LMAO this dude provided a link based off some guidelines with no actual evidence of a white man over the age of 40 being fired for being white.
I feel bad for him but obviously he made mistakes somewhere along the way. Accusations like this don't just pop up out of thin air. Where there's smoke there's fire. These days can't screw up in the workplace. Even billionaire US ambassadors aren't immune. Don't risk it, trust no one in the workplace.
it's literally all there. can nobody on this site read and does nobody have a job in management where they need to know laws like that? shit every time i come back here i'm reminded why i stopped posting so thanks for doing that again. peace out
it doesn't exist. now it's a bunch of loser keyboard warriors attacking everyone because they have no life. the internet gave a voice to the most ignorant and dumb people out there
Stick to your studs and duds threads bro, this ain't for you. Take a look in the mirror if you wanna call someone dumb or ignorant.
grew up in 60's remember Newark burring. As for serving (1968-74), your welcome..it took me 10 years to adjust and I am still not right (and I just turned 70).
Go to the Washing Post (not a conservative place by any means) and there is a data base that supports your conclusion.
Yes, but some are precondition to think one way about who the thugs are. Your version is entirely different from mines. But I got what you were putting out. I just wished others would.
there is an old saying that people lie and numbers don't. the numbers are overwhelming showing all the outcries are nonsense and predicated on overblowing 1 thing that's less likely then the others. numbers show that a black person is 3 times more likely to be killed by another black person then a white person killing them. white people are also killed 5 time more by black people then they are by white people. Listen i'll be honest I hate the race argument because we really just need to forgot about race. Everyone makes a race issue when it's not. it's a people issue. we are all humans. doesn't matter what color your skin is and that's what we should be preaching. but it'll never happen because the vocal minority yell the loudest and they are often misinformed, ignorant, and unwilling to learn., even on this forum you can see people ignore the truth right in front of their eyes. and this is a small forum of maybe a dozen or so active users. imagine if this forum had 330+ million users (population of the US) how much chaos and stupidity would run rampant. in the end the reality is that we as people just need to suck less, but it'll never happen so we just make the best of it. and worse of the government panders to the idiots as they are the easiest to sway and in the majority.
Yes, I've seen the video of that. There were a group of stargazers that included a black man. They walked through some woods to get to the clearing or lake or whatever so they could see the starts better. They were accosted by a group of drunk rednecks who claimed a group stargazers were on private property and trespassin. They weren't. It was a public park. The star gazers were trying to handle the situation calmly and walk away but the rednecks pursued them. Those rednecks are guilty as sin and should go to jail!
Yes, there are compassionate people on all political sides, but far fewer among conservatives than among moderates and progressives. I only know a few compassionate conservatives, and again, I know tons of conservatives.
There use to be a poster who I leave un named who are this moment is probably jumping up & down right now with joy I am sure he is begging he gets force to sell the team as well as gets a jail time
If Woody is 100% he didn't do or say the things he's accused of he should sue these people into oblivion. He'll likely lose his job as ambassador over this plus all the damage being done to his good name. He's a billionaire he can do it most normal people can't afford to go that route. Sue them, Woody.
So, guess what? Multiple pages of this thread have been flagged by Google as a violation due to "dangerous or derogatory content."
Here is the issue it is more then just violence and deaths by race. It is how people are being killed and by whom that the numbers don't take into account if you look at just race violence. As a Puerto Rican make I have been profiled 4 or 5 times when younger. One time with my wife in the car. The cop basically lied about where I came from and wanted to search the car with out cause. I asked for his badge number and his supervisor. Another time I was driving home at 1:30 am after a movie and was stopped for no reason I was not speeding or drinking. I asked for the officers badge number and the reason why I was stopped. I reported both officers, both had several other reports on them. So until action is taken by the departments to stop this bad cops will kill people for walking home or for a misdemeanor when people are saying they can't breath and they are already restrained. Judge people by actions, Police officers on how they do their jobs when you find a bad apple they must be reported I agree everyone must look past race, I am going to relay 1 more experience I recently had. This to me tells a story of what is wrong with people. I was food shopping and stopped to help an older woman late 70s Iwho spoke Spanish to translate something. A middle age White person walked by and told me to speak English in this country....I replied back I was born and raised here I am a Puerto Rican American served in the US Army and who are you to question anyone about anything...So the conversation stopped there. I go to the check out line and the same person was calling the stock person boy and making more rude comments. If was not there what would he have told that old person who just needed help finding a can. Or if a younger person with a violent streak was there he would have gotten smacked in the mouth. The kid doing the stock walked away and never came back to help him. You do not talk down to people what ever happened to treat people like you want to be treated. Till people like the above are corrected or stood up to minorities will always feel threatened, until more people have take the stance and stop this behavior people will fell threatened.