You must explain why or why not with your answer. Whatever happens, please, I don't want to know if you have sex with your socks on like Elliot Spitzer, oh, my God, no; which of course now everyone in this thread is going to tell me whether or not they have sex with their socks or on.
Two things I do now that I did not do when I was younger: always wear very comfortable shoes/slippers/etc and sleep with socks on when the weather is not warm. My feet are the part of me that take the most strain in my daily life and I do everything I can to keep them happy.
I don't like socks. Or shoes for that matter. Once the weather is warm I only wear them if I'm going out and it's mandatory for some reason.
No socks for sleeping nor for sexytime. My entire house is floored in hardwood or tile, so I'm wearing socks at virtually all other times, though.
I wear socks only when necessary, work, anytime slides aren’t appropriate and wanting to recreate the risky business scene. Good thread by the way
Ugh, God, what did I say about that? Disqualified. Seal of approval, nice. Probably means I'm gonna die today.
The question should be if you sleep in your socks do you put on a clean pair before getting into bed. If you sleep in the socks you've worn all day you either sleep alone or your partner has a cheese fetish.
Who puts on clean socks just to go to bed? Not everybody's feet stink, thanks. That's like taking a shower in the morning if you took one before you went to sleep, even if you're a sweater. How much can you really smell in 8 hours unless you crapped your pants or something.
If you've worn socks all day, they've picked up sweat and dirt if you wore them without shoes. Then you are bring that into your bed you are lying in. Dirtying the bed you are laying in. As for morning showers, people sweat in bed. Gotta be fresh when starting the day. I don't know, just kinda skeeves me out like people wearing shoes in their house.
Generally socks or cushy slippers in the house, barefoot in the Summer. I put my snake boots on mostly because I didn't want to have a slip and fall with that cheese cake. If I did because I listened to you, I'd be on the phone with 1-800-LAWYER quicker than shit and have you served with a subpoena in the morning. Good Day, Sir. I SAID GOOD DAY!
Only wear socks when I have to, work or social event, never to bed. Other wise I only wear sneakers and cargo shorts all year round. My socks last a long time as they get very little use.
Two things. if your feet are cold you should wear a hat to bed. The only reason to sleep with socks is if you’re getting laid and don’t have time to take them off.
Was that a rhetorical question? You're supposed to get 8 hours of sleep not 8 hours of awake. Here's a question. How many consecutive days do you go without changing your socks or underwear? It's also okay to take two showers a day. Nobody is going to think you're way to fresh because you don't smell ripe.