Your only accomplishment in life is beating other sperms to be born. Give keys back to your brother and fuck off. At least with Woody, we won some. You are a complete disaster.
I'll just repeat what I said the day this imbecile hired Gase ... HOW is it possible to be in the football business and not know anything about football??? I bet my life that I had watched 100x more of Adam Gase than Christopher Johnson had. I make it my business to know as much as I can about the business I'm in. This jackass knows nothing about his business, and he acted like some panty wet 17 year old girl when Peyton Manning called him. And here we are.
Was the home run before or after he got picked off of first? You really have to be a failure to make people look forward to the return of Woody, but I think we may have reached that point here. I guess that means that Adam Gase really is that talented.
I think people who are clamoring for Woody's return are fooling themselves. I think if Woody was still running things, we'd still have Mac and Bowles. Woody was worse.
Not sure I'd go that far. We at least showed signs of life under Woody. They may have been fleeting, but they were there from time to time. Granted, Chris hasn't had as much time as Woody did before he left, but Woody never steered this thing into Kotite territory.
NY Post today: Your record as CEO now stands at 16-37. The team has gone 5-11, 4-12, 7-9, and 0-5 in the four seasons you have been in charge. The best season on paper was last year’s seven win campaign. That isn’t a very good season, but even that 7-9 record was a total mirage build on an incredibly soft schedule and a lot of luck. The Jets have been at the bottom of the league since you took over as CEO, and things haven’t changed.
I really think you should take Mac and JD out of that equation as in the long run we should be better for having JD. But as much as I hate to say it I agree with you the product that Bowles put on the field is much better than Gase. I would go so far as to say if the 2018 Bowles Jets had the 2019 Jets schedule they would have been a playoff contender despite having much worse talent on the 2018 team.