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    IMHO, what some here fail to realize is this. The most important and crucial task for the Jets this year is to find out what Sam potential really is moving forward. Gates and his side kick are incapable to do so. Neither has demonstrated the least bit of talent, first with Miami and now with the Jets, to develop young players and more importantly GIVE THEM THE PLAY TIME,PLAY CALLS, AND GAME PLANNING TO FIT THEIR STRENGHTS. This would apply to the rest of the youngsters as well, Mims, Perine et all.
    Keeping Gase will suck the remaining desire, motivation and confidence out of every young player on this team. He will continue to play the vets and develop fuck all. At year end we wouldn't know shit and get rid of talent that will flourish with another team.
    Truth be known, the best scenario for us is to find out that Sam is the answer, and leave no doubt over the next 10 games that GASE was the root cause of this mess. Then we can truly leverage this draft, and may be even the number one pick, or a trade for Sam with real value. Keeping Gase guarantees nothing but more of the same defeated attitude. Do it my way. If that doesn't destroy a player's will I don't know what does.
    Put JD on the hook to start evaluating new coaches and keep the fucking Johnsons from taking calls from HOF QBs that don't know fuck all what a good coach really is all about. You clean house now, longer you wait, the harder it gets, first pick or not.
    #89 LAJet, Oct 19, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2020
  10. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    i think this is huge too

    If we had fans in the stands booing nonstop, bags on the head, etc, it would be an embarrassment that would be muc( harder for the owners to stomach. I am SURE CJ thanks his stars every day that There are no fans
  11. vokab206

    vokab206 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Can someone name a player that Adam Gase has developed? He traded away Landry. Tannehill regressed. I can't think of one. Peyton doesn't count.
    Jets79 likes this.
  12. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    No, they can't. They never could either. Anyone who pretended that Gase was some QB whisperer that gets the most out of his players was just parroting lines they saw somewhere on Twitter.
    ColoradoContrails and Jets79 like this.
  13. Gase handing the ball off to Gore every 2 of 3 offensive play callls isnt making anybody better thats for sure
  14. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Bingo. This is exactly my point. You have 0 chance to see what you have moving forward if you keep Gase around. Like I've said twice already... if Douglas's preference is to keep a coach around that doesn't even allow you to evaluate what you have because it'll get you the first pick, then Douglas is not a good GM.
    PJ4Ever, SOJAZ and KurtTheJetsFan like this.
  15. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    You will get no argument from me on this. Keeping him to help the tank was a cute little argument I had started to buy into, but yesterday ended any thought in my head about it. This is not strictly a lack of talent. There's plenty of teams that lack talent. It takes a special level of ineptitude to be THIS unprepared, this devoid of any type of plan or strategy, and have the entire organization fighting over things, players forcing their way out, coaches sniping at the head coach................and the head coach just stands there looking at his play card.

    Joe Flacco, who is not a superstar or even remotely dynamic by any definition, is still an NFL veteran of 12 years who has consistently made the playoffs with a great organization, won a Super Bowl, and is about to pass Joe Montana on the all time yards list. So, my point is, he's not a 5th round Division III pick - to have him so unprepared and making mental mistakes is not a talent thing, it's not a tank thing - this is 100% coaching!!!!!!

    Adam Gase is going to destroy any young player on this team and do irreparable damage to them, thereby ruining the Jets for the next several years as well. After yesterday's game, there is no excuse for him still being here.
  16. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Gase is an awful coach but he practically guarantees we get the #1 pick if he stays so I think we should wait until after the season to fire him. There's absolutely no case for keeping him after the #1 pick is locked up though.
    PJ4Ever likes this.
  17. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Pretty sure you're closely related to him though.
  18. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a head coach get fired and then seen someone come in from the outside as the interim guy.

    not saying it’s never happened, but I can’t recall ever seeing that

    I would assume that if we were to fire Gase, it would have to be someone who’s already in the building. I think that’s a big part of the reason he hasn’t been fired yet honestly....our coaching staff is shit...who on our staff would be a good choice?

    Williams is not the guy...his defense has not played well, he’s got baggage with all the bounty stuff, and he also seems like he’s burning bridges with his comments. Loggains...I don’t know that anybody knows what the fuck he does other than telling his boss that he’s the best playcaller on the staff...what a waste. So that leaves good ole Jim Bob or Jefferson on O, and honestly I don’t even know who on D...maybe Vitt? The cupboard is pretty bare.

    I too hate Gase and he can’t be gone soon enough for me, but I also don’t want us winning a few games and getting out of that top pick, which we are clearly in the drivers seat for. Going through that candidate list makes me feel a little better as I don’t see anyone on there worth a damn...

    but seeing the absolute lack of engagement, interest, emotion and basically, just apathy on the sideline tells me that Gase will have a hard time wining anything this year...we are down double digits before halftime EVERY FUCKING WEEK...nobody wants to play for this loser....he gives us the best shot at 0-16
  19. JustinDaseezin

    JustinDaseezin Active Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    OK from what I understood you referred to Morris taking the ATL job, and Crennel taking the HOU job. Both these guys have head coaching experience. I'm asking you who on the Jets staff is comparable to Morris or Crennel? Who would you hire if you were the owner. My initial post was from an owner's perspective. There is no one to promote, and I'm not promoting just anybody so I could fire Gase. And any coach outside the team is going to want a full off season and pre season to properly prepare. No coach is going to come in mid season, risk going 0-10, get fired, and never get another shot.
    #99 JustinDaseezin, Oct 19, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2020
  20. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I totally disagree with this post. You're entitled to your opinion. No offense, but just because you worked in professional sports for a coffee break doesn't mean that you know everything or everyone, so your promise means nothing.

    The Colts tanked for Luck. Lots of NBA teams have tanked. Douglas would be stupid if he weren't tanking and going for Lawrence. When your team is as devoid of talent as the Jets are, you're facing a total rebuild, and your team hasn't had a topnotch QB in forever and there is a generational QB prospect in the upcoming draft, you do whatever it takes to get that QB, and put yourself in position to get the best players you possibly can. Trying to and winning a game or two in a season like this would be absolutely the dumbest thing any GM could do. With QB being THE most important position and element of a team becoming a winner, and your team doesn't have a QB that you can rely on, you do what you have to do to get one. Belicheat has cheated to win. Why wouldn't a GM "cheat" to win a QB he covets? I agree that no player tries to tank, and that normally no HC tries to tank, but I definitely believe that GMs do. That's why Douglas didn't spend money on Logan Ryan, Clowney or Ngakoue. Moves like that would just have been putting lipstick on a pig, and would not have helped this team. Sure, we might have won a game or two, but in the long run, those moves would have hurts us because it would have screwed up our draft position. That is why the old adage "Draft position doesn't matter. Good players can be found throughout the draft." that some posters here like to spout at every opportunity doesn't mean squat. There is a darned good reason why Lawrence is considered a generational QB and the clear #1 pick. If I owned the Jets instead of the Johnsons, and Douglas wasn't trying to tank on his own, I would order him to.

    Dan Patrick said that the only reason that Adam Gase still has a job is because he ensures that the Jets will have the #1 pick and get Lawrence. Will Brinson of CBS said the same thing. He said that the only other viable reason would be if they (the Johnsons) had bet before the season that 2 other HCs would be fired before Gase (or something like that) and were looking to cash in. The Johnsons aren't knowledgeable enough about football to have ordered Douglas to tank for Lawrence. That's got to be Douglas.
    #100 NCJetsfan, Oct 19, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2020

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