Beat Asylum a few days ago and thought it was great. Started City recently, probably less than 10% in but enjoying it as well. Took me a bit longer to get into than Asylum but now I really like it. Might pick up Origins when I'm done if I can get it cheap.
I know this is an old file, just wanted to note that I played through both City and Origins. I don't know why there was so much hate on Origins, I actually really liked it. It's a bit repetitive and very similar to City but other than that I thought the story was cool, the cinematic sequences were amazing and a good variety of enemies that get kind of staggered throughout the game. That being said I did nothing as far as multiplayer is concerned so maybe that sucked, I have no idea.
City is a great game but too short. I'm playing it again now as well as finishing the first playthrough of the DLC.
Good game only complaint was the fact that is was so freaking repetitive at least the story was interesting