Johnson Brothers are Alienating the Fanbase

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Brook!, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    Didn’t you say the same thing I said? Right decision bad timing?
  2. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    So every questionable decision means they are alienating the fan base? Come on brook, this is a weird situation but I wouldn’t say they are alienating the fans.
    101GangGreen101 likes this.
  3. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    They made a business decision. A good one in my opinion, and not unprecedented giving the timing.

    This will be a footnote in the season in a week or so.
    NYJetsO12 and ColoradoContrails like this.
  4. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    They made a good decision but it was made too late. This was a no brainer = you fire Mac with Bowels instead in our Bizarro world the Johnson hire second rate coaches first and worry about GM' s later -----> rinse repeat
  5. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    The NFL does not need another winning franchise in the New York City area (the Giants have done enough winning for both teams the past 35 years). There are other markets the NFL is interested in developing, as evidenced by that bag job in last year's Rams-Saints playoff game. Besides, if the Jets still have people who are willing to spend money on them after this half-century shit show, it doesn't seem they will be going anywhere anytime soon. Just going by the laws of averages, it is virtually impossible to suck for this long, unless the whole thing is scripted to optimize revenue.
  6. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    The very essence of alienating is it not?

    Besides that I think for a lot of those that wanted him gone, the timing of the decision pissed them off.

    The decision to make Gase temp GM and them 10 minutes later he is trading players away, temps shouldn't be doing any trading tbh.
  7. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Does trading one marginal player really make a difference in the scheme of things? People are seizing on this to justify their anger at the firing and/or the timing, but it really isn't a big deal. That said, if Gase all of a sudden becomes "Dealer Dan", and making all kinds of trades and GM moves, it will be a big red flag. I sure hope that doesn't happen, otherwise I'll have to retrieve my Dark Sider hat from the trash can.
    NYJetsO12 and NCJetsfan like this.
  8. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    It was the speed of it that was or is the worry, there is no doubt in my mind he was complicit in the sacking of Mac and at the end of the day he has litterally no brownie points stocked up to back him with, new guy with a reputation for trouble already seems to be causing more, now if this happened later in the season and he has shown us something then it wouldn't be so bad but we are having to back him blind or want him to fail and nobody really wants us to do that just to prove a point.
    As for Mac I don't think anybody thought he was a great GM but certainly not as bad as you and your friends made out and for me that was the case for defending him. I thought he was good at some aspects and certainly not so good at others.
    As for Gase what is he good at? QB coaching and? As far as it stands that seems to be the only positive, Miami were quick to sack him and again it is another huge amount of blind faith to back him as things stand.
    Let us hope it isn't another Jets shit show.
  9. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I won't speak for anyone else, but the thing that I think is overlooked by those who defended Macc, isn't that he was "terrible", it's that he was at best, mediocre. The old saying: "The good is the enemy of the best" fits here. He wasn't the worst GM I've seen, but I firmly believe that he wasn't going to make the Jets into winners. I think I've given my reasons for this belief often enough so I won't rehash them here, but he was "bad" because his record said he was.
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  10. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    But that is only your opinion and of course, right now it became the Johnson's opinion and he was fired.

    As for Mac, we have your pal demanding a 10 win season, so he blatantly thinks Mac has put together a team strong enough to do this, 2 years ago nobody was touting 10 wins, I take the squad didn't just improve itself organically?

    So Mac must have done something right and imo next season was going to be the season we kicked off, two OL including C and a top class CB added and a top class draft prospect WR capable of being called a number 1 and not like we have atm a lot of 2's or 3's and we would have been set to push very hard but again that is my opinion only.

    I am not sure if this sacking will set us back from this timeline, will the next GM come in and tear down some of it or will he come in and do what Mac did in the 10-6 go for now rather than a long term future.

    This is what this franchize needs a long term plan, I don't want us to win one Superbowl and then fade into 50 years of obscurity again, sustainability like those cheating cunts have managed would be very nice thank you very much, probably too much to ask for tbh.
    Ralebird and ColoradoContrails like this.
  11. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Well NYJetsO12 was a Dark Sider for a long time, but he was always rooting for them to win. Like me, he just became frustrated with DECADES of losing. But give him some credit for changing his mind and seeing something to root for. Rather than chastise him for it, he should be commended. Did he get a little too exuberant? IMO, yeah, a little, but so what? I shared his belief that after all this time, Macc needed to produce something meaningful, not just "incremental". If he believed they should win 10, so what? If that's all we had to do, predict how many wins and they'd get them, then I say let's win 16!

    Again, we're all Jets fans and want them to win. Disagreeing how they should do that keeps this board in business!:)
    NCJetsfan and NYJetsO12 like this.
  12. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    The first paragraph is what goes wrong with the internet and how a conversation just dribbles away with misunderstanding.

    I used him and his 10 wins comment as some justification that Mac must have improved the squad in the last two years, that is all, no chastisement in there for anybody to see, the rest of the paragraph purports back to the original argument months back now and isn't relevant to the post I made, he will now come along read your reply and not the original comment in the context it was made and it will be another 28 posts to muddy the waters even more and everybody will have a shitty day, this is how it goes.
    Ralebird likes this.
  13. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I know what you meant, but it seemed there was a bit of a dig in there too. And you brought him up. But that's the nature of the internet forums as you noted. Are you really surprised? You know there's no rule that you have to be a part of the "28 posts", right?
  14. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    But I didn't name him, you did that in your reply.

    The intention was solely for an example of somebody thinking our squad has improved enough to think they are now a 10 win team, two seasons ago nobody that was right in the head thought that.

