Possibilities: 1. It was Manish trying to frame Gase. 2. It was Gase (or a Gase supporter) trying to frame Manish. 3. It was someone who just wants to watch the world burn.
I just read the article was posted on Mehta's twitter first, then the burner a short time later. Then obviously deleted with the account. Also that pic has no time stamp so it could be fake... Doesn't explain a bit but this is a weird situation. Still hope Mehta gets in trouble somehow...
1. Maybe we need a poll on who's the bigger asshole, Mehta or Gase? They really deserve each other. If there was a Dickhead Hall of Fame, they would be shoo-ins. 2. The N.Y. Daily News laid off a lot of good sportswriters like John Harper, Hank Gola, Bill Madden and Gary Myers but kept Mehta. WTF? 3. People in here bitch about Cimini, but Mehta makes Cimini look like Bob Woodward. 4. Guys like Mehta who will go to such extreme lengths to generate controversy are nothing but click-whores. He's an agenda-driven hack.
I still think it’s someone close to Gase trying to frame Manish. He’s an idiot, but he’s not dumb enough to go on rambling like a lunatic to try and get Gase heat.
It's probably a real guy named Wyatt who's running the burner and having the time of his life right now.
that dude who caught Mehta laid it out pretty well. Anyone with common sense can figure out what was happening there. Adam Gase blew off his wife on the day of his son’s birth for Gods sake. He obviously doesn’t care enough about what people think of him / his family to spend time on Twitter trolling Mehta spends his whole life on Twitter. Think For yourself dude
I think this is too crazy even for Manish. He’d basically have had to come up with this account to start planting seeds for a story that would come a month later and he’d have to pretend to be someone the total opposite of himself. Odds are it’s still someone Gase-related trying to frame Manish but it would be so much better if it were Manish.