    So Mac must have improved this team (on paper of course, the 10 wins have not appeared in the win column just yet)
    Ralebird likes this.
  15. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    Not one decision of course but apathy is there big time.
  16. AJT73

    AJT73 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    I'm happy this has it's own thread. Everyone is wondering why the media keeps coming after the Jets etc. Here are the reasons.

    The Johnson brothers. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Woody has no clue what he is doing. He hasn't learned anything from running this team. Christopher seems to know a little more but isn't much better (the only way I can draw a reference is think of it at your own job. Were you good at it initially. Probably no. But after 5 years you were good. You learned and grew into the job. Woody definitely has not. Christopher I think is but still early.

    Examples of their dysfunction that has hurt the fans and caused the media to turn on them.

    1. The Belicheck debacle. Who knows what really happened but I think Belicheck met Woody and was like I need to get out of here. He has no clue.

    2. The Al Groh. Again who knows what happened but he left after a year.

    3. Herm and Bradway. Herm gets traded. Bradway goes back to being scouting director. Just weird situation.

    4. Tannebaum comes in hires Mangini. Looks great. Actually I think the Johnson's did something right and Mangini sank the ship on this one.

    5. Rex comes in. It looked good. Benefitted from Mangini's draft. Same thing looked good for a few years then we know what happened.

    6. Fire Tannebaum. Hire a firm to find his replacement and create an awful dynamic by marrying a gm with a coach. Let alone a gm who has no clue. Just look at the Idzik 12.

    7. Clean house after the debacle of Idzik.

    8. Hire Casserly and Wolf. Marry two guys who don't know each other. Have Macagnan cut the coach by the knees. Not really do his job. Lead a rudderless ship. Then fire the coach and keep the gm. How did you not see that Macagnan was awful at what he did. They should've cleaned house in January. Every fan could've told you both Bowles and Macagnan were not good. Maybe fans were fooled to think Bowles was worse but after hearing the last few days I think it was Mac.

    9. Hire a power hungry type a alpha male who realizes the wishy washy gm is awful and the new guy wins the power struggle.

    10. The Jets look like fools again. Called a circus etc. After awhile you have the say it's the way the orginization is run. Obviously the owners don't know how to lead, read a room and realize who is effective and ineffective. It has lead to them looking like they have no clue and are incompetent.

    Reason number 10 brings on its own criticism. As for why more or less the whole media has turned on the Jets we are not there for the day to day operations. I've heard certain things but not everything. The Johnson's along the way have done something to upset the media and because of that they are sharks and are looking to kill them at every step. They've brought it on themselves. They haven't lead. Sometimes when things go bad you have to take the slings and arrows. I've never seen that.

    a. How is that NYC stadium. Disaster from the beginning. I think that upset many very early on.
    b. Mac didn't speak at Gase's press conference. We know why now but still not a good look.
    c. Fire Mac and have a conference call. Meet wiht the people tell them why.

    I'm no expert nor do I know the true inner workings but many of these issues are the Johnson's. Woody clearly hasn't learned and Christopher isn't good but still is in the learning process. I really wish they'd hire a president like Curtis Martin. I know he hasn't been in a role like that but he's respected around the league would win over fans and media and be a good guy to be the face for them and really help this rudderless ship. At this point I think it's too late to happen. It'd really upset Gase but it might be the only answer to help this franchise.

    It's sad I haven't talked about the business side and PSL's and how awful that is and how they have made going to a game not as enjoyable because it costs too much. Add in the stadium in and of itself. Two NFL teams create a stadium that looks like a big air conditioner that no one wants to go to. I hear people in Atlanta and Dallas will go to the stadium just to see it. How does that happen. It's a joke. I'll save the Xanda rant for another day. Sorry for the long rant.
    IIMeanDeanII likes this.
  17. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    they have been alienating the fan base since they bought the team
    IIMeanDeanII and Acad23 like this.
  18. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    We didn't fire the coach, we fired the GM, and for a GM, there season ends after the draft so now was the perfect time to fire him. Yes, he should have been fired with Bowles, but that's history. The owner was hoping they would work well together but that was not the case and it was to late to do anything because FA and the draft were approaching. So he waited until the GM's 2019 off season was basically over and made the move. I don't know any Jet fan that thought Mac did a good job in the draft or free agency so bottom line is we got rid of our crappy GM just in time for the new guy, along with Gase to get ready for the 2019 college scouting and FA for 2020. The media has never liked the Gase hiring so its open season on him but really the owner had to choose between the GM and coach and picked the coach. Let them find a GM who is aligned with Gase and get this ship moving. Who cares who has the power, who cares what the rumors are about Bell and Mosely. Gase can just deny, there's no tape. And in the end, the players dont' care because they got paid and Gase and Williams will make those 2 the focal point of there respective units. Do you think the players give a shit about who's the GM? The media hates Gase and loves to mock the Owner. To me, it took balls to make this move knowing it would be mocked but I like that the owner did what he thought was right instead of worrying what would be said. Now we just got to get the right GM and its all good.
  19. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    I fail to see how they are alienating the fanbase with that move and it's timing. Should it have been done earlier? Yes, but thats in the past. Other teams do this, not just the Jets. Time to move on. Get a real GM in here and get back to work.
  20. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    The oddly ironic thing is that Chris Johnson said he fired Mac for being slow to make decisions...

    ...which is exactly what Chris Johnson did.
    K'OB, NYJetsO12 and NCJetsfan like this.

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